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Everything posted by Verdantes

  1. Well, as far as I can see the log_db_db is set to "log" instead of ragnarok, as I tried to recompile just a couple of minutes ago. But thanks for the advice EDIT: Problem solved. For some reason my sql database was using the 3307 port instead of 3306. Changed it now the server is running fine. Just have to get the client to connect to it now EDIT 2: everything running smoothly now. No more help needed
  2. Hi everyone I tried to setup my server but I allways get the error message above. EDIT: Ok, setup the server new from scratch (fresh database and so on), now I get the error "access denied for user ragnarok @ localhost (using password: YES) I went through the whole wiki setup point for point, made everything exactly like it was written on the wiki page. I even used the username and passwords mentioned there for testing purposes. and so on. Still got that message EDIT 2: Made Screenshots of all the files: Inter_Athena File http://s7.directupload.net/images/140906/fs4qy2eu.jpg Char_Athena File: http://s7.directupload.net/images/140906/irxv2ooo.jpg Map_Athena File: http://s14.directupload.net/images/140906/djn395hf.jpg Logserv.bat Window: http://s1.directupload.net/images/140906/a29gzg3n.jpg Hope this helps a bit
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