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Everything posted by louigui0224

  1. @Playtester its not a skill its actually just the normal attack using dagger sword and katar...i did not change any assassins configuration...i dont know why they hit semi longrange.
  2. i just noticed that in my server why does the assassincross attack has a range which is almost impossisble...
  3. im running a SHR server so i want to balance everything interms of hp but i tried to d this and its not working...can please someone help me with this item script... Tao Gunka - +200% HP, -30% DEF2, -50% MDEF *(Assassin Cross = +150% HP, Ninja/Gunslinger = +400% HP, Super Novice = +15000% HP, Taekwon = +500% HP, Star Gladiators = +300% HP, Novice = +30000% HP...thanks...
  4. im running a SHR server so i want to balance everything interms of hp but i tried to d this and its not working...can please someone help me with this item script... Tao Gunka - +200% HP, -30% DEF2, -50% MDEF *(Assassin Cross = +150% HP, Ninja/Gunslinger = +400% HP, Super Novice = +15000% HP, Taekwon = +500% HP, Star Gladiators = +300% HP, Novice = +30000% HP...thanks...
  5. multiple castle but i want to have 2 woe in just 1 castle.is it possile?
  6. hi guys i just want to asak if if is it possible to have 2 woe a day?because im currently using euphys woe setter but i cant set 2 woe a day.
  7. 1237,Grimtooth_,Grimtooth,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,4,0x028F5EEE,7,2,2,4,36,1,1,{ bonus bFlee,10; bonus bFlee2,5; bonus bDefRate,-25; bonus bDef2Rate,-25; if(BaseClass==Job_Thief){ bonus bDefRate,25; bonus bDef2Rate,25; } },{},{} what seems to be ghe problem here?
  8. hi guys i have this script of Euphy's woe controller,but im wondering because we know that we can't really avoid payers to use dual client's....so im thinking a way of where even if they have multiple clients they will only receive tcg on 1 account...is it possible? //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Euphy's WOE Controller //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.5 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= A controller for War of Emperium designed for //= simplicity and ease of use. //= Many concepts taken from ToastOfDoom's script, //= and "rewards" function originally by Goddameit. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Be sure to disable the default agit controllers! //== npc\guild\agit_controller.txt //== npc\guild2\agit_start_se.txt //============================================================ // Information NPC //============================================================ prontera,104,96,4 script WOE Information 835,{ doevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnMenu"; OnInit: waitingroom "WOE Info",0; end; OnAgitStart: while(agitcheck()) { specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL6; sleep 425; } end; } // Script Core //============================================================ - script WOE_CONTROL -1,{ function Disp_Owner; function Add_Zero; OnInit: // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration settings. // ----------------------------------------------------------- set .CastleWarp,0; // 1: Always enable all castle warps. | 0: Warp only to active castles. set .AutoKick,1; // Automatically kick players from inactive castles during WOE? (1:yes / 0:no) set .NoOwner,1; // Automatically kick players from unconquered castles outside of WOE? (1:yes / 0:no) set .ExitWarp,0; // Warp all players from castles when WOE ends? (1:yes / 0:no) set .GMAccess,99; // GM level required to access Session Manager. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Reward options. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // [1] Enable rewards. // [2] Mail all rewards. // - If not set, players receive items in their inventory. // - Only ONE item can be sent via mail, plus Zeny. // - Note that offline players do NOT receive rewards. // [4] Only reward Guild Masters. // - If not set, all guild members are rewarded. // - If mailing is enabled (option 2), offline Guild Masters WILL receive rewards. // [8] Duplicate IP check. // - Members in a guild with the same IP address are not rewarded. // - If Guild Masters is enabled (option 4), this feature is not used. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Combine values as needed (e.g. 1|8 = 1+8 = 9). set .Options, 1|8; // Rewards per castle. // -- when given directly: <itemID>,<amount>{,<itemID>,<amount>,...