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  1. EvilDesign's post in Online Players and Peak was marked as the answer   
    At first you need a php file something like: status.php
    <?php include("secure/config.php"); $Status = ServerStatus(); /* * HTML Content (Edit what you wont) */ // Start HTML ?> <table border="0"> <tr> <td><?php echo $Str_Loginsrv; ?></td> <td><?php echo $Status[0]; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo $Str_Charsrv; ?></td> <td><?php echo $Status[1]; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo $Str_Mapsrv; ?></td> <td><?php echo $Status[2]; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo $Str_onlinepl; ?></td> <td><?php echo PlayerCount(); ?></td> </tr> </table> <?php // End HTML /* * Functions (Script by EaScriptable.de.vu) * Non Licensed (do what you want) */ /* * Server Status (Return Array of Login,Char,Map State) */ function ServerStatus() { Global $Srv_Host, $Srv_Login, $Srv_Char, $Srv_Map, $Str_Online, $Str_Offline; // Disable Error Reporting (for this function) error_reporting(0); $Status = array(); $LoginServer = fsockopen($Srv_Host, $Srv_Login, $errno, $errstr, 1); $CharServer = fsockopen($Srv_Host, $Srv_Char, $errno, $errstr, 1); $MapServer = fsockopen($Srv_Host, $Srv_Map, $errno, $errstr, 1); if(!$LoginServer){ $Status[0]= $Str_Offline; } else { $Status[0] = $Str_Online; }; if(!$CharServer){ $Status[1] = $Str_Offline; } else { $Status[1] = $Str_Online; }; if(!$MapServer){ $Status[2] = $Str_Offline; } else { $Status[2] = $Str_Online; }; return $Status; } /* * Online Player count (Return Array of Player Count as integer) */ function PlayerCount() { Global $Srv_Host, $Srv_Username,$Srv_Password,$Srv_Database; $Connection = mysql_connect($Srv_Host, $Srv_Username, $Srv_Password) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($Srv_Database, $Connection); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM `char` WHERE online = '1'"; $cresult = mysql_query($query, $Connection); mysql_close($Connection); $resarray = mysql_fetch_array($cresult); $playeronline = $resarray["total"]; return $playeronline; } ?> after you made this you must made a file like config.php wich should be located at a different location like in this example the folder secure/config.php
    in this file you setup the connection to your server and db.
    <?php /* * Configurations file (rAthena Status) * Writen by Lawliet (EaScriptable.de.vu) * Non Licensed (do what you want) * */ $Srv_Host = ""; // Login, Char, Map Server Port $Srv_Login = 6900; $Srv_Char = 6121; $Srv_Map = 5121; // Database Settings $Srv_Database = "Ragnarok"; $Srv_Username = "Username"; $Srv_Password = "Password"; // Status Text $Str_Loginsrv = "Login Server:"; $Str_Charsrv = "Char Server:"; $Str_Mapsrv = "Map Server:"; $Str_onlinepl = "Player Online:"; $Str_Online = '<font color="green">Online</font>'; // (Online) + COLOR $Str_Offline = '<font color="red">Offline</font>'; // (Offline) + COLOR ?>  
    After that the only thing you need to to is to implement the php files into your html / bootstrap site and design (css) on the right location you want to display the script.
    Credits for the script goes to Lawliet
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