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Everything posted by senatin

  1. Group_ID can be found in your sql database. If im not mistaken it's under ragnarok/login then change to 99
  2. Same to me I'd followed that video! I fixed that by editing the item_db by Replacing #REPLACE to REPLACE I think you can ignore it but, im not sure. all in all mine is working.
  3. yes I added in status.h and mob.c and recompile the map server via visual c++! yes It worked! I tried converting hexadecimal to binary and compared poring, isis, familiar and zombie. And i figured out why they all acted weird. i made my binary and converted it to hexadecimal and everything worked as I wanted it! thank you so much Capuche for everything.
  4. to apply the MD_TARGETSTRONG into a monster, I should edit mob_db.txt Mode right? the thing I dont know is, what should i change it for. As I look around I end up with Skotlex's hexing. I edited one of the monster mode in mob_db.txt and nothing change in game, I even tried to copy the mode of poring which is 0x83 still the behavior of monster doesnt change. but other options works. I also tried editing in my sql database the mode of a monster but with no result. Am I missing something?
  5. Thank you so much Capuche for the help!!! I tried to apply the if statement and MD_TARGETSTRONG to its location, and I'm still figuring out how Skotlex work. Skotlex is the one to be inserted in the mode at mob_db.txt isn't that right?
  6. Help! I want to edit the behavior of monster. I want the monster to attack base on target level. the monster will only attack player above lvl 49.
  7. Pa help po ako pano ma edit yung behavior ng monster. Gsto ko sana ung monster eh aatake base sa level ng target. aatakihin lang nya ang above lvl 50 na players!
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