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Posts posted by zhade

  1. On 1/16/2022 at 12:36 AM, Waken said:

    The shadow is a custom one from my grf, and the headgear that i was using is a different one, about the hairstyles... maybe mines are modified to not have issues with palettes. Honestly i don't remember where i got them.
    I upload it in case you want to check it out.

    And i opened some issues that i'm having using zextractor, again thanks for your time!

    4_³².rar 7.58 kB · 1 download

    Thank you for providing the hairstyle. It was indeed a bug in the program. I have release a new version v1.3.2 which addresses that. Hope you give a try!

    • MVP 1
  2. 20 hours ago, Waken said:

    Do not worry about windows on docker, this is gonna be used anyways on a host/vps.
    Now it works perfectly, but there's an issue using some male hairstyles.
    For the rest seems to work pretty well =D



    That seems odd. It doesn't happen on my end, also the chick headgear's color is off and the shadow different. Did you modify the images or is that how the program created them?

    This is mine for comparison:33_head_4.png.4abe6d23cd2d18d63b141d8d2e005852.png

    zrenderer --job=8 --action=33 --headgear=311 --head=4


  3. 1 hour ago, Waken said:

    Thanks for your quick answer, i tried with root without success, but maybe is a windows issue and it works well on my linux VPS, i will see...

    I have admittedly not tried docker on windows. I would need to investigate that myself, sorry.


    1 hour ago, Waken said:

    The path to "accessoryid.lub" is "zrenderer\resources\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accessoryid.lub".

    This seems to be the issue. Try placing the resources in the 'data' directory so that the full path is 'zrenderer\resources\data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accessoryid.lub'

  4. Hey, thank you for trying it out!

    [main(----) INF] Listening for requests on http://localhost:11011/
    Failed to listen on

    This seems to be the problem. Unless you explicitly set the Docker network to share the same interface as your host (being able to connect through 'localhost') then it won't work. You can see that it failed to listen on ''.

    Can you try running the 'docker run' command with '-u root'?

    Otherwise if you're on windows you may instead try to use the compiled binaries directly from the releases page: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer/releases
    I should have mentioned that now that I think about it... You will need to change the zrenderer.conf accordingly. You can simply set the paths directly as they are on your harddisk.

    Hope this helps!

  5. Hey everyone,

    The tool I am releasing is able to create RO sprite images in almost the same way as the official client does it. Means all it requires are the official data.grf files.
    You can compare it to ROCharGen.

    I've been working on this project for quite some time, mostly due to changing to some other fad regarding programming languages and re-implementing the logic everytime. However I have now stick to one and actually got it to a point where it is possible to release it (actually the code has been up on github the whole time).

    So what exactly does it do?
    Given a data/ folder that contains the necessary sprite and lua files, it creates a set of png images for specific job ids. In case of animations it instead creates an apng image.



    These examples are created using the CLI tool.

    zrenderer --job=1001

    zrenderer --job=1870 --action=16 --frame=10

    zrenderer --job=4012 --action=17 --frame=2

    zrenderer --job=1 --headgear=4,125 --garment=1 --weapon=2 --head=4 --gender=female --action=32

    zrenderer --job=0 --head=15 --bodyPalette=1 --weapon=2 --garment=1 --gender=male --action=93 --canvas=200x200+75+175

    As written in the topic title the tool is available as a CLI tool (see examples) or as a webservice. Means you can put it on your server and make requests to it to view for example the character sprites of your players.
    For that I have created a FluxCP addon which interacts with the webservice: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer-fluxcp-addon.
    Setting up the whole thing is not as easy as ROCharGen hence there is a comprehensive tutorial available to get up and running: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer-fluxcp-addon/wiki/Tutorials

    Q: Can it create signatures like ROCharGen with background image, name, level, etc.?
    A: No.

    Q: Can it render 3d sprites such as the Guild Guardians, Treasure chests or Emporium?
    A: No, only 2d sprites

    Q: Can it render 4th jobs and new expanded classes such as Shiranui, Spirit Handler or Hyper Novice?
    A: Yes.

    Q: Can it render my custom items?
    A: Yes, with the exception of shields.

    Q: Can I use it for Ragnarok Online Zero?
    A: It has not been tested. The tool was created based on Renewal and just as that uses the lua files from the GRF which might not be available for Zero.

    Q: How do I use this?
    A: For a server setup read the tutorial: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer-fluxcp-addon/wiki/Tutorials. If you just want to fiddle around I recommend building the CLI tool. See the build instruction on the github. For windows you may also directly download the binaries from the releases page: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer/releases.

    Q: How do I update the data when I release a patch for my server?
    A: Currently there is no automatic process. The tool zextractor that we use in the tutorial supports also GPF and THOR. So you would need to upload your patch to the server and extract the data as done in the tutorial.

    Q: Why should I use this if I use ROCharGen already?
    A: You don't. Unless you are not happy with ROCharGen.

    Q: Can I use this for other purposes instead of just rendering Player sprites?
    A: Yes, for example you could use this for a database to automatically render sprites. You most likely don't want to use the FluxCP addon then but may reference it as an example.

    zrenderer repository: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer
    zrenderer windows binaries: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer/releases
    FluxCP addon repository: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer-fluxcp-addon
    Setup tutorial to get it up and running on your server: https://github.com/zhad3/zrenderer-fluxcp-addon/wiki/Tutorials

    Only limited support. There are still some features open I haven't implemented but since I consider this project overdue I just released it as is now.
    Regarding questions on how to setup I will only answer very specific questions referencing a specific step in the tutorial.


    Have fun!

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  6. zunbollox


    Tool to convert text encoded in windows code page 949 to utf-8 (but not vice-versa).

    The name is taken from the old tool "UnBollox" or "RO Unbolloxiser" by StelTechCor in the year 2004. Their tool converts filenames and directory trees whereas this tool just converts text.


    ./zunbollox -h
    zunbollox 1.0.0
    Usage: zunbollox [-h] [-f <filename>]
    If no options are provided the program will
    convert the file "unbollox_me.txt" to "clean.txt".
    	-h		Print this help message.
    	-f <filename>	Convert specific file. The file must be ascii/latin1 encoded.

    License: MIT

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  7. Hey @L1nkZ, great work on the patcher. I thought about using it as an automated command line patcher but my needs are a bit different and I don't know rust to make these changes. So I decided to create a simple patcher that simply downloads and applies patches to the filesystem.

    Your patcher has been a huge help by (I think as the first) detailing the Thor file format. My question is also about that: Is the format correct/complete that you implemented? The only source I have is the ThorPrototype that Aeomin released years ago which has (almost) nothing to do with todays format. For example I couldn't reproduce the single file mode that your patcher supports using the newest Thor patcher. I assume it is a legacy format from earlier Thor versions?

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