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Everything posted by reddozen

  1. GOTW isn't technically a dead project. I'm working on a new client from scratch to continue it and make it closer to RO1 (like it should have been). We were able to hack things like PVP and Guilds in the official client, and even added support for all the official RO1 classes, but it's too much to work with, and thier client just SUCKED! We're adding in control compatability setups for touchscreens, controllers and keyboards. The demo client runs at 30 FPS on my phone currently, and we've confirmed that it will run in the PS4 webbrowser. Some may remember me... if not, I'm before your time in the RO scene. I did a lot of coding on the Trans and expanded classes for eAthena etc (probably almost 8~10 years ago). I spearheaded the Janus group for RO2 emulation. We completed a GOTW server, and a LOTS sandbox server. As for LOTS, I'm not suprised it's closing... it was the WORST! I was bored out of my mind. I even gave it a good 2 weeks of dedicated play time to make sure that I got more into the "end game" aspects of it. Nothing improved. The game is very liniar even though they try and fool you into thinking that it's a "world" some of the scenes looked good, but every "zone" was basicially the same thing with a little harder monsters. There were parts of the game that were nice like the titles and kara tiles.... so not all bad, but not great either.
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