} // -- via mail (option 2): <itemID>,<amount>,<Zeny> setarray .Reward[0],7227,5; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Constants (leave this section alone). // ----------------------------------------------------------- setarray .Castles$[0], "prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05", "payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05", "gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05", "aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05", "arug_cas01","arug_cas02","arug_cas03","arug_cas04","arug_cas05", "schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas03","schg_cas04","schg_cas05"; setarray .EndLabel$[0],"ar01","ar02","ar03","ar04","ar05","sc01","sc02","sc03","sc04","sc05"; setarray .Days$[0],"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"; setarray .Regions$[0],"Prontera","Payon","Geffen","Aldebaran","Arunafeltz","Schwaltzvalt"; setarray .Map$[0],"prt_gld","pay_gld","gef_fild13","alde_gld","aru_gld","sch_gld"; setarray .MapX[0],134,240,153,111,208,121,295,317,140,204,214,308,143,193,305,48, 95,142,239,264,158,83, 68,299,292,293,288, 97,137, 71; setarray .MapY[0], 65,128,137,240,240,233,116,293,160,266, 75,240,240,278, 87,83,249, 85,242, 90,272,47,155,345,107,100,252,196, 90,315; // ----------------------------------------------------------- set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); if (.AutoKick || .NoOwner) for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) { setmapflag .Castles$[.@i], mf_loadevent; setd "."+.Castles$[.@i], .@i; } if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) sleep 4000; set .Init,1; OnMinute00: freeloop(1); if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(DT_HOUR) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { OnWOEEnd: announce "The War Of Emperium is over!",bc_all|bc_woe; AgitEnd; AgitEnd2; sleep 1000; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) Disp_Owner(.Castles$[.@j],1); if (.ExitWarp) maprespawnguildid .Castles$[.@j],0,3; } if ((.Options&1) && .Active[0] && .ForceEnd != 2) callsub OnReward, .Active[0]; deletearray .Active[0],2; if (.ForceEnd) { set .ForceEnd,0; end; } break; } } if ((!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) || .Init) { if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) set .Init,0; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(DT_HOUR) >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && gettime(DT_HOUR) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { deletearray .Active[0],2; set .Active[0], $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+3]; if (.Init) { AgitEnd; AgitEnd2; } else announce "The War Of Emperium has begun!",bc_all|bc_woe; sleep 1000; AgitStart; AgitStart2; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) { if (!.Init) Disp_Owner(.Castles$[.@j],0); set .Active[1], .Active[1] | (1<<((.@j/5)+1)); } else { if (.@j<20) { donpcevent "Agit#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitEnd"; killmonster .Castles$[.@j], "Agit#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitBreak"; } else { donpcevent "Manager#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitEnd2"; killmonster .Castles$[.@j], "Steward#"+.EndLabel$[.@j-20]+"::OnStartArena"; } } } break; } } set .Init,0; end; function Disp_Owner { set .@o, getcastledata(getarg(0),1); if (.@o) announce "The ["+getcastlename(getarg(0))+"] castle "+((getarg(1))?"has been conquered":"is currently held")+" by the ["+getguildname(.@o)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe; else announce "The ["+getcastlename(getarg(0))+"] castle is currently unoccupied.",bc_all|bc_woe; return; } function Add_Zero { return ((getarg(0)<10)?"0":"")+getarg(0)+(getarg(1,0)?".":":")+"00"; } OnReward: set .@sql$, ((.Options&4)?"position = 0":"online = 1"); if (.Options&2) set .@str$,gettimestr("%B %d, %Y",21); freeloop(1); for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) if (getarg(0)&(1<<.@i)) { set .@gid, getcastledata(.Castles$[.@i],1); if (!.@gid) continue; set .@size, query_sql("SELECT account_id,char_id FROM `guild_member` WHERE guild_id = '"+.@gid+"' AND "+.@sql$,.@aid,.@cid); for(set .@j,0; .@j<.@size; set .@j,.@j+1) { if ((.Options&8) && !(.Options&4)) { set .@ip$, replacestr(getcharip(.@aid[.@j]),".","a"); if (getd(".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$)) continue; setd ".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$,1; } if (.Options&2) { query_sql("INSERT INTO `mail` (send_name,dest_id,title,message,nameid,amount,identify,zeny,time) VALUES ("+ "'no-reply',"+.@cid[.@j]+",'** Siege Reward: "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+" **',"+ "'Brave one,% % Congratulations!% Your guild has successfully occupied% territory in the War of Emperium on% "+.@str$+".