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Everything posted by Sook103

  1. Sook103


    Thank you will try ! Hey is there a way i can make a refiner just for custom items?
  2. Sook103


    Hey i would like to Request a refiner that doesn't break gear but instead de-refine lowering the % if possible for the next refine. Enriched Elunium & Enriched Oridecon Increase the success chance by higher amount . also if possible i would an option for automatic +7-10 if have the required item.
  3. Sook103


    Okay will check !
  4. Sook103


    Hey Elsa Mist i also have problems with some quest npc its not clickable
  5. Sook103


    I would like to request an Quest npc that broadcast when you completed a quest. but also has the menu with seprate things such Azur > Azur items Silent>Silent items Demonic>Demonic items while also letting you view the item and its effect also showing the requirements and where stand at completing it
  6. Sook103


    Hey i would like to request an easy refiner but you can also refine with safe if you have the required item such as enchanted elu so your item doesn't break or get destroyed. But when refining normal you use elu enchanted refine just makes sure it doesn't break or get destroyed.
  7. I would like to request an 2 item effects okay the first one i have is 2 set item combo i want bonus the effect to apply after you + both gears to 6 for example { after you refined both gear +6 the item will give bonus below but i want to be able to pick the skills so leaveing with an example_skill for where to put it would be nice ! cast by chance= what skill casted by chance i pick but 1-5% will be the chance it happens All stats + 2 when you EQ both without refined this is just effect of EQ both.
  8. done yet? im dying to see it XD
  9. about 6 orbs would be fine but when a player is in action maybe they bounce or change shape just like in show maybe red color? to me as long as its on the back and looks awesome ill love it XD
  10. Yes do what ever you want make it awsome And just like the show only on the back i guess animated when in action.
  11. Did anyone create the Naruto sage orbs(Truth-Seeking Ball) that float around your back if it isn't animated i will still take it but if it thats a plus XD it looks like this
  12. Sook103


    I would like to Request a random Mvp spawner. spawns random mvp in main town with 0,0 cords
  13. Hello i would to request a MVP ladder that broadcast when a player kills an mvp. I would also like to request an PVP ladder with ranks Bronze, silver and Gold Bronze would be 1-100 kills Silver 250-500 kils Gold 1000+ Hope it is possible
  14. Thx i will try it out
  15. Hey i would to request an one click healer that has agi and blessing + repair all if any broken Eq
  16. No i have a mid rate/ high rate server but i would like to have the safe ticket as a donation. The job ticket would be for donation also for players who don't feel like living.
  17. hey i would like to request an effect that + a specific gear like +7 wepon ticket clicks and choose the wep you want or automatic plus the one you have on. Another script i would like to request is job change ticket also allowing to change job and leveling your base level and job level.
  18. Okay for my items i want Top Headgears to do all stats 3 and reduce damage from demi humans by each refine. Example { bonus bAllStats,3; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,1;,(getrefine()*10)); },{},{} It still doesn't work any idea? Got it working never mind !!
  19. Hey Deviling he hasn't got back to me yet i don't think he's going to get on anytime soon
  20. Aww ill send him a message about them and see if he is willing to give them out
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