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Everything posted by Goodsir

  1. Honestly, I don't know. I created a database named "ragnarok" then imported the files. Is there more I have to do? As for the conf files, the passwords are all the same, but maybe I don't refer each file to a database? How do I fix this?
  2. Hello again! Well, I downloaded xampp from apachefriends and imported main.sql and item_db.sql into my newly created 'ragnarok' database. Re-configured all the files listed on the wiki and I am getting new errors - but it's progress! This is the error I am getting across the board - WAN IP cencored for obvious reasons. Any help on what this problem is and how to fix it would awesome, thanks guys.
  3. Thank you very much for getting back to me about my problem! Seems I didn't even have a database setup at all - I was reading straight from the Wiki and I don't believe it even mentions anything about setting this up at all! Could be wrong, I tend to over look things. With this added information, I will look into installing phpmyadmin and getting this database up and running. Hopefully then I can put that information you left me to good use. Thank you again for your reply. I only plan to test builds and item combinations. An offline version of RO would probably be more suiting to my needs (and would be alot easier on my brain!). If anyone could direct me to where I could get one of those, that would be real swell. Otherwise, I guess I will continue to figure out how to get all this up and running.
  4. Hello! I'm having trouble installing the server. I've tried to follow the wiki guide the best I could and I've ran into a problem I can't figure out. http://rathena.org/wiki/Connecting In Step 1. Interserver Communication Passwords, it talks about setting a new password for 3 files. char_athena, map_athena and "your login sql table". I can't for the life of me find this SQL table the guide meantions. Is there a file somewhere named this that I have to edit? Or is there step or something I missed? Any help would be appreciated - I been trying to get a server running for several days now and I believe it might be a little beyond my comprehension. Thank you in advance.
  5. Sorry, accidently posted this thread in the wrong forum - moved it.
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