% % % % % [ Your reward is attached. ]',"+ .Reward[0]+","+.Reward[1]+",0,"+.Reward[2]+",UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()))"); if (!getd(".@str_"+.@cid[.@j]) && isloggedin(.@aid[.@j],.@cid[.@j])) { setd ".@str_"+.@cid[.@j],1; message rid2name(.@aid[.@j]),"You've got mail! Please re-login to update your mailing list."; } } else if (isloggedin(.@aid[.@j])) { for(set .@k,0; .@k<getarraysize(.Reward); set .@k,.@k+2) getitem .Reward[.@k], .Reward[.@k+1], .@aid[.@j]; message rid2name(.@aid[.@j]),"You have been rewarded for conquering "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+"."; } } } if (.Options&2) query_sql("UPDATE `mail` SET message = REPLACE(message,'%',CHAR(13)) WHERE send_name = 'no-reply'"); return; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (!compare(strcharinfo(3),"g_cas")) end; if (((.AutoKick && .Active[0]) || (.NoOwner && !getcastledata(strcharinfo(3),1))) && !(.Active[0]&(1<<getd("."+strcharinfo(3))))) { if (getcharid(2) && getcastledata(strcharinfo(3),1) == getcharid(2)) end; sleep2 1000; message strcharinfo(0), getcastlename(strcharinfo(3))+" is currently inactive."; sleep2 5000; if (compare(strcharinfo(3),"g_cas")) warp "SavePoint",0,0; } end; OnMenu: while(1) { mes "[WOE Information]"; if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { if (.Active[0]) { for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(DT_HOUR) >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && gettime(DT_HOUR) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { set .@i, $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]; break; } mes "The War of Emperium is ^0055FFactive^000000 until ^FF0000"+Add_Zero(.@i)+"^000000 in the following regions:"; mes " "; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) if (.Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1))) mes " > ^777777"+.Regions$[.@i]+"^000000"; } else mes "The War of Emperium is ^0055FFactive^000000."; } else { for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if ((gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(DT_HOUR) <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]) || gettime(DT_DAYOFWEEK) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i]) { setarray .@time[0],$WOE_CONTROL[.@i],$WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]; break; } if (!getarraysize(.@time)) setarray .@time[0],$WOE_CONTROL[0],$WOE_CONTROL[1]; mes "The War of Emperium is ^777777inactive^000000."; if (.Size) { mes " "; mes "The next session will begin"; mes "on ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@time[0]]+"^000000 at "+Add_Zero(.@time[1])+"^000000."; } } next; switch(select(""+((.CastleWarp || .Active[1])?" ~ Warp to castles...":"")+": ~ Check schedule...: ~ View castle owners...:"+((getgmlevel()<.GMAccess || !getgmlevel())?"":" ~ Manage sessions...")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: if (.CastleWarp) set .@clr$,"^0055FF"; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.CastleWarp || .Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1))) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1)))?.@clr$:"^777777")+.Regions$[.@i]+" Castles^000000"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"; } set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@j,.@i*5; .@j<(.@i*5)+5; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.CastleWarp || .Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.Active[0]&(1<<.@j))?.@clr$:"^777777")+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+"^000000"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"; } set .@j, select(.@menu$)-1; warp .Map$[.@i],.MapX[(.@i*5)+.@j],.MapY[(.@i*5)+.@j]; close; case 2: mes "[Schedule]"; if (.Size) { freeloop(1); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) { mes "> ^FF0000"+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i]]+" ("+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1])+"-"+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2])+")^000000"; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) if ($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+3]&(1<<.@j)) mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+" ^777777("+.Castles$[.@j]+")^000000"; if (.@i+4 < .Size) mes " "; } freeloop(0); } else mes "No times are configured."; next; break; case 3: mes "[Castle Ownership]"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) { set .@k, .@i*5; mes "> ^FF0000"+.Regions$[.@i]+"^000000"; for(set .@j,.@k; .@j<(.@k+5); set .@j,.@j+1) { set .@t, getcastledata(.Castles$[.@j],1); mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+": "+((.@t)?"^0055FF"+getguildname(.@t):"^777777unoccupied")+"^000000"; } if (.