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Everything posted by seveneyed

  1. Yes, It was this one! Thank you so much sandbox. Patskie, Thank you too. I'll keep it in mind in case I might need it somewhere else. Thank you.
  2. Hello. I am making a very simple party helping NPC and I was wondering if it's possible to summon partymembers. this is what I made so far: party warp Quote summoning / calling party members. Quote I am a newb so I could not find what to put on the red spot to summon party members to the location of party leader. I used to have a NPC that can do that 6 years ago but I just couldn't remember or find it in eathena, rathena, or wikis. Would you be kind enough to teach me please? Thank you.
  3. seveneyed


    It works! It works Missingno! and not only that. It looks more "professional" lol. Thank you
  4. seveneyed


    Oh, and I forgot to put this on this post. Without using Thank you.
  5. Oh, 'I' does that too?. I see. Thank you for aditional information. Thank you.
  6. seveneyed


    Hello. I was wondering if you can change the way NPC talks. for example: When you choose Here(Lgo) for example the NPC will say: Along with the first words. Instead, I want to know if NPC can just say this when you choose Here(Lgo). Would you be kind and teach me please? Thank you.
  7. Hello. I would like to know the exactly what set @ is please. I know that .@ works only in the script. # for that very account. Then is @ for that very character? I vaguely remember set @ goes away when the server is rebooted. am I right? Am I right? Would you be kind and teach me please? Thank you. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly. I can test this all by myself so easily. It turns out my vague memory was right. set @ is only for that very character and goes away when the server is rebooted. Thank you anyway.
  8. It seems there is no difference between 0 and 1. Maybe there is but when i tested it, it had nothing to do with mob spawn time. Well I guess it's best to let it go . thank you.
  9. hello. from this monster spawn script, what does this red part do? What's the difference when it's 0 and 1? Can anybody teach me? Thank you.
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