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Everything posted by Atheia

  1. Here my script prontera,157,196,4 script GM Online Lists 811,{ mes "Staffs Online Lists : ^FF0000"+getarraysize( .GM_Name$ )+"^000000 Staffs"; mes "^0000FF_____________________________^000000"; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .GM_Name$ ) ; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getmapxy( .Map$,.x,.y,0,.GM_Name$[.@i] ); mes "[ Lv ^63D1F4"+.GM_Level[.@i]+"^000000 ] ^FF0000@ ^0000FF"+.GM_Name$[.@i]+"^000000"; mes "Location : ^0000FF"+.Map$+"^000000"; mes "^0000FF_____________________________^000000"; } close; OnInit: set .MinGMLevel,20; // Min. GM Level to Show in Online Lists end; OnPCLoginEvent: if( getgmlevel() < .MinGMLevel ) end; set .GM_Name$[ getarraysize( .GM_Name$ ) ],strcharinfo(0); set .GM_Level[ getarraysize( .GM_Level ) ],getgmlevel(); end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if( getgmlevel() < .MinGMLevel ) end; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .GM_Name$ ) ; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( strcharinfo(0) != .GM_Name$[.@i] ) continue; deletearray .GM_Name$[.@i],1; deletearray .GM_Level[.@i],1; end; } end; }
  2. //by skorm Ver1.1 - script GMPROTECT -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: setarray $@Password$[1], "Level10+password", "Level20+password", "Level30+password", "Level40+password", "Level50+password", "Level60+password", "Level70+password", "Level80+password", "Level90+password"; for( set .@a,10; .@a < (getarraysize($@Password$)*10); set .@a,.@a + 10){ if(getgmlevel()>=.@a){ set .@p,(.@a / 10);} } if(getgmlevel() >= 10 && getgmlevel() <= 90) { initnpctimer; if($player$[0]!=""){ for(set .@a,0; .@a < getarraysize($player$); set .@a,.@a + 1) { set .@b,.@a + 1; setarray $player$[.@a],$player$[.@b]; setarray $playerinfo$[.@a],$playerinfo$[.@b]; } } setarray $player$[0],strcharinfo(0); setarray $playerinfo$[0],getcharid(3); atcommand "@hide"; atcommand "@mute 100 "+strcharinfo(0); mes "Please input your password, before 60 seconds are up."; input(@input$); if(@input$ == $@Password$[.@p]) { mes "Welcome to our Server."; close2; stopnpctimer; for( set .@a,0; .@a < getarraysize($player$); set .@a,.@a + 1){ attachrid($playerinfo$[.@a]); if(playerattached()){ if($player$[.@a]==strcharinfo(0)) { set .@g,1; callfunc "unlocker",$player$[.@a],$playerinfo$[.@a],.@g; } } } } else { mes "Incorrect!"; close2; for( set .@a,0; .@a < getarraysize($player$); set .@a,.@a + 1){ attachrid($playerinfo$[.@a]); if(playerattached()){ if($player$[.@a]==strcharinfo(0)) { callfunc "unlocker",$player$[.@a],$playerinfo$[.@a],.@g; } } } } } end; OnTimer60000: for( set $a,0; $a < getarraysize($player$); set $a,$a + 1){ attachrid($playerinfo$[$a]); if(playerattached()){ if($player$[$a]==strcharinfo(0)) { callfunc "unlocker",$player$[$a],$playerinfo$[$a],.@g; } } } end; OnInterIfInit: setarray $player$[0],"","","","","",""; setarray $playerinfo$[0],"","","","","",""; end; } function script unlocker { detachrid; if(getarg(2)){ atcommand "@unmute "+getarg(0); attachrid(getarg(1)); atcommand "@hide"; close; } else atcommand "@unmute "+getarg(0); attachrid(getarg(1)); atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } HOW TO CHANGE PASSWORD? or WHAT IS THE PASSWORD?
  3. Can someone help me script or adding commands like @helper "Message" for gm lvl 10. it show like this: [Helper] Name: Tesssssssssssst
  4. Atheia

    GM commads

    How to remove deal on gms lvl 5 - 90 and removing #commands
  5. Can someone help me about the script bypassing single strip, i want soul link + gcoat will work on single strip and fcp skill counter for single strip. Thank you in advance
  6. I know what i mean how to change to LHZ 1% GTB/Thanatos/FBHC/GLOOM 5%
  7. Can i ask how to change droprate like GTB 50% change to 10% and LHZ droprate is 10% chage to 1% my emulator is 3ceam.
  8. open your /doc/atcommands.txt @alootid <+/- item name/ID> @alootid reset Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list. By default, 10 items can be autolooted at one time. the emulator already supports that in the latest rev/git Here's mine @Stolao Here's mine /*========================================== * @alootid *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD_FUNC(autolootitem) { struct item_data *item_data = NULL; if (!message || !*message) { if (sd->state.autolootid) { sd->state.autolootid = 0; clif_displaymessage(fd, "Autolootitem has been turned OFF."); } else clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter item name or it's ID (usage: @alootid <item_name_or_ID>)."); return -1; } if ((item_data = itemdb_exists(atoi(message))) == NULL) item_data = itemdb_searchname(message); if (!item_data) { // No items founds in the DB with Id or Name clif_displaymessage(fd, "Item not found."); return -1; } sd->state.autolootid = item_data->nameid; // Autoloot Activated sprintf(atcmd_output, "Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' (%d)", item_data->name, item_data->jname, item_data->nameid); clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); return 0; }
  9. @Stolao Here's mine /*========================================== * @alootid *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD_FUNC(autolootitem) { struct item_data *item_data = NULL; if (!message || !*message) { if (sd->state.autolootid) { sd->state.autolootid = 0; clif_displaymessage(fd, "Autolootitem has been turned OFF."); } else clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter item name or it's ID (usage: @alootid <item_name_or_ID>)."); return -1; } if ((item_data = itemdb_exists(atoi(message))) == NULL) item_data = itemdb_searchname(message); if (!item_data) { // No items founds in the DB with Id or Name clif_displaymessage(fd, "Item not found."); return -1; } sd->state.autolootid = item_data->nameid; // Autoloot Activated sprintf(atcmd_output, "Autolooting item: '%s'/'%s' (%d)", item_data->name, item_data->jname, item_data->nameid); clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); return 0; }
  10. Can someone help me regarding @alootid? I want a @alootid command that autoloots multiple items Example @alootid 607 608 609 ( 3 Specific Autoloots ) emulator 3ceam.
  11. Atheia

    About skills

    How to add delay on skills. like i want 2sec delay on single strip or flying kick? anyone can help me?! Thank you in advance
  12. Sorry newbie like this https://rathena.org/board/topic/100148-dummy-punching-bag/?hl=%2Bpunching+%2Bbagbut its not work.
  13. Can you help me for punching bag scrip. Thanks in advance! can you help me for punching bag script.
  14. its working now! Thank you
  15. How to disable deal/trade for GM lvl 20-80?
  16. How to fix @speed command if i use @speed 0 or use box of thunder still slow walk can you help me!
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