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Everything posted by ihazbackup

  1. Hello fellow mappers, this is my first map I made. Because there are so many custom towns and so little fields, I made a large field map. It's a training camp map with 1 entrance to another map and 1 entrance to a dungeon. Training camp also includes a beach scenery. Because this is a field map, I'm planning on adding monsters in my server. Here are the photos: Some textures are quite misplaced and lightmaps aren't proper yet. It was quite hard blending between textures... If it's done, I'm planning on releasing it free, considering my first work haha... Any advice or suggestion is welcomed. Thanks
  2. Tried clicking "+", no result... still 1 tile editing.. I looked at the Preference window and saw that the "Increase Brush Size" is set at "Equal" key. I tried clicking equal key, shift+equal, even turning on capslock... still no result. I changed the button to number "0". Still not working either. SOLVED: I don't know what's going on... too many unknown error while executing rathena, clients, adding custom maps, and now, browedit that I didn't care what caused it anyway.. I changed the letter for "Increase Brush Size" to "T" and it works. I also executed BrowEdit as Admin.
  3. Hello, I'm currently building a custom map, a field, for my server. It's quite big (almost 200x200) and the problem's the GAT tiling takes too long since I can only change 1 tile at a time. I've tried set "Gat Collision1" and "GatCollision 2" from "Edit" menu, but it's not enough to correctly cover the entire map. There are still a lot of tiles needed to be changed Is there any way to cover a X times X tiles for GAT Tiling?? Or I have to do it one by one tile?? Thanks before
  4. THX a lot, Najara. It fixes the bad tiling. My resolution was set to 1366x768, so it stretched. Well, I'll use BrowEdit r586 with 1280x720 resolution.. THX again
  5. Thank you for the file.. I followed the same step as you do (I got my EXE file from my friend's server. He happens to have the same version 2012-04-10) and it works... I don't even know what happens.. Anyway thx for all the help, Neji. I'll replace the file with the one you gave me later..
  6. Hi, I've stumbled across a bug (or not) in BrowEdit r586. When I tile the texture using the red bounding box on the left menu, the displayed texture seems missed 1 tile to the left on the map. Here's the picture: Is it a bug or there are some settings I have not encountered yet?? Any help is appreciated, thanks...
  7. Yeah, my undiffed Exe file came from the same source. My system has all the updates required.. - already patched kro to the latest - All following the guide from https://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/ Tried - 2012-04-10aRagexe, - 2012-04-10aRagexeRE, - 2012-04-10aRagexeRE_J, - 2012-04-10aRagexeRE_S I even tried the diffed version. Still blank error I don't know if the client works in Win8. You should change compatibility to XP
  8. Hmmm well.. Now, I'm re-doing all the client setup. I deleted the client folder and starts from installing kro client. I'll update when I'm done NOTE: XDiff patcher is useful for 2013 or above clients. I'm using the 2012 client. EDIT : Okay, I've re-done the steps for making the client. I followed this guide: https://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/ Here are the steps: - Installed kro. Downloaded the latest one 2015-03-01 from NickyZai - created "data" folder and copy the data folder downloaded from the guide to my RO folder - Copied the "luafiles514", also downloaded from the same source, to the "data" folder in my RO folder - Changed clientinfo.xml - Created the GRF from the "data" folder I made. - Created DATA.INI and set the path to grf - Diffed client 2012-04-10aRagexeRE_S, downloaded from the guide with the same setting as the above mentioned (No Read LUA before LUB, no Read from Data Folder) - Started the server [sUCCESS] (my server took the maps from client's grf) - Started the client [FAIL].... Still blank error message - If I check disable 1rag1 parameter, it will show windows crash error. I've been stuck in this problem for 5 hours....
  9. I didn't diff that patch. That patch is not showing in NEMO After I double-clicked the client, the error showed
  10. I already ran it with admin privileges. Still the same error EDIT : after diffing and uncheck Read Data Folder First, I got this error instead:
  11. Tried diffing with Disable -1rag1 parameter, no blank error, but crashed instead. Here's the screenshot EDIT : I tried with the diffed client from the site https://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/above. Same error
  12. I've tried it and still crashes. Anyway, I fixed it already. I was using the File > New Map feature which seems buggy. I used ro defined map (in this case, gef_tower), selected Tool > Clear maps, started building, and HOORAY I managed to save it..
