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Posts posted by kenedos

  1. You can enchant each equipment up to 3 times, and you can enchant the following types of armors : upper headgear, shield, footgear, garment and armor (chest piece)

    The difference is that this system has a lot more enchantments, they are separated by class, you can enchant any type of armor (while official only lets

    you enchant special types of armors, such as mora equipment, wild tail, light of el dicastes, etc), you have three different enchantment types, and you

    have the unique enchantments that don't exist in official. The official enchantments are in general less usefull and not worth it (because they also have a

    somewhat low chance to work).

    • Upvote 1
  2. Sure, here are the answers

    1. Yeah, the file you download comes with two scripts, under "Server Side/npc/" you can find both "refine.txt" and "highrefine.txt".

    the "refine.txt" only happens to refine stuff up to +10, and the "highrefine.txt" only refines stuff past +10 till +20.

    All you gotta do is implement the "refine.txt" and forget the "highrefine.txt"

    2. I have changed the first post in this topic, you can take a look at it, I will explain better how to change the safe refine rate.

    3. Success chance is taken from your "server folder/db/refine_db.txt" file, meaning you can change the respective success

    rates in that file. just look for the 'db' folder in your server folder, then the 'refine_db.txt' file.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Introduction :

    Original topic was from eAthena, but I felt it'd be nice to share this map with rAthena community as well :3

    I've added a very few slight changes to make the map look a little better.

    Feel free to post your comments and criticism.

    Pictures :





    Video :

    Download :

    (Hunter's Village Indoor Map + BGM + Sound Effect Script)

    Version 1.1 -

    Direct Link : Hunter's Village.rar

    (Updated on 06/16/2012)

    (Hunter's Village Map)

    Version 1.1-

    Direct Link : hun_vil.zip

    Mirror : http://www.mediafire...s56zb92smf2n384


    (Hunter's Village Indoors Map + Warps)

    Direct Link : Hunter's Village In and Warps.rar

    • Upvote 3
  4. Introduction :

    Allows you to refine every of a single item type in your inventory at the same time. You can also trigger a quick refining function,

    making it a thousand times easier for over-refining things.

    Explanation :

    I Readjusted the normal refiner npc (the infamous Hollengrhen) to be able to refine many equipments at the "same time".

    Actually it does not refine them at the same time, but it allows you to refine everything in a lightning speed, compared to

    what it was before (selecting the menu each time you wanted to refine once).

    I also made a secondary script to work for past +10 equipments, these use Bradiums and Kaluniums instead.

    I could've put them all in the same NPC, but that would be sort of messy and confusing to edit, so i chose to make

    them two separated NPCs (Just like gravity did, when they first implemented the past +10 refine).

    When you refine, you now get a last option, this last option allows you to increase the speed you will refine your equipments.

    Once you select the equipment you want to refine, you may now choose to refine every item of the same item ID in your

    inventory to that desired refine rate.

    Obviously the NPC will charge you for all the eluniums and zeny cost summed up together, but it takes out the items

    for each refine done, therefore the chances of actually losing an item (or money) using this script have been minimized.

    Pictures :






    Video :

    Warning :

    - The refine.txt script is already a official normal script inside rAthena. Make sure you disable

    the other one, I believe it is located in scripts_athena.conf, under Merchants. But that may differ

    depending on your server.

    - The quick refining function uses a "sleep2" command to delay between refines. If your server

    lags insanely, you may have to increase that sleep2 value. By default it is 300, but perhaps if your

    server is big, you may want to increase it past that.

    - Eluniums and armors weight a lot, depending on your server rates, some players might not

    be able to carry all the armors and eluniums together to over refine them at once.

    (That's not really a bug, its supposed to be like that, but if you wish, you can remove eluniums

    weight or something.)


    - The script does not check for overweight characters, this means they could drop their items by

    refining at past 90%... (To be fixed)

    Information :

    To change the safe refine rates, materials consumed, or prices, look for the following piece of script :

    Just change the values in the variables.

