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  1. Hellow monsieur I cant get it work here are my scripts, Is there any thing I done wrong in it? Merci //*/ //CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rebirth_system` ( // `account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', // `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NULL', // `num_rebirth` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', // `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', // PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`) //) ENGINE=MyISAM; //*/ alberta,185,139,5 script Fairy King 624,{ function checkItem; // check if player have all item required function colorItemrequired; // color the text. Red : not enough item, green otherwise function deleteItem; // delete all items required function displayItemneed; // display all items need at start function getItemReward; // give the items reward function weightreq; // check if your current weight is highter than weight high novice .@eac = eaclass(); if ( num_rebirth == .reset_max ) { mes "You can only rebirth x"+ .reset_max +"."; emotion e_gasp; close; } else if( NextJobExp || NextBaseExp || !( .@eac&EAJL_2 ) || !Upper ) { mes "Your Base & Job Lv must be maximum before you rebirth."; close; } mes "Items need :"; displayItemneed(); next; switch( select( "^777777~ Rebirth", "~ Informations", "~ Good bye^000000" ) ) { case 1: weightreq(); checkItem(); deleteItem(); break; case 2: mes "You can only rebirth ^ff0000x"+ .reset_max +"^000000. You already have ^ff0000x"+ num_rebirth +"^000000 Rebirth."; mes "Each rebirth you get ^ff0000"+ .num_status +"^000000 Stat Points and after ^ff0000"+ .change_reward +"^000000 rebirth, you can receive Random as a reward!"; close; case 3: mes "Bye."; close; } num_rebirth += 1; if ( Upper ) { // just in case the user change the setting... lastJob = roclass( .@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK ); jobchange Job_Novice_High; } else jobchange Job_Novice; resetlvl 1; if ( num_rebirth < .change_reward ) StatusPoint = StatusPoint + .num_status * num_rebirth; else { StatusPoint = StatusPoint + .num_status * .change_reward; getItemReward(); } query_sql "insert into `rebirth_system` values ( "+ getcharid(3) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) ) +"', '"+ num_rebirth +"', '"+ getcharip() +"' ) on duplicate key update `num_rebirth` = `num_rebirth` +1"; announce " "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has been Reborn "+ num_rebirth +" Times!", 0; set ClassHelper,0; close; function checkItem { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) if ( countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) < .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth ) { mes "You don't have enought "+ getitemname( .item_req[.@i] ) +". ^ff0000["+ countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) +"/"+ ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth ) +"]^000000"; close; } if ( num_rebirth >= .change_reward ) if ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth - .change_reward > countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) ) { mes "You don't have enought "+ getitemname( .add_item_req[0] ) +". ^ff0000["+ countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) +"/"+ ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth - .change_reward ) +"]^000000"; close; } return; } function colorItemrequired { if ( countitem( .item_req[ getarg(0) ] ) < .item_req[ getarg(0)+1 ] + num_rebirth ) return "^ff0000"; return "^00ff00"; } function deleteItem { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) delitem .item_req[.@i], ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth ); if ( num_rebirth >= .change_reward ) delitem .add_item_req[0], ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth - .change_reward ); return; } function displayItemneed { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) mes colorItemrequired( .@i ) +" - x"+ ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth ) +" "+ getitemname( .item_req[.@i] ); if ( num_rebirth >= .change_reward ) { if ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth - .change_reward > countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) ) .@color$ = "^ff0000"; else .@color$ = "^00ff00"; mes .@color$ +"- x"+ ( .add_item_req[1] + ( num_rebirth - .change_reward ) ) +" "+ getitemname( .add_item_req[0] ); } return; } function getItemReward { for ( ; .@i < .size_reward; .@i += 2 ) getitem .reward[.@i], .reward[ .@i+1 ]; return; } function weightreq { if ( Weight > 35000 ) { mes "You have too much items on you. Your weight will be too high after rebirth."; close; } return; } OnInit: .reset_max = 999; // how much reset max .change_reward = 900; // after 30 rebirth, change reward .num_status = 200; // + X number of status points // item required <item ID>, <number> setarray .item_req, 750, 5, 751, 5, 7029, 3; .size_item = getarraysize( .item_req ); // additionnal items after rebirth >> .change_reward // <item ID>, <number> setarray .add_item_req, 7029, 3; } // rewards <item ID>, <number> setarray .reward, 7732, 5; .size_reward = getarraysize( .reward ); end; OnClock0939: OnClock1200: enablenpc strnpcinfo(3); announce "The rebirth npc appear!", 0; end; OnClock0945: OnClock1210: disablenpc strnpcinfo(3); announce "The rebirth npc is gone!", 0; end; }
