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Posts posted by ecstasssyy

  1. ok sir im sorry thank you so much

    I changed the announce to mapannounce but i cant click the npc now.. tried to change the first line only it does not work too.


    mapannounce "[Aline]: We are going to start an Stop the Clock Event in 1 Minute at Prontera!",bc_map;
    sleep2 30000;
    announce "[Aline]: We are going to start in 30 Seconds!",bc_map;
    sleep2 20000;
    announce "[Aline]: Hurry up! Event starts in 10 Seconds!",bc_map;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "[Aline]: Get Ready only 5 seconds left!",bc_map;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "[Aline]: START!!!",bc_map;
    sleep2 5000;
  2. Si mam/sir can someone help me fixing this script, i would like to edit the announcements coming from the npc. I want it to be in pront only.  I changed some announcement from here : https://rathena.org/wiki/Announce 

    prontera,156,177,4 script Stop the Clock 102,{
    if(.game == 1 && stopped != 1) {
    set stopped, 1;
    set @stopped, .i;
    message strcharinfo(0), "You stopped the clock at "+@stopped+".";
    if(.lowest > @stopped) {
    set .lowest, @stopped;
    set .winner$, strcharinfo(0);
    else if(.game == 1) {
    message strcharinfo(0), "You already stopped the clock.";
    set .name$, "[Event Manager]";
    set .menu$, "Times:Information:Price:Leave";
    if(strcharinfo(0) == .winner$) {
    set stopped, 0;
    mes .name$;
    mes "Here you get your price.";
    mes "Your Price is:";
    mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000";
    getitem $prize_id, $prize_amount;
    set .winner$, "";
    if(stopped == 1) {
    set stopped, 0;
    mes .name$;
    mes "You activated your char for the next round.";
    if(getgmlevel() > 60) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":StartGame:SetPrice";
    mes .name$;
    mes "Welcome to the ^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000.";
    switch(select(.menu$)) {
    case 1:
    mes .name$;
    mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000 starts each day at:";
    mes "^00800015:00^000000, ^00800018:00^000000 and ^00800021:00^000000 o'clock.";
    case 2:
    mes .name$;
    mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000";
    mes "is a game where you need to";
    mes "click on me exactly when the counter reached 0.";
    mes .name$;
    mes "It counts down from ^0080001000^000000 to ^ff00000^000000.";
    mes .name$;
    mes "To win, you need to have the ^ff0000closest value to 0^000000 but at least ^ff0000below 50^000000.";
    mes .name$;
    mes "The winner will recieve a prize.";
    mes "^ff0000Don't forget to talk to me after the Event is over,";
    mes "to reset your counter to take part on the next event.^000000";
    case 3:
    mes .name$;
    mes "The Price is:";
    mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000";
    case 4:
    case 5:
    sleep2 100;
    goto l_start;
    case 6:
    mes .name$;
    mes "Enter the item id of the prize:";
    input $prize_id;
    mes .name$;
    mes "Enter the amount if items the winner will recieve:";
    input $prize_amount;
    mes .name$;
    mes "The price id is: ^ff0000"+$prize_id+"^000000";
    mes "^008000("+getitemname($prize_id)+")^000000.";
    mes "The amount is: ^ff0000"+$prize_amount+"^000000.";
    announce "[Aline]: We are going to start an Stop the Clock Event in 1 Minute at Prontera!",bc_all;
    sleep2 30000;
    announce "[Aline]: We are going to start in 30 Seconds!",bc_map;
    sleep2 20000;
    announce "[Aline]: Hurry up! Event starts in 10 Seconds!",bc_map;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "[Aline]: Get Ready only 5 seconds left!",bc_map;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "[Aline]: START!!!",bc_map;
    sleep2 5000;
    set .winner$, "";
    set .game, 1;
    set .lowest, 1000;
    for(set .i, 1000; .i > 300;set .i, .i - 100) {
    announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map;
    misceffect 377;
    sleep2 1000;
    for(set .i, 300; .i > 50;set .i, .i - 10) {
    announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map;
    misceffect 377;
    sleep2 100;
    for(set .i, 50; .i > 0;set .i, .i - 1) {
    announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map;
    misceffect 377;
    sleep2 10;
    set .game, 0;
    if(.winner$ == "") {
    announce "Nobody hit the clock at the right moment. There is no winner.",bc_blue;
    announce .winner$+" won Stop the Clock. He stopped it at "+.lowest+".",bc_blue;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce .winner$+"Please talk to me to get your price.",bc_blue;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "To activate your char for the next round, please talk to me, too.",bc_map;
  3. I dont know if this is a bug or not 


    When gypsy/bard play a song theres no effect? but when you get linked by soul linker there will be effects



    Bard/clown without soul link, played Apple of Iduns, your HP is still normal theres no changes


    With link:
    Bard/clown get such an amount of hp depends on the inputted stats of the player

  4. I cant connect to my server, and im having this kind of error *see the image below. 

    I used cassiel guide in making of this ro.


    i used 20130703 patched 



    this is my clientinfo.xml 


    <?xml version="1.0"
    encoding="euc-kr" ?>



  5. what am i supposed to do, where do i look upon this issue? my client is 2012-06-12 

    i searched all over in rathena but i cant find a way to fix my npc T.T

  6. i cant buy any item with my cash points. 

    I have my npc who sell my custom items, supplies etc etc and you must have cash points to buy the items. I already have my cash point and i bought  Steamed tongue but i didnt receive the item and may cash point still the same it did not change

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