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Posts posted by Triper

  1. You should have an option at groups[at least in most of the ones I used was like that]. Usually at the groups you've a list of the groups available and then an edit for each one where you set the posts to auto-change title and what not, the icon for them, if you want them to be with moderator power/admin power/just be a user with a cute name after X posts/etc.

    Ofc I already used some that didn't had that option available so maybe check/ask that at the support forum of that free board is better unless someone already used that type and know where it's that[not really wanting to make a new forum there just to check where is that located].

  2. - Fixed an issue where boss monsters would sometimes freeze against players using Golden Thiefbug Card.

    Fixed an issue where characters equipped with Golden Thief Bug carded equipment would be frozen by MVP monster(s)

    So... which one is correct? If it's the second one...

    This means that GTB blocks now Frost Joker or it's just the wide frozen skill?

  3. I really enjoy those too and they look really good but I don't know, is it just me that is a bit tired of seeing that type of style in lots of websites? It's being too common and probably someone could make something more unique? :S

  4. The board could also fix that slang to the proper english as Z3RO said. It would help[a tiny bit but would] people that are junk in English to learn a thing or two too but still, we're in the internet and there will be always someone that will not like it.

    Small things don't change the world but with big small things the world ends to be better then at the start.

  5. If the problems[as in security issues] don't happen in this version [or there are fixes to implement that fix them] I would say to keep this one since the look is far better then newest version although a theme can always be applied to the new version and make it look better or like this one.

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