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Posts posted by Elliott

  1. Hello.

    I haven't seen a tutorial to adding custom robes to one's client, and Google turned up naught, so I did a bit of studying and documented it myself.

    It's rather crude (and a few months outdated), but I hope it helps: click


    Please make sure you follow the steps carefully.

    It can be rather tricky. I screwed up a few times myself.

    • MVP 1
  2. New mobs all look kind of terrible. Fenrir is good. Also, I'm sorry, but anyone with long purple hair is just Gakupo in my mind. in this case, Gakuko.

    Edit: Holy hell. That is some skin-tight shit that Loki is wearing.

  3. I haven't used this script yet (I was reinventing the wheel when I realized that you had already made a better one than what I was working on), but looking at the script, I suggest: What about filtering the quests in the menu based upon level? And you can set what kind of ranges there would be, like 1-10, 10-19 blah blah blah.

  4. You could duplicate the code of @changelook and make it into a script command.

    I do not condone the use of atcommands in scripts though, so I strongly don't recommend using simply @changelook on its own. Using atcommands in scripts = very bad.

    Edit: Also, there is a command that is similar, setlook, but it persists through maps and re-logs unlike @changelook (actually, setlook lasts until the player switches equipment over the set position) so... I suggest either using Z3R0's hassle-less method or changing the src =P

  5. All right, thanks - It must just be party quest kill counts that has a range. I'll look into that later.

    Well, I guess at some point the party turned Each Take so I switched it to even share, and I still wasn't getting exp O_o ... had to relog to have it work.

  6. Needs a sweet header image imo.


    Anyway, like someone else said, it makes me so happy to come back to athena and see that once again it's back and rolling. I've left for about a year and came back to see rAthena take the lead. I'm also very, very happy that FINALLY we have the devs that we need and I am so glad to see people who have known what they were doing for ages actually, finally become devs - Malufett, Rytech, Epoque, Masao to name a few.


    Edit: Also I'm sad that ai4rei won't switch to here; he'd turn over in his grave before dropping eA. :)

    • Upvote 2
  7. uhm, are they located in global_reg_value? i think i will just fail to find them and make a script for this, but i will it try some things now.

    Yes. You could use the OnHour trigger but you can't reference any player. You'd have to make iterations starting from the first accountID (the last column in global_reg_value) and either use the DELETE or SET commands in an sql query (depending on what your definition of 'reset' is).

    Note that no On[whatever] scripts actually have to be attached to a RID to execute themselves unless they do RID specific things.

  8. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=2362

    File Name: Shadow Chaser FIX!

    File Submitter: Elliott

    File Submitted: 26 Apr 2012

    File Category: Job Sprites

    hi! I made this edit a long time ago for the RUNE 3rd class enhancement project way back when, but since it's down now... well here it is! enjoy!


    -Fixed awkward head bobbing on idle attack stance.

    -Made the standing sprite reflect rogue's.

    -Sitting sprite was changed to stalker's.

    Click here to download this file

    • Upvote 1
  9. Whatever happened to quest kill updates? Back when I used 2010-06-22a, it would display this message from the msgstringtable.txt whenever a monster for a quest was killed:

    [%s] The Quest [%s] Shimashita monsters. (%d/%d)#

    Now it displays nothing. Is it part of my client's issue (2011-07-26a)? Don't know.

  10. File Name: No-Drop +7 or higher items

    File Submitter: Elliott

    File Submitted: 28 Apr 2012

    File Category: Source Modifications

    A small request I responded to from the eAthena forums ages ago, it's very simple and even though the last time it was tested was on eAthena r14410, there shouldn't be any problems.

    I used msg slot "520" but again this can be changed, as well as the refine rate of dropping too. Someone with no src knowledge can easily configure it. Enjoy.

    Click here to download this file

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