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Posts posted by Doch

  1. te recomendaria nginx sobre apache, hay varios graficos por internet y tal que demuestran que rinde mas con menos recursos al usar eventos asincronos, si no tienes nada mejor que hacer podrias darle un intento, yo lo uso en mi web y la verdad es que va perfecto (apache nunca me fue mal tampoco)

  2. So that's the question, i know i have been talking about this sometimes but is a headache for me, because it changes the usability and the view of the website. I have been thinking about make 2 lists, what do you think? I don't see fair put V4P servers with Non-V4P servers in the same list..

    PLEASE if you vote, post me why you voted that option.  /sob

  3. Update:

    • Beta version of YRO Server Controller 1.0.0 (Optional Usage)
      • ​Open servers
      • Close Servers
      • Server status
    • Fixed some images
    • Fixed some small website bugs
    • Started responsive nav header
    In further updates, i'll add optional features to see statistics about your server, such as graphics about players online every hour at day, every day at week or every month at year.
    Probably you will be worried about the lag that this could cause in your server, but you don't have to be worried because the data sent is very light and just will be updated when you visit the statistics.


    Some Images:







  4. There isn't really a GOOD reason to allow this, but you have to look at it from the player's aspect. As of right now, over 90% of the RO servers, give V4P (Vote for Points), which of course is encouraged by server admins, because they want that little boost above others as far as advertisement goes.

    However, if you look at it from the players point of view, you're left with the question of why should I vote? Most player's will more than likely not vote, because it's a hassle, they feel like it's not needed for the server to grow, they would rather just come home from work/school and just play games to relax and have fun. Even those who have an abundance of free time, would rather spend that time playing RO than voting for it.


    So owners are left with only 1 option, give them an incentive to vote. Because from the Owner's point of view, he needs his player's votes for advertisement, whether it be 100% true or slightly watered down due to a small bribe (points). However that's just 1 issue Owners have to deal with, and the next one is probably the biggest as far as voting sites go.


    Let's say, that the average votes a server gets with a V4P system, is 85% of their population. Out of 1,000 players (actively playing not AFK merchants), thats 850 votes. Now a server with only half that amount of players, get's only 425 votes.

    From here we can see that the lower the population the lower the votes, but also since voters get rewarded, the votes are consistent. Meaning, ServerA with 850 votes, will always have more than ServerB with 425.


    But when we remove the incentive to vote, your left with a completely random % of voting, based on nothing but the human element of WHY? As in WHY should I vote, what do I get from it immediately? Obviously when this happens you run into the final problem, of people looking for a server to join.

    9/10 times, when a player is looking for a server they view the # of votes, as an equivalent to the # of players. Atleast a benchmark for what they can expect. Because of this they are way more likely to check out those servers out.

    Now, you may be asking why does this matter, well that's because, MOST servers' who do have votes, those votes are rewarded from the following players:

    1. Players looking to get the points to obtain whatever it is they want ingame from those points. ( Most commonly those players are people who have just recently joined ).

    2. Players who have just joined the server, because they really like it and want more people to play.

    3. Players who have been on the server long enough to know it's really good and they feel they should vote. ( Most commonly, these type of voters only exist for servers that have been around for atleast 6months, higher results are yeilded to those who have been their longer ).


    Basically, More People, more Votes. More Votes, more people.

    Without the incentive to vote, you have only 1 type of voter, those who are faithful to their server, that choose to spend their time playing that particular server.

    From my opinion that means, the larger servers, will continue to increase the gap between them and smaller servers almost exponetially. Because, the human element of " WHY? " still applies. A player on a server that has been around for awhile, is FAR FAR FAR more likely to vote, then a player who REALLY likes their server, but that same server has only been out for a couple months. Why? Because again, players who have just recently joined a server would rather spend their time playing, to get better gear, and hopefully catch up to those who have been there for awhile.


    But this can all be viewed from both sides equally as well.

    So like I said in the begining, there really isn't a GOOD reason to allow this feature, but if there was ever a reason too, I listed and attempted to explain the best I could, why it should be allowed, however I do realise you can take the same points, and make an equally good argument as why it shouldn't be allowed.


    So perhaps, after you look at the information I provided, you can come to a decision, of whether or not YOU feel like it should or shouldn't be added, and if your not completely sure, you can always put up a ' POLL ' to see what your potential userbase would want.


    Nice response, But the incentives in every server are not the same, so you can't compare a server that just give you just potions with others that give you per example cards.. Anyway i'll think about this and probably make a poll


    This looks great. I only have 2 questions.

    1. When will this be completed lol?


    2. From what I can see, you have made it a rule, where account owners, are not allowed to reward players with an incentive to vote. Is there a specific reason why you disallowed that, when numerous other voting type sites do allow this?


