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  1. My Specifications: OS: Windows 7 64bit exe: 2013-07-03aRagexe_patched launcher: Loki Launcher kRO: updated last night to completion Greetings! So I just recently decided I'd get with the times and make an rAthena server (been messing around with my old eAthena one from like.. 2009/10ish? all these years..) But long story short, I followed Cassiels guide to creating a server, (was up until 4 AM in fact..!) and I followed it as intently and carefully as I could... yet I am still experiencing a few problems.. as usual, Im' sure it's just something minor that I may be missing somewhere... Please forgive me for inquiring about these apparently common errors, but I have looked around quite a bit and none of the things that worked for other people seem to work for me, or they say "fixed it!" but never tell how~ - OpenSetup: When I try to use it to change my resolution, I change the settings, but when I click "Apply" or "OK" I get this error (Note: I did try to open it as administrator, no dice.. ) - Loki Launcher #1 (sounds like a special move of the Hulk heh heh) - Loki Launcher is all kinds of messed up for me! haha. When I click on it to run it, it comes up with the little chibi Loki, and I put in Test_m as a test, and press OK, and get this error UPDATED: I can now create accounts with _m, _f (explained at bottom of this post in the "updated" section), and log in with them, but immediately logging into the account (before putting in the pin) I get this error every time. But it still lets me proceed to the game. - Loki Launcher #2: At which point, the little 640x480 RO window comes up anyway, and it shows the server called "ragnarok" to choose, so I do, and then I get this at the top saying "supported at the party was rejected" And then I press OK, and get this So that's basically the gist of it. Please help me out! also, I think I should note: My Login, map, and Char servers all seem to be running fine (I even get a response saying that the account doesnt exist when I attempt to create one) here's a pic of them. Error free. help..! XD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE Ok, so I realized that my "Clientinfo.xml" (which I could not find originally in the Data folder, and created my own using the supplied text like the guide said to) was incorrect. it turns out a new one appeared with old text, so I replaced it with the up to date text (with version "38" in the text, corresponding to my exe, similar to the guides). I then got a message on the server window saying that my server was compiled for version 42, so I changed it to 42, and now current status is: - I can get into the game! however I still get the error from the part of my post labeled "Loki Launcher #1" - I still cannot change my window resolution with the error in the part of my post labeled: OpenSetup UPDATE #2 Ok. Everything is 100% fine now. (fingers crossed). I read the "OpenSetup text file and it mentioned that it could not find optioninfo.lub and I thought to myself "I put that in the luaFiles514 folder! wtf!" It turns out, I in fact must have misread in the guide where it tells you if you have an issue with optioninfo.lub, to put it into "client\system\lua514\" For some reason I saw that as putting it into "(your kRO directory)\data\luafiles514"! So word to the wise folks, MAKES SURE ITS IN "(your kRO directory)\client\system\lua514\"! That literally fixed every error I had in this topic. ["self" Solved ]
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