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Everything posted by Myskelz

  1. Perhaps I'm the only one in this world who uses this command Thanks Euphy!
  2. The source of the commit comes from here : http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-7932-prompts-feature-to-return-255-when-you-cancel-a-prompt-seems-to-cause-the-script-engine-not-to-continue-when-you-put-a-close-right-after-it/?gopid=21532#entry21532 The prompt command was made for NOT STOPPING the execution of the script after pressing cancel, it was EXPECTED. So, WHY this commit has been accepted?! Why no one has reported this bug?! The commit: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/7a9aa7f
  3. Hello, I'm using an up-to-date rAthena version and I encountered an odd bug from the prompt script command. When a player clicks on "Cancel", it closes the window and ends the script immediatly. Here is my source code for prompt command: /src/map/script.c (begin from line 4856) else if( sd->npc_menu == 0xff ) {// Cancel was pressed sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; pc_setreg(sd, add_str("@menu"), 0xff); script_pushint(st, 0xff); st->state = END; } So, it does effectively return the value "255" with this script (and set the @menu variable to 255 too) but it ends the script after doing that : (st->state = END;). Here is my test script used if you'd like to try to reproduce this problem: sec_in02,141,176,5 script TestPrompt#sec_in02 56,{ mes "[TestPrompt]"; mes "@menu = " + @menu; mes "Hey."; @result = prompt("#1", "#2", "#3"); mes "[TestPrompt]"; mes "Result : " + @result; close; } sec_in02,143,176,5 script TestPrompt2#sec_in02 56,{ mes "[TestPrompt]"; mes "Hey."; switch(prompt("#1", "#2", "#3")) { case 1: mes "#1"; break; case 2: mes "#2"; break; case 3: mes "#3"; break; case 255: mes "SELECT CATCHED"; break; } close; } So I changed the last line, from st->state = END; to st->state = RUN; src/map/script.c (begin from line 4856) else if( sd->npc_menu == 0xff ) {// Cancel was pressed sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; pc_setreg(sd, add_str("@menu"), 0xff); script_pushint(st, 0xff); st->state = RUN; // [Lyyn] Don't end the script plz. //st->state = END; } And it works quite fine. I then encountered another bug ; if you add a next to the first NPC after the line "@result = prompt [...]", it will throw a blank window with a next and, if you click on the next button, you'll just get a blank window that will stuck your character (ALT+F4 needed). I would like to know whether my "fix" is fine or if I'm totally wrong. And in this case, it'll be great to tell me what to do in order to get a functionnal prompt command. Thanks in advance! Edit : Okay, I used grep to check where prompt was used within the npc folder. Result ; nowhere, excepted custom scripts. Anyway, I think my fix is kinda good, what do you think about it?
  4. Yup. So... What I did: - Uncommented "#define PRERE" in src/tools/renewal.h, then recompiled the emulator (with VS 2013 and rAthena-13.sln) --> Now it has the pre-re mechanics and reads pre-re folders (in both npc and db folders) - Got what has been added since the 11.2 Episode i.e. : Instances (endless tower), Mercenary System, a lot of quests (thanks to iroWiki, I was able to check if I forgot a quest) - Replaced the new warp at anthell with the old ones (moc_fild14 -> anthell). It has been commentend in the maps conf files (maps_athena.conf), we have to edit the maps_index.txt file and rebuild the mapcache too. - Replaced all the warp between prt_fild and the old morroc fields; I used an old map for that: http://www.zerodatabase.fr/ragnarokonline/36/Carte-du-Monde-Worldmap.html - Reactivated the spawn of monsters on the old fields - ... It was easier than what I thought. But it takes a lot of time to verify everything.
  5. Thanks, I'm reassured I don't think it will be very long, it's the testing that take most of my time!
  6. Hello, First, excuse me for my bad english, I'll try my best. I would like to recreate a pre-re server with the episode 11.2 (Veins, just before Nameless Island with cursed abbey). So I deactivated the renewal mechanics by uncommenting "#define PRERE" in /src/config/renewal.h. But now, I have to disable all the warps, quests, monsters, ... from the episode 11.3 and further. So... What is the best, the most secure (and fastest!) way(s) to do that? I've begin to compare the additions of each episodes and what I have to delete from the last update of rAthena. I plan to use a recent client with a rAthena revision where I'll delete all the new unwanted stuffs. I don't want to use an old eAthena revision because there is certainly a lot of bugs or exploits. Thanks in advance for you help.
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