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Posts posted by nesotomayor

  1. Hi Sir Winz,


    My client is 20110531 and my packet db is set default. We encounter on this error while purchasing on cash shop, we can't purchase item in cash shop because of the said error. do you know how to fix it?


    this is the script of my cash shop.

    prontera,99,77,6 cashshop Hypermart Costume 465,5490:10000,5512:8000,5076:1000


    Please advise,



    Please help me guys.. i don't know what to do anymore T_T



    i already fix the problem. thx mark this as closed.

  2. Hi All,


    Seeking for your assistance on how to solve this issue(please see below). i used #define PACKETVER 20110531 then my packet_db is default.


    "Player 242 sent incorrect cash shop buy packet (len 14:10)!"


    Please advise,



  3. Hi All,


    Good Day, i purchase harmony and i saw that harmony is not supported the latest rev. Upon checking on manual of harmony r17484 is one of the compatible. Where can i download these rev? i can't find it on google T_T. and also can you give me a step by step installation of harmony?


    Please advise,



  4. Hi rathena,


    Good Day, Seeking for your assistance on how to change the success refining rate of Whitesmith Weapon Refine, because it looks like they can easily make a +10 weapon.  i want to change the success refine rate of lvl3 ang lvl4 weapon.


    Q>How to disable Weapon Refine skills of Whitesmith?


    Please advise,



  5. Thanks Sir Rosemount.


    Upon Testing, the recovery password using email is not working. still it's requiring to input recovery password. i think you need an npc for this.


    Also upon login the player is not freeze/berserk. It's better if we force the player to have secondary password. can you please freeze/berserk the player upon login and @heal them so that they have full hp/sp when they correctly input their secondary password.


    Please advise,



  6. Thanks Sir Rosemount. will try this and keep you posted. xD

    Hi Sir Rosemount,


    Upon testing, i saw that once i used recovery password then i change my old password into new password and got success result, the player is not disconnecting it remains freeze. It's better if once he successfully recover and change the password the player should be kick or unfreeze/remove berserk.


    And also it's better if the player is force to apply second password, meaning the player is already freeze and berserk in the 1st place, because i can easily bypass the setting of 2nd password by using flywing etc..


    Question: where can i find in the database the second password and recovery password of the player?




    Hi Sir Skorm,


    Your script is not working.

    Nothings happen, nothings pop up when i logged in. T_T


    I think you need to set this up on the script

    set .bypass, 100; //GMs this level or greater don't need passwords.
    		set .md5, 0; //MD5 Passwords this is for added security (1=on:0=off) rAthena Only!
    		set .norm, 0; //Enable Passwords for normal players (1=on:0=off)


    Hi Sir,


    I already change the settings. from .norm, 0 change to .norm 1 but still nothings happens.



    i got no error encounter but still the pop up message upon loggin in is not showing. T_T


    Please help me.



  8. Hi All Script Master,


    Good Day, I would like to request a script that will do the following:


    Once the player is already in game they will required to set a secondary password

    Save the secondary password of the player into database with md5 features


    Players who will not yet set the secondary password

    1.) All players that has not yet set the secondary password will go to jail to prevent the @warp,@go,flywing,bwing,@jump and death that will bypass the script.

    2.) Once the secondary password is already set they will kick out of the game


    Players who already set the secondary password

    1.) Everytime the player will login, they will go to jail and enter their secondary password to prevent the @warp,@go,flywing,bwing,@jump and death that will bypass the script.

    2.) If the player type correctly the secondary password(db checking), the player will be unjail and back to its original location(location where he is located b4 he warp to jail)

    3.) If the player type the wrong secondary password he will be kick out on the game



    1.) Players can change their secondary password.

            - to change the secondary password it will require to enter his current secondary password.

    2.) GM 99 group id can enable/disable the security system feature.


    Feel free to add anything guys. we need this for the security of our server.


    Hoping for your immediate response script master.


    Please advise,



    following this up please..



  9. Hi All,


    Good Day, Seeking for your assistance on how to add mute on the script below upon logging in and remove the mute if the secondary password is correct. because when the player use @go the script is useless, that's why i want to add mute so that he can't warp.


    - script Login_Events -1,{
    if ( #secuquestion == 0 ) {
    mes "Just in case you forget your secondary password. Please set up a security question";
    input @secquestion$;
    set #questsec$,@secquestion$;
    mes "Now give me the answer";
    input @secquestion$;
    set #questsecans$,@secquestion$;
    set #secuquestion,1;
    mes "Thank you! You can now reset your secondary password if ever you forget it.";
    mes "You will now be disconnected";
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    if ( #secondpass == 0 ) {
    mes "We are now requiring that each player have a secondary account password.";
    mes "The system indicates that you don't have one yet.";
    mes "What would you like your secondary password to be?";
    callsub L_SetPass;
    set #secondpass,1;
    mes "Thanks for setting up your password. You will now be disconnected.";
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    } else {
    mes "Please type in your secondary password or type in 'Forgot' if you can't remember.";
    input @secondpass$;
    if ( @secondpass$ == "Forgot" ) {
    mes "You seem to have forgotten your password.";
    mes "Please give me the answer to...";
    mes #questsec$;
    input @secquestion$;
    if ( @secquestion$ != #questsecans$ ) {
    mes "That's the wrong answer.";
    mes "Please contact a GM for further assistance.";
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    } else {
    mes "Thank you! Please tell me what you want your new secondary password to be..";
    callsub L_SetPass;
    mes "Thanks for setting up your password. You will now be disconnected.";
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    } else if ( @secondpass$ == #passsec$ ) {
    mes "Thank you and have a great day!";
    mes "You typed in the wrong password.";
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    input @secondpass$;
    set #passsec$,@secondpass$;
    Please advise,

    following this up please...
    following this up please...
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