    .@price = Price for that refine

    .@material = Material ID consumed for that refine

    .@safe = Safe refine rate of that type of refine

    // ----------- Refine Prices, Materials and Safe Refines ---------- //
    case 0:  //Refine Armor
    set .@price,2000;
    set .@material,985;
    set .@safe,4;
    case 1:  //Refine Level 1 Weapon
    set .@price,50;
    set .@material,1010;
    set .@safe,7;
    case 2:  //Refine Level 2 Weapon
    set .@price,200;
    set .@material,1011;
    set .@safe,6;
    case 3:  //Refine Level 3 Weapon
    set .@price,5000;
    set .@material,984;
    set .@safe,5;
    case 4:  //Refine Level 4 Weapon
    set .@price,20000;
    set .@material,984;
    set .@safe,4;
    case 5:  //Refine other stuff?
    set .@price,2000;
    set .@material,985;
    set .@safe,4;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //

    Download :

    Version 1.1 (High Refine), Version 4.1 (Refine) -

    Direct Link : Refine.rar

    (OUTDATED) Version 1.0 (High Refine), Version 4.0 (Refine) -

    Direct Link : Refine.rar

    MediaFire : http://www.mediafire...eudlm1m42ymid2l

    4Shared : http://www.4shared.c...lqH/Refine.html

    • Upvote 9
  5. Introduction :

    This Custom Enchantment System is based on the official enchantments (Mora Items, El Dicastes Quest

    Items) but improved for any armor-type in the game.

    Explanation :

    Enchantment Attributes :

    A NPC Allows you to enchant your armors 2nd, 3rd and 4th slots with many attributes, for example :

    STR + 1, STR + 2, Atk Speed + 1%, DEF + 1, Cast Time - 1%

    And a lot more.

    Enchantment Limits :

    You can enchant each slot for a different attribute, this means you can eventually get a LOT of bonuses.

    considering you are incredibly lucky, or just incredibly rich, and you spent an incredible amount of time playing,

    the maximum amount of one status you could get would be +45.

    Three +3 STR in each slot, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, in every armor piece, headgear, foot-gear, armor, shield and garment.

    That would give you a total of +45 STR for example.

    Obviously, it is ridiculously hard to achieve such limit.

    Enchantment Types :

    Normal Enchantment :

    Costs a bit of money, highest chance of working among the enchantments, but the enchantment given

    is random, you can choose a set of enchantments depending on your class, but it is not restricted only

    to your class. (Which means you can use a mage enchantment being an archer for example).

    MvP Selectable Enchantment :

    This works the same as normal enchantments, except you need 1 Unique Power Stone (will be explained later) to

    do this enchantment. The difference is that the cost is higher, the chance lower, but you will be able to select the

    normal enchantment you want, instead of being given randomly.

    MvP Unique Enchantment :

    This has a different special set of enchantments, you can get insane bonuses, but the enchantment costs 3 Unique Power

    Stones, a lot more money and has a lot higher chance to fail. The enchantment is given randomly and you can't choose

    a class-type in this specific enchantment.

    GM Enchantment :

    With this you can select any enchantment for free and with 100% chance to work, obviously it is only restricted to GMs above

    level 80. (You can change this in the script, refer to the header inside the NPC txt)

    Unique Power Stones :

    These are obtained through trading in MvP Misc items with the NPC, such as Fang of Garm, Tiger Footskin, etc.

    You can change these item requirements inside the NPC script. Please refer to the header in the txt for more info.

    Warning :

    The Following things may bug this system :

    - Your server has more than 1 slots for armors (footgears, headgears, etc).

    - Your server has a decarder NPC

    - Your server has a "Sign your name on item" NPC.

    - Your server uses 2nd, 3rd or 4th slots for armors for something else.

    - Be carefull with Mora Items, make sure to add them as an exception.

