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Posts posted by Triper

  1. It's an edit on the grf most of the time.

    There is some grfs around the webz that has most of the annoying monsters to aim in super size[there is even a topic with links to most of the sprites at eathena but the links to them are dead]. Alternative you can always do it yourself using actor2.

  2. Instead of call it/him a fail, you and everybody else who got something from him should be thankful for his time lost into this because making sigs and animations and banners isn't something that is made in secs and is very time consuming even with pre-made layouts ready to edit and specially with lots of askings.

    When people get what they want, people love.

    When people don't get what they want, people become 18 year rich girls asking why they can't continue using their parents credit card after 5 minutes of shopping.

    People can keep call this a fail thread or whatever they want but I would like to see that type of people do what he made better even if an explanation saying that he's ending this service would be the best to end it this non-sense.

    If you can do better then him, here is your first retarded request because I can challenge:

    - signature with the size of 350x150

    - It's an animation of 120 frames and not more then 2mb of size

    - 50 frames are for a fight of ChibiChibi[from the Sailor Moon anime] vs Cookie Monster[ChibiChibi sees cookies at the table where is cookie monster, goes to atk one in a matrix effect, cookie monster saw that and badaboom, crash of the madness]

    - 50 frames are for a "atomic bomb" effect after the fight ^ based on a H20 molecule creation

    - 20 frames are for a UPS, DID IT AGAIN! animation phrase appear after with Chibi sit on Cookie monster eating a cookie[cookie eating repeats one time] ^

    - gif format not optimized for web, I don't want quality loss :>

    - Cookie Monster used should be from the old Sesame Street, not the family guy edition or made based on someone else sketchs so no cartoon versions

    - ChibiChibi wanted is the sailor version, not the school outfit

  3. You forgot to:

    - name of the pic to load added in idnum2resnametable[format - idofcard#name_of_the_file_that_has_the_pic#]

    [if I'm not wrong, lazy to check]

    just copy something as


    and change it to


    and add it in the end of the file.

  4. You don't need to hex the client to make it not show the small aura circle, just edit the aura files in the grf and change the one with the circle with a empty[100% transparent] one.

  5. Examples:

    Prefix - Badass Knife[1]

    Postfix - Knife of Badass[1]

    About the {} things:



    from: http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items

    Awesome example is the samurai specter card:

    { bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss; bonus bHPrecovRate,-100; bonus2 bHPLossRate,666,10000; },{},{ heal -999,0; }

    { bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss; bonus bHPrecovRate,-100; bonus2 bHPLossRate,666,10000; } - what the card does when is attached to a weapon

    {} - special effect you get from when you equip the weapon with it

    { heal -999,0; } - special effect you get from when you put the gear with it off

    • Upvote 1
  6. The datatextureÀ¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºcard.bmp thing for the image card[the image you see when you press in the magnifier after right click a card] is on the grf even if it works by creating a folder where your ro is installed and add a card.bmp file.

    Not sure on the file size but I think they work as the emblems - follow the standard format or they won't show.

    How to add a card as a simple guide is:

    - add item in item_db2[follow the format in the file]

    - name to show in game added in idnum2itemdisplaytable[format - idofcard#Name_Card#]

    - info showed in the right click added in idnum2itemdesctable[format - idofcard#

    *insert lots of letters and numbers*

    Class :^777777 Card^000000

    Compound on :^777777 Name_of_place to equip^000000

    Weight :^777777 1^000000


    - name of the pic to load added in idnum2resnametable[format - idofcard#name_of_the_file_that_has_the_pic#]

    - carditemnametable with the id of it only so it exists[format - idofcard#]

    - add the name of the prefix of the card if you want to show a prefix when equipped to a item in cardprefixnametable[if you use prefix, you can't use postfix][format - idofcard#Name_of_Prefix_as_Super Pinguin of Doom of#]

    - add the name of the postfix of the card if you want to show a postfix when equipped to a item in cardpostfixtable[if you use a postfix, you can't use a prefix][format - idofcard#Name_of_Postfix_as of Clusterfuck O'fobic Plan]

    I think it's something like that ._. Not sure at 100% since I don't do this for ages but I think it's something around this...

    • Upvote 1
  7. Basically, what he's trying to say is that if there isn't a npc to control the respawn of the treasure boxs for issues like this, the chests will only respawn at 0:00 of each day[or at the time you set it] and, if they aren't taken, when you turn off and turn on again the server[in that day], they will be gone and only respawn in the next one.

  8. Adding this feature would[for me would be] just mean that the entire initial idea of eAthena was a lie.

    Also, from all the servers that I've seen with this that tried it, I think only 1 survived for more then 1 year with it and was like a low rate highly customized $30 a month with like 50 players...

