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Everything posted by Flake

  1. Thats works, thanks. Problem Solved.
  2. Hi everyone, I need help with a VIP script: I'mm using the emulator's VIP system as my "Premium VIP", and I'd like to make a secondary "Basic VIP" obtainable through vote points. The way I did it is by using an item to change the player's group_id and the duration on the login table in the database. My big issue here is to decrease the duration even while the player is offline. I wrote my script based on some other VIP scripts I found and I'm not sure I'm on the right path. Here's the item and script: item_db.txt: 7711,Update_Ticket,Event Ticket,0,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ query_sql "UPDATE login SET group_id = 6,days = 1 WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+""; },{},{} // TICKET 1 DAY VIP vipclock.txt: - script VipClock -1,{ OnClock0000: query_sql "UPDATE login SET days = days - '1'"; end; } - script OnPCLoginEvent -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: query_sql "SELECT days FROM login WHERE account_id = '"+ getcharid(3) +"'", @Dias; if (@Dias <= 0){ query_sql "UPDATE login SET group_id = '0' WHERE account_id = '"+ getcharid(3) +"'"; atcommand "@reloadpcdb"; dispbottom "[AxonRO Control]"; dispbottom "Sorry, your VIP days are over, thank you for being a vip AxonRO player."; }else{ dispbottom "[AxonRO VIP Basic]"; dispbottom "You have "+@Dias+" days of VIP left"; } }
  3. Sorry, I didn't know about the existence and function of MapCache, this solved my problem.
  4. Hi, I downloaded "Artz Green Prontera" and even though i added it to my GRF, the server still reads the original Prontera pathing and leaves me unable to move over cells that originally have buildings (i.e.: the gazebo in the middle of Prontera is blocked because the server still treats it as if it were the fountain). How can I force the server to use the custom pathing instead of the original?
  5. Thanks guys, but i cant change my profile picture yet, and i have verified my account. (i know thats not the topic for it, sry)
  6. I'm Brazilian, my english is not very good, however I'm here to try to begin to develop an idea that got her a long time, however now got a time at university and I'll start developing my server. Nice to meet you guys! (I can not change my profile photo, someone knows how to solve? Hehe)
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