    - Be carefull with the normal armor enchant NPC in south prontera. (Recommended you remove it)

    Pictures :





    Download :

    Version 1.0 -

    Direct Download : Enchantment System.rar

    Media Fire : http://www.mediafire...5aj5947cweiae3q

    4Shared : http://www.4shared.c...ent_System.html

    • Upvote 6
  6. First off :

    I did not make this script completely by myself. I am rather new to PHP (this is my first php code ever) so I had some help to finish this. Although the functionality is completely different, you may find some similarities in the HTML code. Therefore I'd like to thank and give credits to the Author: Aaron Sinclair for helping with this release indirectly

    Another Thing :

    I couldn't make a new topic in the 3rd party tool downloads section, therefore this might not be the most appropriate place to be releasing this, but I had nowhere else to go. If a mod could perhaps move this later, that would be great.

    Enough Talk.

    Here's what it does :

    At first it may look a bit tricky but then you figure it's just pretty simple. I made a php code that allows you to set up multiple NPC duplicates at the same time, just by pointing out the NPC names, and a few more things...

    Well, in short, it makes a cartesian product between all the maps listed and all the npcs listed, so you can for example, easily set up all the NPCs you need in your towns without having to go through the towns and typing '/where' all the time.

    The X and Y Modified Coords refer to that specific map center location. For example, if you list in the map "prontera, 150, 150" in the map format list, you will have all the npcs duplicate in prontera, and their new X and Y coords will depend on their X and Y modified coords. If you have X Mod = 3 and Y Mod = -5 used in the example above, your npc specific location would be "prontera, 153, 145".

    The X and Y Modified Coords are meant to make it easy to make NPCs circle around a specific area, you can draw any kind of shapes you want, given you know how to do it using this tool. This makes it a lot easier to set up many different NPCs duplicates among many towns at the same time.

    I suppose an example explain this better than anything.

    Example :

    Npc Format (Npc Name, Map Center + X Coord, Map Center + Y Coord, Facing Direction, Sprite Number) :

    Healer, 2, -3, 5, 880
    Warper, -5, -5, 3, 660
    Kafra, -2, -3, 4, 110
    Jobchanger, 0, 0, 2, 550

    Map Format (Map Name, Center X, Center Y) :

    (Note : Center is not the center of the map...)

    prontera, 156, 181
    alberta, 50, 238
    payon, 200, 150
    morocc, 150, 100
    geffen, 200, 100
    aldebaran, 50, 70
    splendide, 90, 180
    dicastes01, 201, 165
    mora, 151, 214

    Output :

    (All the four NPCs will be duplicated in every given town, with their respective variables)

    (The total amount of duplicates is the product between the number of towns and number of NPCs)

    // Healer ----------------------------------------------
    // Warper ----------------------------------------------
    // Kafra ----------------------------------------------
    // Jobchanger ----------------------------------------------


    The given values for this example were completely random.

    I don't even know if those are valid sprite IDs or real coords.


    - This tool ignores spaces between NPC names, as well as comas or any given space at all. If your NPC has a space in it's name, it will be lost.

    - This tool cannot generate {TAB} characters, therefore you gotta go on notepad++ or a text editor and replace all the {TAB} symbols with real tabs.

    (Notepad++ does that with the extended search mode, by inputting to replace {TAB} with t)

    - This tool always increment the NPC new name by the using the symbol 'd' together with an incremental number. If the npc name has a # sign, it will not put another.

    If the hidden name symbol is not used, it will just add the '#d' symbols together with the incremental number after the current NPC hidden name.

    - This tool is limited to only work within a certain area around the specified center of the map, therefore if you need to place the NPCs in completely chaotic places, or

    places that are very specific, this tool will not help you at all, it helps with generalizing the locations, and making duplication job faster and easier.

    - This tool is meant to be used with many NPCs to be duplicated at the same time, if you wish you duplicate only one, of course its possible, but it won't make your

    job much easier. You'll still have to find every single map coords for that one NPC.

    Link :


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