  2. Sir Capuche I put it already and the NPC is gone... when I input @reload scripts and then when the time is right the NPC wont appear.. =( Mille fois merci monsieur I forgot to say it in my last post monsieur, if you dont mind, can you add a script when the NPC enabled he will broadcast/announce that he have arrive and then when the NPC disabled he will broadcast/announce that he will leave.. merci, monsieur
  3. when I enter, It says "Your effect has changed" thats all, no errors... =)
  4. Bonjour monsieur Capuche, Im using this Reborn System script that you made and I'm thankful for creating it.. If you dont mind monsieur can I request some additional script for it, Id like to request scripts for the Reborn NPC to appear at 12pm - 12:10pm and 12am - 12:10am everyday... Thank you monsieur bonne journée
  5. @Xano, Than you so much for your time on helping me on my problem.. The truth is, my Server Files have no item_db2.txt i just copied it from item_db.txt and renamed it to item_db2.txt, this is where I downloaded my server files... https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/ I Do that copy and paste thing becoz most of the guide I found on google tells me that I must have a db2.txt, but still it didn't fix my problem.. I Only have that lua file but I put another lub file hoping that my problem will fix, but still Im not lucky.. Do I need to put comma ,,,, to the end or I will just dont put it? hehe.. sorry for the confusion {"i get confused also when Im writing it hehehe"} , I mean, the custom equips I want to make is a costume type equips.. @sprite 3500 and @sprite 3501 is not working In my client says: @sprite is Unknown Command.. Thank you again for the time Ms Xano... ☺ have a nice day.. Here are some of my files that Im using... @attached files below...
  6. @Xano take a look at my accssoryid and accname lua and lub files below... and Here is my itemdb2 and itemdb.txt itemdb.txt 28103,T_Cigarette,Equilibrium Wings,4,0,,0,,0,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,4096,,0,0,3500,{ bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SM_MAGNUM",10,30; },{},{} 28104,T_Sunglasses,Roronoa Zoro Swords,4,0,,0,,0,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,2048,,0,0,3501,{ bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SM_MAGNUM",10,30; },{},{} itemdb2.txt 28103,T_Cigarette,Equilibrium Wings,4,0,,0,,0,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,4096,,0,0,3500,{ bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SM_MAGNUM",10,30; },{},{} 28104,T_Sunglasses,Roronoa Zoro Swords,4,0,,0,,0,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,2048,,0,0,3501,{ bonus2 bAddClass,Class_All,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SM_MAGNUM",10,30; },{},{} Im using a Renewal server and then my custom items are costume, i want them to be a costume type items... please help...
  7. 1. hex edit as far i know 2. renewal have fixed cast time, that can't be lowered by any stats use pre-renewal cast time instead (#define RENEWAL_CAST) then compile 3. un-check "read-only" atribute in your OptionInfo.lua file 4. search over forums, there are many thread already asked about it. ------------------ good luck 2. Thats why even I have 32k dex i still have casting time, So sir where can i Find txt/lua or lub to change from reneral to pre-re? Thank you so much Sir for giving me light, Have a nice Day... =)
  8. 2013-08-07aRagexe Sir can u please Share what you Do? Thanks, Salamat ng Marami =)
  9. hello fellow-men and women, i've read all the guide on how to put a Custom Wing/Item and I reach to the point that I already done it BUT BUT here are the problems, when i equip the said items my character will equip it but it will not be own on my character, See Pic here... I really really need your help guys..thank you so much =) have a nice day...
  10. Sir I cant make the aura get to work my Base lvl is 255 and jlvl is 150 what should I put to make the aura work? =) 2nd Question How can i remove the casting time of every skill? My Character already has 999 DEX but it still Casting so Long Specially Acid Demonstration, Asura, ETC please help me guyss 3rd Question How can I Make my client Save all of the Settings I made InGame Like BGM Sound Sound Effects? 4th question http://rathena.org/board/topic/94274-h-e-l-p-adding-custom-wing-2013-08-07aragexe/ Please Help me... =( Im Using 2013-08-07aRagexe... Thank you..... thank you so much for this wonderfull guide..
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