    I don't know but I think this just shows that in the end it kinda ends being the same result as without.

  9. Just use the spanish forum of the board to get the topics as the filipino one and pin a redirect to their board with an announce about how they can get full support there easier then here even if this is the roots of everything.

    If people want to post there, let them post there, if they want to post here, let them post here.

    My honest opinion? The admin of there wants more spanish fanboys active there to keep making money with the ads to make it be worth to have them there but let's ignore this fact because this is just my opinion because everybody loves to keep the money pig working when it provides good money every month even if most of that probably is used to pay the bills[well, we suppose/believe that is for that] but let's not jump for that because that's for another day and not what we're discussing at the moment.

    Btw, br users don't use only breathena [and most of them don't even care about that], they use mostly Cronus[and I think many know that and just forgot it at the moment] that is much more advanced in the development according what I saw already from a friend there even if some of the staff in their forums are big assholes that love to ignore people asking for help and because of that many users there preferred to use, in most of the cases, eathena for that and then making worth to have the sections again.

    While you're in there make some for others too[yes, it would be needed new mods yadda yadda yadda... someone talked already with the ones from eathena.ws?], let's get this active like before. Add the same as I suggested for the spanish but their languages versions if available.

    It can be a nice feature too and try to check/ask the same to them[a eathena link at their forums making this a I support you while you support the mother too].

    I'm saying this because usually people come here when they want to get general help. Having a special section for their language makes them be more at home when their english sucks or they're not so good with it when they want to try to explain their problems and a pic doesn't show many things except "Houston we have a problem in a *insert language* laguange" and if they need some specific help and here is not enough they can get it at the specialized forums.

    Making this working can also get us, the eathena community, get more publicity. Maybe this can work so nice that some uers can see some good feature in the others and do the translation to english here after talking to the creator to get the credits and the approval making it, in the far end, a bigger community in here with some roots around. You know how some people work better when they can express better if the ground they're working is more familiar.

    tl;dr - I do BIG POSTS, I know :V but my ideas are always in them and I can't summarize them good enough so open the spoiler only if you're ready for it

    PS - Why do we've html tags inside the spoiler ._. [at least I'm seeing them at the preview after using a spoiler tag even if I fixed it with a copy/paste html ninja execution]

  10. Thanatos isn't even a problem, well... to me, it will even balance the server a bit since when people get used to it Creator's AD won't be a big problem anymore.

    AD at 90+ vit starts to be painful without proper reduces, thanatos is at 100 or 115[something around that, someone check it for me if want a 100% thing] so people will use orc hero/anti stun+low vit builds to kick back in pvp vs stunners which will make people think if they want dmg at 100% or get a stun and get rapped or to get insta KO by thanatos/ad.

    GTB and hibram+high wizard and kiels are your worse problems in there to me

    Having 1 Kiel is automatically auto-win, more then 1 is "that dood is IMBA", add sprint set and it's "OVER 9000!" kills.

    GTB is too GOD in high rates, make it give like 50 mdef and anti-some stuff like dispell, coma, ...

    Hibram+high wizard is another bad thing, it makes people don't need any skill at all, hibram goes in shoes, high wizard in headgear, get a kiel for a mid headgear and a sprint set and your "Over 9000!" dood is now "Over 2k of beer and I'm still nuking people!" who don't have element immunities[Napalm kills is soooo OP with this that there is no words to describe this >>]

    Also, will this have renewal mechanics enabled? If yes then forget what I said about thanatos, just totally change it lol Too imba for high rates for the extra atk it gives.

    Also number 2 - Why peole always think that frus is OP? >_> It's so damn fun to use it and not even easy to make it usefull since it's an armor card... It's only awesome at 100% when using a Maya as bonus, if you want instead tweak maya lol[i love so much to use frus on zerk lks in low rates <3 "Bitch got frozen, here goes JT... BAH KO WTF WAS THAT?!"]

  11. I don't know now with PCI Express but with AGP graphic boards that problem is just a problem in the cable that makes the connection between the tower and the graphic card[well, most of the time is that]. Me and a friend used to play with that to make friends go WTF in school with the monitors in the pcs we worked there[having to do stuff in class at MS Word XP in a 133mhz is not fun when others have betters pcs to work with and you get the leftovers].

    You give a little bump here and there and uppppppppppps your screen is now blue, another in another place and uppppppppppppps red now, another in another place and upppppppppppppppppps yellow now /oh

    Just unplug and plug again the cable and try to see that everything is 100% well connected and should be fine again. Tilting the screen[if your monitor has that, dunno nowadays, most of the time I just work with laptops so I don't even check that option lol] sometimes also fix that problem when is not a cable problem.

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