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  1. Yuka's post in Broken: How reduce is applied in rAthena was marked as the answer   
    Okay, I have fixed it.
    It is fixed in all rAthena versions newer than 13th March 2014. (but Harmony won't work on the latest rAthena version. )
    So what I did is applying the commits manually: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/165609d487f2ca82655c27c166ea16110fe2017d
    Note that there are two follow ups...
  2. Yuka's post in No Healing Items PvP was marked as the answer   
    I noticed that most healing items are well grouped from item id 500-600, so I just wrote a script that checks on that items and some other (Yggdrasil Seed/ Berry, Box of ..., ...).
  3. Yuka's post in Xtremetop100.com Support was marked as the answer   
    Yes, I need one for V4P

    He finally replied me...
    It works now.
  4. Yuka's post in Adding new Cloth and Headgear Styles was marked as the answer   
    Okay, I've got it.
    I had to do everything from 1. to 3.
    Instead of 4. I had to edit src/map/battle.c
    { "min_hair_style", &battle_config.min_hair_style, 0, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "max_hair_style", &battle_config.max_hair_style, 23, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "min_hair_color", &battle_config.min_hair_color, 0, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "max_hair_color", &battle_config.max_hair_color, 262, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "min_cloth_color", &battle_config.min_cloth_color, 0, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "max_cloth_color", &battle_config.max_cloth_color, 552, 0, INT_MAX, },
  5. Yuka's post in Enable RCX? was marked as the answer   
    Had to add an empty patch2.txt in my ragnarok folder.
    Maybe this helps someone in the future.
  6. Yuka's post in How to do a global stat reset? was marked as the answer   
    if (getgmlevel() >= 99){ mes "Do you want to reset Stats for everyone?"; if(select("Yes:No") == 1){ goto L_reset; close; end; } } OnInterIfInitOnce: set $statreset, 0; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (statreset != $statreset){ dispbottom "Your stats have been resetted."; resetstatus; set statreset, $statreset; } end; L_reset: set $statreset, statreset+1; dispbottom "Everyone's Stats have been resetted."; end;
  7. Yuka's post in Need help to make event card exchange to points was marked as the answer   
    Change first line to your desired map, position, direction, display name and sprite id.
    Change "CardEventPoints" to your desired variable name for the points. Add '##' as prefix if it should be accountwise instead of characterwise.
    Add Card IDs to the blockedcards array like this:
    setarray .blockedcards[0],4001,4002;
    Couldn't test it myself, just report any errors it throws if you cannot fix them yourself.
    mapname,x,y,direct script Name id,{ if (.game){ mes .npcname$; if(countitem(.cardid) < 1){ mes "You don't have my ^ff0000"+getitemname(.cardid)+"^000000!!"; close; end; } mes "Oh you've brought me my ^ff0000"+getitemname(.cardid)+"^000000."; mes "Can I have it please?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2){ next; mes .npcname$; mes "Aww.."; close; end; } next; mes .npcname$; mes "Woooow, thank you! Here are your "+.pointamount+" point(s)!"; delitem .cardid,1; set CardEventPoints, CardEventPoints+.pointamount; set .game,0; close; end; } else{ mes .npcname$; mes "Sorry, I don't need a card at the moment."; close; end; } end; L_start: OnMinute11: set .cardid, rand(4001,4453); //card id ranges from 4001 to 4453 for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.blockedcards); set .@i, .@i+1){ if (.blockedcards[.@i] == .cardid){ goto L_start; end; } } set .pointamount, rand(1,3); set .game,1; announce .npcname$+": I need a "+getitemname(.cardid)+".",0; end; OnInit: set .pointamount, 0; set .cardid, 0; set .npcname$,"Name"; //npc name setarray .blockedcards[0],0; //add cards you don't want to happen here set .game,0; end; }
  8. Yuka's post in Some Character Variables don't save! was marked as the answer   
    Well, if that's a space problem, it won't work for newer characters, right?
    But it does work fine for new most of the new characters.. x_X

    Well I guess I figured out the problem.
    In the past I had another PvP Ladder which saved the Kills as PVPKills, and I saved them as PvPKills in my script.
    Now rAthena seems to make a difference for the caps, but sql doesn't. That's why a player only can PvPKills OR PVPKills.
    But when he already has PVPKills and I want to read or write PvPKills nothing happens.
    You might want to check your database if you have some variables with the same name (but eventually different caps).
  9. Yuka's post in item_trade Enriched Elunium not tradable was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it's only this item.
    And I cannot even trade it..
    Just storage and cart.
    I cannot find an entry for it in item_trade. (both re and pre-re)
    Okay, I just messed up.
    I have no idea what happened, I loaded my item_trade in pre-re again and it contained the 7619 entry..
    It works now, sorry for the trouble.
  10. Yuka's post in Mob drop seems to be random was marked as the answer   
    But the MvP will one receive one item, right?
    Is there a way I can have the announce plus normal drop behaviour?
    Removed the name out of the announce and it works.
  11. Yuka's post in Timer Problem was marked as the answer   
    Oh sorry, well it should open a Warp to Kriemhild every 20second and should npctalk "Woe is on" every 60seconds
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