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Everything posted by Tushin

  1. A friend help me, to discover. I needed to change packet version of socket, in "src/configs/packets.hpp" // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef CONFIG_PACKETS_HPP #define CONFIG_PACKETS_HPP /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ #ifndef PACKETVER /// Do NOT edit this line! To set your client version, please do this instead: /// In Windows: Add this line in your src\custom\defines_pre.hpp file: #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD /// In Linux: The same as above or run the following command: ./configure --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD //~ #define PACKETVER 20180620 // original #define PACKETVER 20131223 #endif
  2. I have a problem using WebSocket Proxy connection with server. I'm noob in rathena and I could compile and run server Rathena and roBrowser yet. I'm using default register: login: s1 password: p1 My Rathena server, WS Proxy and roBrowser trading packets, you can see below: However, my client is reporting a error in a packet, I don't know this reason. See below: ([Network] Packet "0xac4" not register, skipping 222 bytes.) My server has timeout error. I guess that is waiting for something, but I don't know. I modify Online.JS, because this it can be possible line is not the same default. But my error occurred in: i f (!Packets.list[id]) { console.error( '[Network] Packet "%c0x%s%c" not register, skipping %d bytes.', 'font-weight:bold', id.toString(16), 'font-weight:normal', (fp.length-fp.tell()) ); break; This code was find inside function: /** * Received data from server * * @param {Uint8Array} buffer */ function receive( buf ){ ... Can someone help me?
  3. Hello, I'm working with data from Ragnarok and converting for similar Dungeons&Dragons 3.5 systems (D&D or d20). Actually, I must classify data map similar to d20, presented an open sheet in: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14gt8BRp-vxejzkraIhJQBU6CCaeK1FevYdd7wOmQUyM/edit#gid=0 I made three sheets, I need to fill and to review the first "general". Can anyone help me?
  4. Hi gmclerk, for install Robrowser, you need follow steps: 1. Install a web server for executing scripts for roBrowser, I recommend you use php (or python). 2. Open your terminal (or prompt, in Windows) change directory for roBrowser project, using cd command, for example: cd ./Desktop/roBrowser 3. Executing your local server with a port in your terminal, like: php -S localhost:8500 or python3 -m http.server 8500 4. Open your browser, that site recommends Chrome, but I'm using Firefox without problems. I guess the most important is to use a updated browser. Put in your URL, your localhost with port more addressing and to follow tutorial. For examples: (In your url, put) localhost:8500/tools/build/converter In this web page you can build some ".JS" useful files, put them in root of project. You will need obtain 6 files for using all examples in project, but you must obtain thread.JS for using anything in project. You can obtain: "MapViewer.js", "ModelViewer.js", "Online.js", "StrViewer.js", "ThreadEventHandler.js" and "GrfViewer.js". 5. You can test some examples using, in your browser: localhost:8500/examples/<file name in project> for example: localhost:8500/examples/api-mapviewer-frame.html Sorry, for my english.
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