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Posts posted by RedRumPie

  1. Hello its me again and I'm here to yet again request another script.
    I want to put a script that would choose a random online player once a week and give that player 500million zennies. Autovended chars are not counted during this event. Thank you in advance:D

  2. bumping this one , Still errors .. I fixed everything every error I see when I start the server. 
    I even changed or downgraded to an older version of rA . I'm running 17700 now trans only , pre re db . I think one of my NPC's is making the server crash . I'm checking it now ..

  3. Does anyone have a working Emperium Breaking Room or Emperium Breaking Test.
    I've seen so many breaker rooms and all of them don't work anymore. Emistry's script was nice but it does not work on latest svn's anymore. 

    It would be cool if the breaker room has a Breaker Ladder too . thanks in advance :) 

  4. Hi Emistry and other rAthena people .. Below is a code box containing my refine ticket on my Item_Db2.txt
    And I want it to refine Headgears,Armor,Shoes,Mantue,Shield any of those to +10 by 100% ( No Fail .. Is this the correct format ? :

    30035,+7 Refine Ticket,+7 Refine Ticket,3,2,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ callfunc( "RefineFunc",831,7,7,7,0,100,0,0,100,30035 );  },{},{}
  5. I'm having this error on my map server : 

    Error]: quest_read_db: Too many entries specified in db/quest_db.txt!
    [status]: Done reading '2700' entries in 'db/quest_db.txt'.
    [status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/import/quest_db.txt'.

    I did not edit any the quest_db.txt file..

    That's the only error I have on my servers. After how many minutes/hours my map server crashes and shows me this : [Error]: Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters.

    We canlogin but when we slect our char it says rejected from server.
  6. I don't know what the problem is. Everything seems to work fine but a couple of hours later the map server would crash ..A error code will appear with the line " Sending crash signal!" . I'm using rAthena 17701 svn . I fixed all the errors that I have and changed hosts to hoping that it would solve the problem. Many says that rAhas these problems cause other emulators are running smoothly with no errors.

    Please help me on how to solve this :(

  7. Excuse me , I am getting this error on my emulator.

    [Warning]: script:getelementofarray: index out of range (128)
    [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@temp_array' index=0
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): mission_board (invisible/not on a map)

    what might be the problem ? I'm using rAthena 17701 from github.

  8. Hello, I am running a latest version of rAthena from github latest as of now ( 2/3/2014 ) and my problem is I think all spawning events that I put in my server won't work . Just like this one 

    prontera,123,171,5	script	Find the Mushroom	1084,{
    if((.Status ) == 0) {
    	mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]";
    	mes "There is no event at the moment!";
    } else {
    	mes "There are "+.Mushroom+"s left in "+.Map$+" now!";
    	mes "Find and Kill the mushrooms to gain 1 x Event Ticket!";
    	set .Spawn,rand(1,2);
    	// Random Maps
    	set $@ran, rand(1,4);
    	if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"izlude";
    	if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen";
    	if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc";
    	if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera";
    	killmonster .Map$,"All";
    	monster .Map$,0,0,"Please don't kill me!",1084,.Spawn,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKilled";
    	announce "Find the Mushroom : Total of "+.Spawn+" Mushrooms have been Spawned in "+.Map$+"!",0;
    	sleep2 10000;
    	announce "Find the Mushroom : Every single Mushroom you kill will give you 1 x Event Ticket!",0;
    	sleep2 10000;
    	set .Spawn,.Spawn - 1;
    	getitem 7726,1;
    	if( .Spawn ) announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has killed 1 Mushroom. There are now "+.Spawn+" Mushroom(s) left.",bc_map;
    	else {
    		announce "Find the Mushroom Event has ended. All the Mushrooms have been Killed.",0;
    		set .Status,0;

    I'm wondering why . I set the onMinute to 5 so it means it will spawn a random mushroom number from 1 to 2 on a random map listed above but I waited for 5 mins but nothing spawns , I also put a random boss spawn event and it work work too . Can anyone help me ? 

  9. Hello , I have an upcoming server called MoonRO and I really need a Casino script so something would be unique on my server. Anyways, I found a script on eA but it can be exploited with the logout when losing method can anyone optimize this script to avoid exploiting ? Thank you in advance guys.

    I'll attach the file of the script pack .

    eA original topic thread : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=184506

    If anyone could do this I will be really thankful . Kudos.


    Bumping this one :) Really need help guys !~


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