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Everything posted by whateveremer

  1. Hi I tried enabling unique id to my server it is working fine and has generated unique IDs to new items.. my question is how can i add unique id's to the old items in my database?
  2. hi i want to create a script that checks the guild of party members, the script should detect if a member of the party is not on the guild of the party leader..
  3. it still adds 1 account id, i need to add all account ids of the characters in the party sir, what i did is i modified the ranking system of this script ive found in eA.. http://pastebin.com/sZgQyFsD the original script is working fine here's the copy of the script http://pastebin.com/9dfTi4CJ
  4. getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for(set .@i,1; .@i<$@partymembercount; set .@i,.@i+1){ query_sql("INSERT INTO "laddertest" (accountid) VALUES("+$@partymemberaid[.@i]+")"); announce $@partymemberaid[.@i],bc_all,0x00FF00; } hi, im having problem adding accounts ids of the members in the party, it only adds 1 account id in the database.. it should add all account ids..
  5. hi can i request an sql script that adds 1 win or 1 lose in the account ids in the party.. i tried to make but it only adds to the points to the account if of the party leader and not the party member query_sql "insert into `pvpladder` (`AccID`, `GamesPlayed`, `RankPoints`, `Wins`) values ('"+ getcharid(3) +"', '1', '1', '1') on duplicate key update `GamesPlayed` = `GamesPlayed` +1, `RankPoints` = `RankPoints` +1, `Wins` = `Wins` +1";
  6. actually i didnt put stats directly on my costume, what i did is i get a custom socket enchanter script and changed equipmentid to be socket enchanted to 1024, upon right clicking the costume, STR+3 or AGI+3 etc stats are already inserted in my tested costume, but it didnt adds stats in stats window.. i tried to add script sir Yoona, Kido and StainSky posted it didnt work either 19759,Costume_Sweet_Bonnet,Costume Sweet Bonnet,5,0,,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1024,,1,0,898,{ bonus bAllStats,1; },{},{} 19759,Costume_Sweet_Bonnet,Costume Sweet Bonnet,5,0,,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1024,,1,0,898,{},{ bonus bAllStats,1; },{} im using rAmod rev 17527 as of now, i also tried in rAthena 17527 but i still got the same issue
  7. sorry if its in the wrong section.. but i guess its not in the wrong section i guess @yoona yeah, if you put that script it doesnt work.. i have seen in the source somewhere that there is on/off settings for costume stats but i dont remember where i found it
  8. hi, im finding the settings for enable/disable costume stats ive seen it 2 months before in the src but i cant remember where the hell is that settings i cant find it.. i need to enable it because my servers needs stats on costume thanks..
  9. hi, im finding the settings for enable/disable costume stats ive seen it 2 months before in the src but i cant remember where the hell is that settings i cant find it.. i need to enable it because my servers needs stats on costume thanks..
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