@i < 5) mes " "; } next; break; case 4: while(1) { mes "[Session Manager]"; mes "There are ^0055FF"+(.Size/4)+" session(s)^000000 configured."; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select(" ~ Add a session...: ~ Delete a session...: ~ Reload settings...:"+((agitcheck() || agitcheck2())?" ~ End WOE session...":"")+": ~ ^777777Go back^000000")) { case 1: mes "[New Session]"; if (.Size > 127) { mes "You have already reached the maximum of 32 sessions."; next; break; } mes "Select a day."; next; set .@Day, select(" ~ "+implode(.Days$,": ~ "))-1; mes "[New Session]"; mes "Select a start time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+"^000000."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<23; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":"; set .@Start, select(.@menu$)-1; mes "[New Session]"; mes "Select an end time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+"^000000."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,.@Start+1; .@i<24; set.@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":"; set .@End, select(.@menu$)+.@Start; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (.@Day == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && ((.@Start >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@Start < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) || (.@End > $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@End <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) || (.@Start <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@End >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]))) { mes "[New Session]"; mes "The chosen times overlap with an existing session."; next; set .@d,1; break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } set .@Castle,0; while(1) { mes "[New Session]"; mes "^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+" ("+Add_Zero(.@Start)+"-"+Add_Zero(.@End)+")^000000"; mes " > Castles:"; if (!.@Castle) mes " ~ ^777777(none selected)^000000"; else for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) if (.@Castle&(1<<.@i)) mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+" ("+.Castles$[.@i]+")"; next; set .@menu$,((.@Castle)?" ~ ^FF0000Finished...^000000":"")+":"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.@Castle&(1<<.@i))?"^0055FF":"")+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+" ("+.Castles$[.@i]+")^000000:"; set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; if (.@i) set .@Castle, .@Castle^(1<<(.@i-1)); else { mes "[New Session]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; switch(select(" ~ ^0055FFAdd session...^000000: ~ Continue selecting castles...: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if ((.@Day == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && .@End <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]) || .@Day < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i]) { set .@d,1; break; } if (!.@d) { set .@d,1; set .@i,.Size; } copyarray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+4], $WOE_CONTROL[.@i], .Size-.@i; setarray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i], .@Day, .@Start, .@End, .@Castle; set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); case 3: mes "[New Session]"; mes ((.@d)?"Session added.":"Cancelled."); next; set .@d,1; case 2: break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } } } break; case 2: mes "[Remove Session]"; if (!.Size) { mes "There are no sessions configured."; next; break; } mes "Select a session to remove."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i]]+" ("+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1],1)+"-"+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2],1)+"):"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"; set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; if (.@i == (.Size/4)) break; mes "[Remove Session]"; mes "Delete ^0055FF"+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i*4]]+"'s^000000 session?"; mes "This action cannot be undone."; next; set .@j, select(" ~ ^FF0000Delete session...^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Remove Session]"; if (.@j == 2) mes "Cancelled."; else { deletearray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i*4],4; set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); mes "Session deleted."; } next; break; case 3: mes "[Reload Settings]"; mes "This will trigger all events related to new session configurations, if any."; if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { mes " "; mes "Be aware that this will disrupt the current WOE session."; } next; set .@i, select(" ~ ^0055FFReload settings...^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Reload Settings]"; if (.