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Everything posted by bbicudo

  1. Sua pasta data tá atualizada jóvi? Verifica se todas as textures dos monstros estão certas... Is your DATA folder up to date? Check if all textures and palletes are correct.
  2. Hmm... Did you change any "src" configs? Try to revert any changes u've made recently .-.
  3. @Kido, 19 would be the best for her, but the emulator is not accepting it as langtype (it kinda crashes) 10, 11 and 13 are kinda "multilingual" (since 10 is germany, and germany has most of the possible characters)... She'll have to try all of them 'till it Works :/
  4. Your files are right... Just like mine... Still i don't get those kind of errors... Try parsing a whole new table for your mysql and shutting down your firewall (or zone alarm, or whatever). Did u make any changes to ".c" or ".h" files? (core files, under the "src" directory) Which part didn't work? Shutting down the firewall or uncomment the bind_ip line?
  5. Any "ERROR" appearing at the console, or just those warnings?
  6. Keeps the same error? Did you rebooted your server?
  7. Boooa tarde galero Eu sei que talvez eu esteja pedindo um pouco demais (afinal o esforço de se traduzir quase 6500 linhas de um documento não tem preço), mas será que algum de vocês teria por aí uma versão do item_db.txt traduzida para português e atualizada? (19507 itens pelo que eu estou vendo aqui no emulador ) Caso alguém a possua, se puder compartilhar eu ficaria muito grato... Ah, antes de vir alguém agir no hu3hu3 ou mandar logo um fo**-se dizendo que eu sou preguiçoso e talz.. Eu estou com 3 mil itens traduzidos aqui, se não for disponibilizado, quando eu terminar eu mesmo disponibilizo Forte abraço amigos da comunidade <3
  8. on login_athena, try to uncomment the "bind ip:" line
  9. @spe3y Hmm... http://pastebin.com/CZ6nkZ4S << here u'll find a bunch of packets suitable for your cliente version Add it into your db/packet_db in the section where your cliente is There'll be a "20130807" in the packet_db, just copy the code in pastebin to that section of your file and try recompiling your server @kido, those are for 2013-07-13 XD Mines are for 2013-08-07 (i don't know if there's some big difference, but let's see if it helps lol)
  10. What cliente version u're using? Did u change your sclient info already?
  11. @Kido The IP is correct since it's running in localhost lol @spe3y try <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servicetype>sakray</servicetype> Also try changing langtype to "1" Version seens right (as it's using a version 45 in you emulator config) Also, check your mmo.h (like kido said) for the correct cliente version Post any progress (or error lol)
  12. Have you double checked char_athena, login_athena, map_athena and, most importante, inter_athena configs? Double check the ip/port configs in all of them. Also check your sclientinfo.xml Post it here for further help
  13. U're welcome Could you mark the answer as useful, so that the thread can be marked as solved?
  14. Check your map_athena, char_athena, login_athena and, most important, inter_athena Inter_athena makes the connection between char/map servers Double check those and paste then here if u need more help (i believe it's just misconfig XD) Also, the problem with the DDOs warning is because your server is trying to connect several times, and as it fails it try again, and again, and again... So it's like it's receiving attacks
  15. Yes. Just take the "commands:true" off the "Player" group OR You can scroll down your group.conf file 'till you find { id:99 name:"Admin" level:99 ....... And inside the "commands:{" you put the "commands:true" permission. So only admins will be able to use this... If u make the same into "Law Enforcement", Law Enforcement characters (the group ID:10) will be able to use it too and so on... It Works for all commands Got it?
  16. conf/groups.conf just put the commands:true inside the GM group
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