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  1. Yes I'm using the one which has the 2013-08-14 client. . Ok, went there and did "select rows - Limit 1000" on it. .After that I saw everything written is account_id, bank_vault, base_exp, base_drop, base_death and everything is written null. .I tried changing the values(like 1 - 100) and nothing seems to work even if I go to the exp.conf file and edit there also. .and then an idea struck me because the rates ingame always show values from 1x - 1.50x. .So I disabled the floating rates script and now changing the exp and drop rates in the conf files works and it shows it shows ingame when I type @rates. . My only other problem is how to edit "show_mob_info" in the "monster.conf" file as changing its values to 1,2, or 4 doesn't change anything and still only shows monster name ingame. .Also changing the Max base level and job level because changing in the "client.conf" file doesn't work. and still remains base level 150/job level 50 ingame. .and lastly is how to change character sprite of a GM char because he/she always wear the same outfit no matter the class/job. .If you or anyone have the time, please guide me and Thank You.
  2. @themon Hello, I tried using one of your ready made files and was able to make it work smoothly. .But then there's this one problem bugging me and can't seem to fix. .I can't seem to change the experience and drop rates or better yet settings on the .conf files in the conf/battle folder and no matter how many times I change the value/variable, It doesn't seem to reflect and change anything ingame . .I hope you or anyone could enlighten me with this. .
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