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  1. Got the same problem with Mailbox. Can not send a mail (Write) or change the tab.
  2. - script customcommands -1,{ OnInit: sleep 10; //@adm bindatcmd("adm","ADM::OnADM"); } - script ADM -1,{ end; OnADM: switch(select("Daily:Monthly")){ case 1: close2; donpcevent "timer#global1::OnBug00"; end; case 2: close2; donpcevent "timer#global1::OnBug01"; end; } close; } - script timer#global1 -1,{ OnBug00: OnClock0001: query_sql "UPDATE `XXXaccount` SET `vip` = `vip` - 1 WHERE `vip` > '0'"; end; }
  3. When i try to compile my server using VB 2014, it shows: "3>e:\reathena\emulador\src\mal\clif.c(993): warning C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'uint16', possible loss of data" and "3>e:\reathena\emulador\src\mal\clif.c(1190): warning C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'uint16', possible loss of data" What can be this error and it's consequence? Thanks!
  4. Hello guys! I was testing my scripts and when the script goes on with "donpcevent", it freezes my client (character can not move anymore) and all commands that i try to use after that, he just "speak" it (without a @command functions) and it shows up a baloon where my character is (like the NPC baloon to initiate a talk). Also, i put a "debugmes" in the npc destination of "donpcevent", but the server does not shows it up (so, i think the script is bugging when using "donpcevent"). Does anyone has a solution for this? Thanks!
  5. I've got the same problem with "2013-08-07 Cash Shop Error". Does anyone have a solution? -- Edit -- I've found a solution: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/717/files
  6. I want to put multi_level_up active, but with a range limitation. Example: Multi level up active with 10 levels limitation - a player won't level up more than 10 levels when he kills a monster. Is that possible? Thanks!
  7. Hello guys! My zeny information is missing in the client, so i can't check how much zeny i have. I downloaded rAthena by git clone process in 16/01/2016, using client version 2013-08-07aRagexe, and using clientinfo version 45. How can i resolve that issue?
  8. Thanks Emistry! Issue 1 was solved, but issue 2 not. I've already used (https://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items) to develop my custom items. All images from the Headgear are showing up, except for the Equipped image (it becames invisible). -------- EDITED Also, i've made a test: Tryed to change Googles (ID 2224) Equipped View to my custom item (changed in SQL the view ID to my custom - 31700; changed iteminfo.lua "identifiedResourceName" to my custom item name in sprite folder; changed accessoryid.lua " ACCESSORY_GOGGLES" to my custom view ID - 31700; and changed my accname.lua "ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_GOGGLES" to my custom item name in sprite folder). It still shows up the Googles View ID. Only changed the drop, collection and inventory view. Maybe it's an error reading my /data/luafiles514 folder. Anyone can help me with a solution? -------- EDITED 2 Solved. Just need to change .lua to .lub
  9. Hello guys, i got a problem with my client: 1) When i open the item tab, it becames strangely. 2) Also, my custom equipments doesn't shows up on client (the equipped image is invisible). I downloaded rAthena by git clone process in 16/01/2016, using client version 2013-08-07aRagexe, and using clientinfo version 45. Can anyone plz help me with this?
  10. So, what version can i use?
  11. I've got the same problem. My rathena flux is updated like yours "gmprestige". Now, the money goes to my Paypal account and the paypal transaction shows up in CP. But the player stills not receiving credits. Example: Transaction ID 1GH32667P2774503U Account XXX Credits Earned 0 Amount 10.00 BRL Settle Amount 8.76 BRL Payment Date 2015-01-18 02:04:35 Date Processed 2015-01-18 02:04:37 Status Completed Item Name Donation Credits: 5 CREDIT(s) First Name XXXX Address XXXX Last Name XXXX
  12. Hello, i've my map server is crashing randomly. So, i've tryed to use your commands, but when i put " gdb map-server map-server_sql.core " it shows this in server: GNU gdb (GDB) 7.4.1-debian Copyright © 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". For bug reporting instructions, please see: <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>... Reading symbols from /root/Rathena/map-server...(no debugging symbols found)...done. /root/Rathena/map-server_sql.core: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado. (gdb) ^CQuit (gdb) bt full No stack. (gdb)
  13. I've installed FluxCP and it worked, but i got 2 issues: 1) When i put to reinstall, it does error, cause Table cp_ipbanlog already exists. For this, i just changed "cp_ipbanlog.20120816150540" in data/schemas/logindb to "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cp_ipbanlog` (" and it goes ok now. 2) When i add a new page, it doesn't shows in left menu. I've added in application.php file too, but doesn't shows Menu correctly. application.php: 'MenuItems' => array( 'MainMenuLabel' => array( 'HomeLabel' => array('module' => 'main'), //'Forums' => array('exturl' => 'http://www.fluxro.com/community'), // External forum link //'Forums' => array('module' => 'forums'), // Built-in forum link 'NewsLabel' => array('module' => 'news'), // Sample items for pages function. 'DownloadsLabel' => array('module' => 'pages','action'=>'content&path=downloads'), 'GuideLabel' => array('module' => 'pages','action'=>'content&path=guide'), <-------- //'RulesLabel' => array('module' => 'pages','action'=>'content&path=rules'), // End sample items for pages function. //'ContactUsLabel' => array('module' => 'contactform'), ),
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