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Posts posted by Doch

  1. all the text have to be stored in a file, in a array or constants or whatever, and then replace all the texts in the website with that variables, so then you just have to switch between english/spanish.php file to change the language (spanish with strings in spanish and same with english), then you can set a cookie as a config to store what language did they choose

  2. Update:

    • Callback System to assure that the votes has been submitted correctly = no more points to people without vote [ Just need the part of Flux CP for release to people (topic of the paid job) ]
    • Item Creator 2013 [bETA]
    • Item Creator 2012 [bETA]
    • Improvements in SEO stuff
    • Added the possibility to show images of your server in your account
    • Fixed some missing maps
    • Fixed error in the quality graphic images
    • Fixed some bugs
    • Fixed some link errors when view items


    Item creators may be bugged or not show all the information is needed to insert a custom item, test will be appreciated even rewarded in the future :)


    The launch is just in the corner, stay tuned!

  3. Always you code something, you have to think that the user is a little bastard that he won't type the correct values (per example) and will search a way to f*** you, so you have to think everything to just allow the user type what you want ( i.e you don't want negative values, letters..)

  4. I need people (4 max or so) with knowledge in adding custom items to servers ( whole txt/lua files of 2012/2013 clients ) to test some web tool, testers will be rewarded with points in yourolist, for its time :)


    repply here, with your skype to a fluent conversation :D thanks!

  5. Hello,


    I made a job thread like 2 - 3 days ago, I know it has to be approved, that's why I waited till now, because I don't know if nobody accepted it, or it's rejected or what's happening, as I cannot know what happened/ing I made this thread to know it



  6. nadie dijo que fueran incorrectas, solo he dicho que hoy en dia no oiras nadie hablando de su retoño o de su vastago excepto para darle un tono divertido a la conversacion o en algun libro (manga ni idea porque no veo),  son palabras que estan en desuso y usarlas en tu CP solo confundiria a la gente que no las sepa.

    • Upvote 1
  7. tranqui, vástago y retoño no se usan en ningun lado, excepto quizas en alguna novela de castellano un poco mas antiguo


    realmente la traduccion del CP que mire, diria que era completamente neutra, de todas formas por una palabra que no se entienda siempre se puede sacar por el contexto o buscarla y de paso cultivarse un poco mas :P

  8. fila 39, falta una n en "donaciones"


    linea 400, "se ha divorciado a" por "se ha divorciado de"

    linea 549, comandos por "comando(s)" o "comando"

    la he mirado por encima y la verdad es que no he notado si ha sido escrita por un latinoamericano o un español, siendo yo de nativo de España

  9. i'm glad to see that people votes slowly ( but nobody said why except @Pneuma ) *sadface*


    the votes will be closed  in one month more or less till I end some exams that I have soon, later ( if everything it's okay ) i'll make the last update and the official launching of the website, so stay tuned! :)

  10. Lo que pasa es que tienes una coma de mas " , " casi seguro. El servidor te lo toma como un parametro mas y no sabe que es


    57 parametros ^

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