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GM Homies

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Posts posted by GM Homies

  1. Hello guys! I am using eathena, and my server is a Super High Rate server. so my skill damages are not that enough. because of imbalance many Sinx and Champions are owning the game. There are no wiz,Whitesmith or Sniper to be found. What should I do?


    How do I increase the damage of Cart Termination, Magic Crasher, Sharpshooting and also the chance of Tarot card of fate.


    I have read topics about them but no more for eathena. A help would be much appreciated. thank you!  :)

  2. You just cant fix it emistry XD

    LOL ????

    *laugh out secretly in the corner*

    if (getpartymembercount(getcharid(1)) == 3 && getpartycount(getcharid(1)) == 3){

    rathena doesn't have getpartymembercount or getpartycount script command

    probably need to ask for any source modification the author has ... I guess

    or I guess its some purposely made prank to make you not able to fix it .... hmmm ......

    if that's the author intention I don feel like fixing this script

    <-- is anybody able to find this in script release ?

    if yes I'll try fix, if no I'll not

    Seriously It is not in rathena because it is an old SVN of eathena. What I prefer is. THE OLD ONE! -_- Jeez. I hope you know that -_-


    name=Emistry' timestamp='1349884549' post='145028]

    You just cant fix it emistry XD

    LOL...who know ?maybe i really cant ....dunno ...because i havent take a look on the script...

    i just simply ignored the script while waiting the author to tell me what problem

    and....i am not going to copy the script and run it myself to test line by line for error ...

    sorry wont do it until the author tell me what he want to fix..

    beside he author said in title "Heal me" ...am i suppose to change job to Acolyte class and heal him ? /hmm


    you can give it a try if you want ....

    I really dont understand every word you say. Would you mind using Google translator? -_- Grammar check please

  3. sir my main request is Capture the flag. the one that the map is prt_maze02 where 3 flags are in there, if the flags were distributed to the other base the team gets points. and they will register maximum of 10 players 5 players each team then they if it is full other players will be in the waiting list. automatic warp when its there turn. can you do that for me sir emistry? i would really appreciate it. :)

  4. hello fellah Rathena's i am new here in rathena i hope i will have a good start. can you give me some capture the flag, 3v3 party , 5man free for all script? if this is paid script i would like to buy it.

    if you have price for CTF i wanted to be like this.

    Capture The Flag-

    Map: prt_maze02

    Flags: 3 for each team

    Teams: 2

    Winning points: 3

    with waiting list.

    3v3 Party


    with waiting list



    with waiting list.

    pm me: [email protected]

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