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Files posted by sader1992

  1. Free

    who4 command script for gepard

    this only for GePard
    this command allow you to see how many players per PC connected to the server
    something like this

    if someone have for example 2 account opened
    the first named name1 and 2nd name2
    it will show 
    (the unique id from gepard) + name1
    name2 wont be shown in the list
    and the number of players found is the number of the unique ids that connected to the server
    so maybe @who3 have 9999 players and @who4 have 10 players mean there is 10 PCs connected to the server no more



  2. Free

    sader's Vote Manager (support Gepard or IP)

    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= saders Vote Manager //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= //==== GEPARD OR IP (NOT BOTH!) [SEE THE LINES UNDER THE NPC NAME TO ENABLE ONE AND DISABLE ANOTHER!] //==== vote npc , you can add up to 5 options for each vote and you can add multiple votes //==== test it before using it so you know how it work //==== if you use 'false' as an option the option would be empty so you can use less than 5 options //==== [email protected] //============================================================ //==== I DON'T SUPPORT FREE SCRIPTS ON MY PM , IF YOU HAVE QUESTION YOU CAN POST AT THE TOPIC IN RATHENA! //============================================================  



  3. Free

    F_Randomizer randomize and split array into arrays

    this function can be used to randomize and split thr first array passed in to it to the other arrays
    Warning! the main array size must be divided by the count of the other arrays
    for example , you have .@main size 4, you should not send 3 arrays cuz 4/3 = 1 and 1 left , it will fail!
    the example npc from the photo is included in the file
    also here it is
    - script Randomizer_test -1,{ OnInit: debugmes "================================================"; setarray .@main,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12; for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@main);.@i++){ debugmes "" + .@main[.@i]; } debugmes "================================================"; debugmes "Split and randomize the elements of .@main into .@a .@b .@c .@d .@e .@f .@g arrays"; debugmes "================================================"; F_Randomizer(.@main,.@a,.@b,.@c,.@e,.@f,.@g); for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@a);.@i++){ debugmes ".@a " + .@a[.@i]; } for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@b);.@i++){ debugmes ".@b " + .@b[.@i]; } for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@c);.@i++){ debugmes ".@c " + .@c[.@i]; } for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@e);.@i++){ debugmes ".@e " + .@e[.@i]; } for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@f);.@i++){ debugmes ".@f " + .@f[.@i]; } for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@g);.@i++){ debugmes ".@g " + .@g[.@i]; } debugmes "=================================================================================="; end; }  
    the best place to put the function in is at the end of rathena/npc/other/Global_Functions.txt file



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