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Posts posted by chiCHI

  1. when i did that, my char server is not connecting to my login server anymore, because the passwords use for the intercommunication between servers are now encrypted therefore not authenticating. >_< what gives?


    EDIT: i tried an older client, a 2010-07-30, edited mmo, packet_db, and i was able to login. now i ask, what is the difference between that client and a 2012-04-10? i would really like to use the most latest and stable one, but i'm having problems diffing it. 

    the diff plugin SkipPacketHeaderObfuscation sometimes shows, and most of the time, don't.


    if using a 2010-07-30 client can give these features:

    - customs

    - complete 2-2 jobs support only (no RK job, etc)

    - latest headgears and equipments


    then i would just rather use the older one, for compatibility's sake

    please enlighten me on this, i've been reading threads and tutorials for hours now. thank you.

  2. Hello all,


    i'm having this problem where i type in my password *correctly* but in some way the client gives a gibberish one to the server resulting in a login fail (see the screenshot below). i'm using 2012-04-10a client, and rA revision 17223. in the mmo.h, its already set to 20120410, and in the packet_db.txt, i have already set the packet_db_ver to 30. am i missing something here? sorry if this is a noobish question, i just got back from hibernating for almost a year and many things changed. thanks for the help always much appreciated. 




    SOLVED: Use ANSI encoding when saving txt files that are being read by the server. I was using UTF-8, thus the error above^

    Please close tnx

  3. Okay, thanks Eurydice! /swt I'll try to do some research about how Linux operates. I have some questions though. If i purchase a Linux VPS, does it have a GUI? I find it hard when using a command line interface :) And I've heard that Linux has many sub-versions (or whatever you call them) like fedora, cent, etc. Do they all feel and look the same?

  4. I do not know if this would be the right section to post my question (pls move it if not) but here goes anyway..

    Currently there have been many hosting services that spawned and is filling up my google page whenever i try to search "ragnarok hosting". Question is, which are the ones I could trust and which ones i should stay away from? I don't wanna waste a buck on a host just to find out that it's laggy and crappy.. :)

    Many thanks!

    Additional info:

    I live in the Philippines.

  5. Oh my bad! God I forgot I was using eAmod when I did this. How embarrassing...disregard my posts.

    Aww, that's too bad. By the way, what is eAmod? Did you mod your own eathena to support this? Or is it downloadable somewhere? Anyway thanks very much dude..

    What exactly is "sshop" did you mean "shop" ?

    Yes I think it's a "shop"..

    Can you post the script here (Using codebox) so we can see if we spot an error?

    You do not have to give us any specific detail, you can change the name so long as that thing you change doesnt effect others. Example:

    Changing a npc name would change something like triggered events with that name.

    But post the script if you would, if not we can only guess at the problem o.o

    Here is my code..I just followed sir The King's instructions he provided above..

    //Main npc located somewhere in prontera
    prontera,155,155,3	 script	 CustomShop	 811,{
     callshop "Cshop",0;
    //The hidden npc which holds the function
    prontera,1,1,3,7179	 shop	 Cshop	 811,5471:25,5472:25

    From the looks of it I assume that you need to first edit the source itself before this can be attained? Or can this have a workaround by using scripts? If there is none, it's OK..I'll just stick with Lunar's Dynamic shop NPC for now.. thanks to all guys who took their time to take a look at this request..thank you so much..

  6. Thank you so much sir!! I will try it now!

    EDIT: I am getting errors, I exactly did the instructions you provided sir..

    here's my script:

    prontera,1,1,3,7179 sshop Custom Shop 111,5471:10,5472:10
    prontera,100,50,3 script Custom Shop 70,{
      callshop "Custom Shop",0;

    and here is the error shown at map_server:


    Im currently using eA SVN 14968.. what to do?

    Thank you so much for any help...

  7. I've been researching for many days now but I didn't find any custom scripts like this one..

    I just want a simple custom shop npc like a tool dealer but instead of zeny, it uses the player's current amout of Proof of Donation..

    Normal Shop NPC:


    Red Potion 50 Z


    [buy] [Cancel]

    Custom Shop NPC:


    Custom Item 10 P


    P: [ 0 ] [buy] [Cancel]

    The "P" stands for the amount of "Proof of Donation" the player currently holds.. and if i may add, the shop is unaffected by the Discount skill of merchants..

    Is this script possible? I've been trying to take a look at the source but its too much for me to do anything reckless right now.. Thank you very much for any help or even hints..I really appreciate it. Thank you thank you.

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