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Everything posted by rko123

  1. i test to put a name in the rental items and it become permanent item.. i use the rental items as freebies for the new players, and i discovered that they put a name for the rental items to make it permanent..
  2. hello , can some tell me how to fix this? my rental items, if i put a name on it, it become permanent or a normal item... how can i fix or avoid this..??
  3. thanks stapo.; its working...
  4. i dont have @rentitem in atcommand , how can i do this? every charcter created automatically have a rental sleipnir and LKH?
  5. what do i need to add in my itemdb then? to make a duplicate of sleipnir as rental item.. or maybe how can i do this? when a new account creates new character, there will be automatic rental items on their inventory like slipnir and lkh
  6. hello , do i need to make new item id? no client edit required? no source edit required??
  7. how to make a rental items? example : i want to duplicate the sleipnir , and make it a rental item??
  8. another bug, when the event is started, the normal players cant click tne npc, it says your not a gm.. cant play the event : )
  9. hello , theres a problem with guess the number event; when i load the npc, the npc automatic shows and even normal player can start the event... can youfix this bug, and pls can you make a version of this that not automate.. i want only gm lvl 40 can start the event by whispering the npc will anable it and when the event is finish the npc hide.. thanks no1 rikimaru....
  10. how can i do that you cant put anymore in storage when it reach the limit? and thatpatch for paged storage, can you give me the link?? pls.; thanks
  11. problem is, when i got 850/1000 to my storage , the armors and weapons is lost, i mean its gone after close the stoare and open it again, the armors and weapons are gone.. how can i fix this???
  12. some other people to my server lost their armors and weapon when they store in kapra, i see their kapra is 890/1000 .. maybe its because they reach the limit? if yes, how can i avoid this? do i need to increase max storage? how?? bump.........................;;;;;
  13. i see .. ok thanks......
  14. what if they equip the weapons in other maps then use @go 0 ?? what happen??
  15. i have poring event spawn in prontera, but the players use baphomet card to hit more porings.. is it posible restricted baphomet effect on prontera?, or any idea how can avoid this abuse?? ..
  16. i want to change my server time to philippines time, how can i change it?? thanks
  17. rko123

    help pls

    what should i put to ipban.sql.codepage: ???
  18. hello after i edit this #define MAX_GUILD 16+10*6 to #define MAX_GUILD 16+10*1 to make it just 26 members per guild .. then i deleted all guilds in my sql so it will reset the guilds.. i got this error.. m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Warning] m: int_guild: info not found 24[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[status] m: Map sending complete. Map Server is now online.[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[info] m: Received Fame List of ' m8 m' characters.[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Warning] m: intif: guild noinfo 24[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26[/color][/size] [size=2][color="#006666"]m[Error] m: Guild 620:ownRO has capacity for too many guild members (76), max supported is 26 any help pls
  19. what will be the problem? cant delete guild inmy sql? it deletein sql but ingame still has the guild..
  20. how can i make baby class can have transcend skills too??
  21. how can i change Max Guild member???
  22. rko123

    help pls

    here my login_athena.conf // Athena Login Server configuration file. // Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]> // Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//" // Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves // only as information/reference. // The login server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 //Time-stamp format which will be printed before all messages. //Can at most be 20 characters long. //Common formats: // %I:%M:%S %p (hour:minute:second 12 hour, AM/PM format) // %H:%M:%S (hour:minute:second, 24 hour format) // %d/%b/%Y (day/Month/year) //For full format information, consult the strftime() manual. //timestamp_format: [%d/%b %H:%M] //If redirected output contains escape sequences (color codes) stdout_with_ansisequence: no //Makes server output more silent by ommitting certain types of messages: //1: Hide Information messages //2: Hide Status messages //4: Hide Notice Messages //8: Hide Warning Messages //16: Hide Error and SQL Error messages. //32: Hide Debug Messages //Example: "console_silent: 7" Hides information, status and notice messages (1+2+4) console_silent: 0 // Console Commands // Allow for console commands to be used on/off // This prevents usage of >& log.file console: off // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server? new_account: yes // Account registration flood protection system // allowed_regs is the number of registrations allowed in time_allowed (in seconds) allowed_regs: 1 time_allowed: 10 // Log Filename. All operations received by the server are logged in this file. login_log_filename: log/login.log // To log the login server? // NOTE: The login-sql server needs the login logs to enable dynamic pass failure bans. log_login: yes // Indicate how to display date in logs, to players, etc. date_format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S // Indicate the minimum GM level of player that the server accepts to connection. // 0: all players (normal player are 0. it's default), 1-99: GM level at least with level x min_level_to_connect: 0 // Starting additional sec from now for the limited time at creation of account // -1: new account are created with UNlimited time (default value) // 0 or more: new accounts was created by addition of the value (in sec) to the actual time (to set first limited time) start_limited_time: -1 // Check The clientversion set in the clientinfo ? check_client_version: no // What version we would allow to connect? (if the options above is enabled..) client_version_to_connect: 20 // Store passwords as MD5 hashes instead of plaintext ? // NOTE: Will not work with clients that use <passwordencrypt> use_MD5_passwords: no // Ipban features (SQL only) ipban.enable: yes //ipban.sql.db_hostname: //ipban.sql.db_port: 3306 //ipban.sql.db_username: ragnarok //ipban.sql.db_password: ragnarok //ipban.sql.db_database: ragnarok //ipban.sql.codepage: //ipban.sql.ipban_table: ipbanlist // Dynamic password failure ipban system ipban.dynamic_pass_failure_ban: yes ipban.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval: 5 ipban.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit: 7 ipban.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration: 5 // Interval (in seconds) to clean up expired IP bans. 0 = disabled. default = 60. // NOTE: Even if this is disabled, expired IP bans will be cleaned up on login server start/stop. // Players will still be able to login if an ipban entry exists but the expiration time has already passed. ipban_cleanup_interval: 60 // Interval (in minutes) to execute a DNS/IP update. Disabled by default. // Enable it if your server uses a dynamic IP which changes with time. //ip_sync_interval: 10 // DNS Blacklist Blocking // If enabled, each incoming connection will be tested against the blacklists // on the specified dnsbl_servers (comma-separated list) use_dnsbl: no dnsbl_servers: dnsbl.deltaanime.net // Which account engine to use. // 'auto' selects the first engine available (txt, sql, then others) // (defaults to auto) account.engine: auto // Account data storage configuration // TXT account.txt.account_db: save/account.txt account.txt.case_sensitive: no // SQL //account.sql.db_hostname: //account.sql.db_port: 3306 //account.sql.db_username: ragnarok //account.sql.db_password: ragnarok //account.sql.db_database: ragnarok //account.sql.codepage: //account.sql.case_sensitive: no //account.sql.account_db: login //account.sql.accreg_db: global_reg_value import: conf/inter_athena.conf import: conf/import/login_conf.txt bump.. pls any help... need help asap tnx..
  23. satan morroc spawn in morocc every 3 hours, has a Gm option can start the event.. and put a announce whos mvp.. item prize can modify by admin 99 .. thankss
  24. rko123

    help pls

    heres the screenies on how did i do it...
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