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Dade last won the day on May 26 2020

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  1. As far as I know, you also have to declare what specific event you're calling from the "called npc", because you can't just execute an NPC like that, you could break some functions going on. I'd suggest that if you want to make a callnpc, you really specify which one, or which ones, and where exactly do you want to call them. You should probably elaborate more on your request.
  2. Maybe there's a way to emulate the 'Left-Click' on mouse via server-side, so that way i can just put, if you press the skill it will automatically emulate as well the 'Left-Click'.. hmm..
  3. If i understood well, you could... if(pc_get_group_level(sd) == 1)
  4. Hello, as the title says, I'm looking for some help in making a skill cast on the cursor's position, for example, demonstration (Bomb) of the alchemist, cast it where the cursor is, without having to also use 'left click' to cast it. Something like SmartCast from league of legends. Do I know this is possible in RO? Yes I know it's possible. There's a way to be walking without having to left click, like you can just hold and it will just walk in the current cursor's position. Thanks, some help would be appreciated. Note: If this was already made, my apologies, please let me know.
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