@i == 2) mes "Cancelled."; else { set .Init,1; donpcevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnMinute00"; mes "Variables have been re-initialized."; } next; break; case 4: mes "[Force Agit End]"; if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) { mes "WOE has already ended."; next; break; } mes "This command will safely execute all AgitEnd events."; mes " "; mes "Kill the current WOE session?"; next; set .@i, select(" ~ ^FF0000End session...^000000:"+((.Options&1)?" ~ ^FF0000End session without rewards...^000000":"")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Force Agit End]"; if (.@i == 3) mes "Cancelled."; else { set .ForceEnd, .@i; donpcevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnWOEEnd"; mes "WOE session terminated."; } next; break; case 5: set .@d,1; break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } } break; case 5: close; } } } //my addiiton turbo_room,100,123,64duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe2-1 837 //prontera,156,196,6duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe3-1 837 payon,118,238,6 duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe4-1 837 prontera,144,109,6duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe5-1 837 prontera,270,219,4duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe6-1 837 prontera,147,314,5duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe7-1 837 prontera,124,69,5duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe8-1 837 morocc,146,255,6duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe9-1 837 morocc,148,114,6duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe10-1 837 izlude,116,127,4 duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe11-1 837 amatsu,125,108,3duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe12-1 837 alberta,63,247,3 duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe13-1 837 alberta,126,74,3duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe14-1 837 geffen,120,29,3duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe15-1 837 geffen,180,108,6duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe16-1 837 hugel,87,151,6 duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe17-1 837 gonryun,159,144,4duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe18-1 837 yuno,164,147,3duplicate(WoE Information#woe) Warper#woe19-1 837
  9. @Skorm no sir there's none i tried to search but i cant find any of thse script...
  10. @Skorm thank you sir everything's working fine now...but what about this sword guardian script?? its not working... bonus bCritical,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,62,25; if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) bonus bMaxHP,500; bonus bDef,2; bonus bHit,5; bonus bCritical,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,62,45;
  11. @Skorm what do you mean i dont have " You didn't have bonus5 on your bautobonus command. "..and also the one that you have now in the code box is it the one that is fixed?
  12. is there any script where an npc will show the list of all mvp if they are still alive or dead and how many minutes to respawn??(doesnt want the mvp tomb, what im looking is an npc where they can talk to check the status)..thanks..
  13. i have an instan refiner npc everything works except for derefine it always says thsi item is not available to derefine. // //=====// /==/ /==/ /==/ // // // /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ // //=====// /==/ /=/ /==============/ /========/ /==//===/ /==/ /==/ // //=////// /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/==/==/==/==/ / / / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ ======/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/=====/==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /========/ /==/ /==///////==/ // ================ rAthena Script ================================================== //= Refiner and Repairman made by Rikimaru on rathena.org==// //=========================================================// //======== Description ====================================// //== Easy made Refiner with Repairman for new rAthena =====// //== Users. Please do not remove theese Credits ===========// //== Refines the complete Equipment to +100 and repairs ===// //== All broken items in the Players inventory ============// //================= Version : =============================// //============= V. 1.0 Bug Fixes by Rikimaru ==============// //=========== Credits End =================================// //===================== Script of Smith/Repairman =========// turbo_room,90,119,3 script Smith 63,{ mes "[Smith]"; mes "Hi,I can Refine your"; mes "Equipment to +20"; mes "or Repair your"; mes "Equipment.Also I'm able"; mes "to Derefine your Equipment."; mes "What do you want from me?"; next; switch(select("I want a Repair:I want a Refine:I want a Derefine:Nothing")) { case 1: mes "[Smith]"; mes "Okay I'm going to repair"; mes "your Equipment."; next; while (getbrokenid(1)) { repair(1); set .