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Everything posted by keithit110

  1. I have a lookup table in mysql where it has an ID and script column. On the script column it contains text data like on the code block below. The intent of the table is that if they reach a certain level that is equal or greater than the ID column, the script column for that ID will be called. My question is, how do you call the script column in your NPC script? Wondering if this is possible, since i have a few events that will benefit this one lookup table, instead of writing each one of the rewards. getitem 13534; getitem 14533;
  2. HI! Before anything else, I am not taking credit to this script. I did not make this. Thus, script credits are not changed. Original script was every 1 minute, it summons the given amount of fabre,pupa, and poporing. The thing with this script is that, when there are only few people joining the event, the map gets too crowded with the mobs since theres not a lot of ppl partaking the event. What i wanted to happen is that if initially there are 15 fabres summoned, and 10 of them got killed over the course of the event, it will just summon back those 10fabres to make it 15 again, regardless of the minute. And same goes with the pupa and poporing. What i did is that i used OnWave: and mobCount. But apparently it didntt work. Can you help me provide more info on where i went wrong? Help would be very much appreciated. Thanks // --- ARTHistic's Property --- // --- Please visit http://thdesigns.co.nr --- // --- Scripted By: ARTHistic --- // --- Do Not Revomed the Credits --- - script PPE_inital -1,{ OnInit: set $@PoringEventChecker, 0; set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 0; set $PPEDefendingChampion$,"secret"; end; } prontera,130,205,5 script Poring Punch Event 952,{ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Hello, I'm the Fabre Punch Event Manager. My record says that the defending champion on this event was "+$PPEDefendingChampion$+". Anyways, what do you want to do?"; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; next; menu "How does this work?",PPE_HowTo,"Host this Event",PPE_Host,"Join Event Now",PPE_Join,"Claim my reward",PPE_claim,"Nevermind",PPE_nvm; PPE_HowTo: mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "This is an event where everyone can join in. All you have to do is to punch the right monsters and to avoid the wrong ones. Each kind of monster has its corresponsing points. You only have 5 minutes to earn points as much as you can. The Highest Scorer at the end of this event shall win Poring Coins"; mes "Reminder: No weapons, cart, and pets is allowed in this event."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; close; PPE_Host: if ( $@PoringEventChecker != 0 ){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "There is Fabre Punch Event on-going. You can host this event if it is still on-going."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; close; }else{ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "You need to pay 200,000,000 z to host this event. Would you like to pay to host this event?"; next; menu "Yes",PPE_HostYes,"No",-; mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Okay. Maybe next time."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; close; PPE_HostYes: if ( Zeny >= 200000000 ){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Thanks "+strcharinfo(0)+", for hosting this event. It will start shortly."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; set Zeny, Zeny-200000000; close2; set $@PoringEventChecker, 1; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" paid to host Fabre Punch Event!", bc_all; killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-2"; sleep2 15000; initnpctimer; end; }else{ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+", you dont have enough zenies to host this event."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; close; }end; }end; PPE_Join: if ( $@PoringEventChecker != 0 ){ if (gethominfo(2) != "null"){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No homunculus is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (getpetinfo(2) != "null"){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No pet is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkcart()){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No cart is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkfalcon()){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No falcon is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkriding()){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No riding is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Good luck "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; close2; set @PoringPoints, 0; warp "pvp_n_1-2.gat",0,0; end; }else{ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Sorry. No Fabre Punch Event is held at the moment."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; close; }end; PPE_claim: if ($HighestPoringPointsName$ == strcharinfo(0) && $@PoringEventPrizeChecker == 1) { mes "[Fabre Punch Event]"; mes "Congragulations "+strcharinfo(0)+". Here is your reward."; getitem 709,1; set $HighestPoringPointsName$,""; set $HighestPoringPoints,0; set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 0; close; } else { mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+". You're not the winner so you can't claim anything"; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; close; }end; PPE_nvm: mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Okay. Maybe next time."; mes " "; mes "Scripted by: ^777777ARTHistic^000000"; close; OnPoringKill: if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){ set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+1; if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) { set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0); set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0); set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints; } dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)"; end; }else { dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon."; warp "prontera",130,200; end; } OnPoringKill2: if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){ set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+2; if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) { set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0); set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0); set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints; } dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)"; end; }else { dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon."; warp "prontera",130,200; end; } OnDropsKill: if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){ set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+5; if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) { set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0); set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0); set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints; } dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)"; end; }else { dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon."; warp "prontera",130,200; end; } OnDropsKill2: if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){ set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+10; if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) { set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0); set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0); set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints; } dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)"; end; }else { dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon."; warp "prontera",130,200; end; } OnPoporingKill: if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){ if (@PoringPoints < 10) { set @PoringPoints, 0; dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)"; end; }else { set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints-10; dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)"; end; }end; }else { dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon."; warp "prontera",130,200; end; } OnHour10: if ( $@PoringEventChecker == 0 ) { set $@PoringEventChecker, 1; initnpctimer; end; } OnTimer10000: announce "Fabre punch event will start in 1 minute",0; end; OnTimer55000: announce "Fabre Punch starts in 5",0; end; OnTimer56000: announce "Fabre punch starts in 4",0; end; Ontimer57000: announce "Fabre punch starts in 3",0; end; OnTimer58000: announce "Fabre punch starts in 2",0; end; OnTimer59000: announce "Fabre punch starts in 1",0; end; OnTimer60000: announce "Fabre Punch Event has started.",0; set .mobCount,0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"1 Point",1007,20,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"5 Points",1008,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"-10 Ponts",1031,20,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill"; end; OnWave: set .mobCount, .mobCount + 1; if(.mobCount == 10){ set .mobCount,0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"1 Point",1007,20,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"5 Points",1008,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"-10 Ponts",1031,20,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill"; end; } OnTimer310000: stopnpctimer; announce "Fabre Punch Event has ended and the event Winner is "+$HighestPoringPointsName$+".",0; killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-2"; set $@PoringEventChecker, 0; set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 1; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-2.gat","You'll be warp at prontera in a short while.",16; sleep2 10000; mapwarp "pvp_n_1-2","prontera",155,166; end; } // MAPFLAGS pvp_n_1-2 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_1-2 mapflag noexp pvp_n_1-2 mapflag noskill pvp_n_1-2 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_1-2 mapflag nopenalty pvp_n_1-2 mapflag pvp off pvp_n_1-2 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_1-2 mapflag noskill pvp_n_1-2 mapflag noteleport pvp_n_1-2 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_1-2 mapflag nowarpto
  3. Hi, I have defined at my item_delay.txt for Ygg berry to have a 5sec delay before you can use it again. It was working at first, but for some reason i dont know what changed, that the delay was gone. It is still defined in item_delay.txt that YGG berry has a cooldown of 5secs. Can anyone provide as to what is the problem why the cooldown is not working? 14538,300000 //Glass_Of_Illusion 607,5000 //Yggdrasil_Berry 608,3000 //Yggdrasil_Seed root/trunk/db/re/item_delay.txt
  4. INT used to affect casting time in my server, all of a sudden it doesnt work anymore, can anyone provide me what i did wrong? max stats in the server is 99 castrate_dex_scale: 150 vcast_stat_scale: 275 //#define RENEWAL_CAST on renewal.h
  5. I've tried to look for a post similar to this topic, but couldnt find one so here goes. I used @item to get Crown of Deceit, It was completely working fine, all of a sudden when i noticed that the item is not in the equipment section, instead together with the consumable section of alt+E. I tried to click the head gear, but it got consumed instead, and never came back even if i re logged in. I tried to restart the server, but same thing happens. I looked at the scripting of the item and it looks fine to me. type is 4, and equip_locations is 768. I really dont know where else to check or what to do. Can anybody enlighten me as to solving the issue? Thanks. screen shots provided
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