  13. Hi, I'm currently trying to get client 20120410 working on my server. Here's my client information: - 2012-04-10aRagexe diffed using Nemo - Patches included The problem is, it gives blank error whenever I executed my client. Here's the screenshot I used the data, lub files, and client file from this thread: https://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/ I've tried re-doing the grf making, re-diffing, etc.. but it still gives the same error Sorry if this is a noob question. I've just started messing with rathena server and client Any help is appreciated. THX
  14. Hi, I'm trying to make a custom map using BrowEdit. I followed the guide from this link: http://browedit.excalibur-nw.com/?a=viewtopic&id=533 The problem shows up when I'm trying to add model in "Object Edit" mode. I presses M, clicking several 3d objects I'm going to use, but the objects did not show up at the Object Edit Window's list (only a line with the word "object"). I can't add any object, nor placing it.. I'm sorry if it's a noob question, as I am a scripter and still learning about BrowEdit... Thanks before.. EDIT: I've changed to version 586 (most people seem to use this version, and they said this version is the least buggy version.). Still cannot choose object to the list.. SOLVED: The right window is actually a window for placed objects. To place an object, select 1 from Object window, close the window, and Ctrl+Click on the map to place it... It's solved now.. -------------------- New Problem ----------------------- Guys, I have another problem. My BrowEdit r586 hangs when saving maps. I cannot save any maps cause it kept crashing... Tried compatibility check with windows XP, same problem..
  15. Hi, I need help with my client. I'm running a 2012-04-10a client and so far it works perfectly, both client and server. All, except the the item description in the client side. It's not in Korean or symbols, but it's like a collection of jumbled words (not even had any meaning in different languages). Here's the screenshot I've already checked the : - data/msgstringtable.txt -> all in english - num2itemdesctable.txt -> all in english - num2itemdisplaynametable.txt -> english - num2itemresnametable.txt -> also english LUA and LUB is also translated Any help is appreciated. THX before
  16. Guys, it is fixed? I got the same error, only the white window did not appear and went straight to crash window. I'm using 2013-08-07a and Nemo to diff it. I'm running it in Win 7 Anyone can guide me here? I'm a bit new here when setting up client EDIT : Here's the thread containing the information of the server https://rathena.org/board/topic/101311-need-help-with-client-2013-08-07/
  17. Hello. I've been meddling around with my client, but I can't even start the exe. It just crashed after I filled in the username and password. I launched it from Loki launcher (cause 2013 clients don't have login window) I'm using: - kro renewal full client 20150301 - 2013-08-07aRagexe.exe client - Loki launcher - XDiffPatcher with Xdiff file the same as the client's date Patches checked: - GM Chat Color - Custom Window Title - Disable Ragexe filename check - Disable HShield - Disable Packet Encryption - Enable Multiple GRFs - Enable Title Bar Menu - @Bug Fix - Increase headgear view - Increase Zoom - Load iteminfo lua before lub - Read Data folder first - Read msgstringtable.txt - read questid2display.txt - Translate client in English - Use ragnarok Icon - extract msgstringtable.txt - extract txt file strings mmo.h: - #define PACKETVER 20130807 clientinfo.xml - <address></address> - <version>45</version> - <langtype>1</langtype> db/packet_db.txt - packet_db_ver:45 What I've done: - searched this forum for any fixes. Still not working - Removing several patches from xdiff, still not working Please help... THX before EDIT => Already tried with different clients (20120814a and 20130703a), changed version and packetdb. Still the same error
  18. Can you help me with this problem? I want when players enter an instance, they are automatically warped randomly into 2 or more different points.. (instance_db.txt only describes 1 warp point) Is there any NPC event like OnInstanceEnter or something like that? OnInstanceInit is for instance_create(), right? THX in advance
  19. thx @spades for the reply.. I've resolved the problem, now another problem occured. I was able to login using my account, but after selecting server, it failed to connect to server (now, I'm using windows 7 as client and server) here's the screenshot of my login server (it closes connection to the server right after logging in) http://imgur.com/yeHh8e0 pls help! THX
  20. Hi, I'm starting my own server using rathena. For now, I'm currently testing it in my LAN. I have 2 computers in the same network, 1 is the server in CentOS and the other one is the client (windows 7). I've setup the rathena in my server and it's running well (all char, map, and login server is turned on), but when I start the client in windows 7 and filling my id and pass, it cannot connect to the server. Here's my server information: - ragexe used: 2010-07-28aRagexeRE - char_athena.conf -> login_ip :, char_ip : - map_athena.conf -> char_ip :, map_ip : - subnet_athena.conf -> subnet: - db/packet_db.txt -> packet_db_ver: 23 - my clientinfo.txt -> <address> 192.168.xxx.xxx (the server's host IP) </address> <port>6900</port> <version>23</version> <langtype>1</langtype> - mmo.c packetver 20102807 please help! been struggling for 5 hours with no result...
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