    1. I really don't know when this will be completed, to be honest all the list system is done, the database is like on 85-90% and now im working on things to manage the website faster,also i'm rewriting a bit the layout to make it a bit responsive, and im working also in some features that i'm thinking to implement.
    2. That's a good question, quick summary:
    I have been thinking that a lot, and the conclusion that i came at the end is that a server that have a lot of votes because players are being rewarded doesn't mean that that server is a good server, or even better than others. you can just think that in that server the players get valious/necessary/good things.
    But in a server that people votes because they want the server gets better listed in the rank, get more players etc, in my opinion is because the server worths and players know it.
    Say me why I should allow servers that reward players for voting, maybe you convince me :P

    I can't wait for this to be finished. Are we allowed to register without adding a server or do we need to add one?


    Sorry, forgot to reply your question,  /sry


    Right now the website doesn't have anything that people should register to use it, most of things are public (database, tools..) except the list system, so if in a future I add something different to the list that for its usage is needed an account i think that i'll add the option.

  6. yro_zps786cc5ed.png


    Hi to all! well, time to show the project I have been working on for almost a year in my free times. But first, a bit of fast history:


    I played ragnarok for 2 - 3 years in some servers like ValhallaRO and others, then i left it due to the resets and that stuff, I had a knowledge of the game that was useless now because I'm not pretending to play anymore, so I started at programming by myself like 5 years ago, (2 of them at university), so I decided to make the website just for see what I could do, and also improve my programming skills and use that knowledge.



    Yourolist pretends to be a tool, more than a RO list or a database website, it is more oriented to server owners than for players. It doesn't mean that players won't have anything to do in the website, for now I've made few things like: 


    • Pre-Renewal / Renewal mob, item, map ,skills database with the drops % editables as you need
    • Advanced Item / mob search
    • World map, with the option of filter by episodes
    • Job equip, Monster mode bitmask generator
    • Item DB structure to SQL (I'll add more soon)
    • LUA <-> LUB converter online (soon)
    • Ragnarok list system
    • Some new advertisements ways like banner, countdowns and others (sry but vps cost money) but relax there will be points free in social websites (faceebook,twitter) and discounts)
    • Graphics with monthly votes, banners etc
    • Beta version of YRO Server Controller 1.0.0 (Optional Usage)
      • ​Open servers
      • Close Servers
      • Server status

    And then in my TO-DO list i have some others things i think people will like a lot fully oriented to server owners, that will be posted here when they get a good grade of development, in my point of view they will be very useful, but before making more things I want to hear opinions, feedbacks or maybe criticize (but constructively please :rolleyes:  )



    Facebook page: Link

    Twitter page: Link

    Website (preview): www.yourolist.com


    Here goes some website images:



















    Thanks for reading, and sorry for my english. /thx

    • Upvote 2
  7. The problem ,per example, is if i want to list all the items that swordmans can wear, i have to have some way to know which items have the swordman mask/number/w.e in the column equip_jobs, because if i use its mask (swordman -> 0x00000002) we will list items that ONLY are for swordman.


    but there are a lot of items that can be wore also by other jobs that are also for swordman, and won't be listed because are combination with others. And get first the equip_jobs number, use the algo and then check, is a mess.. so this is the main problem that i have: list items by the job that i want


    EDIT: didn't know about the existence of bitwise operators in mysql, i guess that are the solution for this case


    thanks @Lighta and @Pneuma for all :)

  8. Well,  what im trying to learn is how to descompose the job number to know which jobs combinations are in it, and also know how to make them, because some jobs are listed but some other not.


    so the algorithm i thought to know the jobs in the number ( jobs that are listed ) is to represent the number in binary, and then from right to left, a counter that counts the positions ( zeros ) and when founds a 1 we get the first job, then the number is subtracted (?) from the job number and keeps counting till the end.

    more or less:

    for ( i = jobNumber.lenght(); i > 0; i--){
       if(job[i] == 0){
          // we get the number till now, and then substract to the job number

    probably the algorithm is bullshit but right know i what i got. For know the jobs that are combinations of job and upper still don't have the clue because i don't undestand it at all.

    Everything im making, at the end, is for make a SQL query to get the item that just some job can wear

  9. but how I combine both numbers, class and job into equip_jobs? or how is supposed that equip_jobs work? i understand that every job has its number but i want to know how to make that classes that doesn't appear in the list, and how to descompose the number to know which jobs are in.

    I know that per example in binary the thief class is 1000000 = 64 in decimal and mage is 100 = 4 in decimal so it will be 1000100, and both are combined, but also i want to know a way to descompose that number, i could check the position where is every 1 and know which numbers have, but in hexadecimal im not sure at all how to do it, or if there is the correct/easier way to do it (im coding in php btw)

  10. uuhmm i see.., but the item_db structure doesn't have the class column like custom item has :




    Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }


    custom item:




    so, how I calculate the number to allow some object just to be used by a job? or how I decompose the number to know which jobs are in the number?

    EX. 263168 -> Alchemist + Blacksmith


    btw: thanks for the fast response

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