@i, .@i +1; } if (.@i) dispbottom .@i + " items repaired."; mes "[Smith]"; mes "Congrats!Enjoy!"; close; end; case 2: mes "[Smith]"; mes "Okay I'm going"; mes "to refine your Equipment"; mes "to +20,Thx for using my Service!"; next; for(set @part,1;@part<101;set @part,@part+1) if(getequipisequiped(@part)) while(getequiprefinerycnt(@part) < 20) successrefitem @part; mes "[Smith]"; mes "Congrats Enjoy it!"; close; end; case 3: mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "Okay I'm going to Derifne your Equipment now. You need 10.000 Zeny for that."; next; setarray .@a[1],256,16,32,2,4,64,8,128,512,1; select(getequipname(1),getequipname(2),getequipname(3),getequipname(4),getequipname(5),getequipname(6),getequipname(7),getequipname(8),getequipname(9),getequipname(10)); if ( !getequipisequiped(@menu) ) { mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "There's nothing equipped there..."; close; } if ( zeny < 10000 ) { mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny"; close; } if ( getequiprefinerycnt(@menu) > 10 || getequiprefinerycnt(@menu) == 0 ) { mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "This item cannot be de-refined."; close; } atcommand "@refine "+ .@a[@menu] +" -90"; set zeny,zeny - 10000; mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "Your item has de-refined successfully"; close; case 4: mes "[ Smith ]"; mes "Okay,come back when you need me."; close; } }
  14. i dont know what seems to be the problem with my script to this item...it's not working though. 2751,Academy_Badge,Academy Of Badge,5,0,,100,,0,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{ bonus bAllStats,20; if(Class==Job_Knight||BaseJob==Job_Bard||BaseJob==Job_Dancer||BaseJob==Job_Assassin||BaseJob==Job_Rouge||BaseJob==Job_Priest||BaseJob==Job_Monk||BaseJob==Job_Crusader||BaseJob==Job_Wizard||BaseJob==Job_Blacksmith||BaseJob==Job_Alchemist||BaseJob==Job_TaekwonSage) bonus2 bSkillAtk,62,30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,253,30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,254,30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,136,30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,379,30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,46,45; bonus2 bSkillAtk,46,40; bonus2 bSkillAtk,382,40; bonus2 bSkillAtk,128,45; bonus2 bSkillAtk,394,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,485,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,42,40; bonus2 bSkillAtk,230,45; bonus2 bSkillAtk,490,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,156,300; bAutoSpellWhenHit,"MG_SAFETYWALL",4,20,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0; bonus2 bSkillAtk,267,40; bonus2 bSkillAtk,271,15; bonus bMatkRate,50; },{ changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD); },{ changebase Class; }
  15. what does the error means? i cant understand this one/help me please.
  16. i tried to check the entire forum about this i only found the skill.conf....but there is no option for me to change the plagriasim skill...no option to set that.
  17. thanks guys everything is fine now there's just a missing tab in groups.conf
  18. but the thing is i did not change anything in the mmo and subnet because everything is working fine and then after i restart it booom that's the time the it happened....i dont know what's seems to be the problem..everything is good before i restart the server.
  19. I can't move after i logged in here.. what seems to be the problem?
  20. first of all i dont know if this is the right place to post this topic but i just want to fix this, my server is a pk server but im wondering why does the players got silenced and muted for 5mins everytime they killed a player?
  21. as i've noticed when i equipped those to rings and when i attack and when the sonic blow cast the character will stop attacking or either have a delay to attack again, any way to fix this?? i tried to search the forum but i cant find any answer.thanks.
  22. but sir emistry it will still be stripabble, do you any script for the fcp when i equipped all valk items? fixed...thank you emistry.
  23. FCP in item combo. im thinking of when you equipped the valk set you will have full chemical protection..i tried to use eddga's endure script but it doesnt work...help me please!
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