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Everything posted by blast1he

  1. everything is set properly, i even tried with older clients(2012, 2013, 2014) but i get the same error message.
  2. Hello i was trying to make a server with no-ip log in but the problem is when i try to connect i get this error message in the login server: Abnormal end of connection (ip: 212.106.xx.xx): Unknown packet 0x65 i didn't change anything but the conf files, when i try to connect via localhost ( it connects normaly without any error messages *the client i use is 2015-11-04 any ideas ?
  3. hello i use this script from emistry // usage : // [npc:Sample]map#512#10 // [npc:Sample]all#512#123 - script Sample -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if( getgmlevel() >= 99 ){ // check map if( @whispervar0$ == "all" ) set .@type$,""; else if( @whispervar0$ == "map" ) set .@type$,strcharinfo(3); else { dispbottom "Error, pick 'map' or 'all' "; end; } // check item set .@itemid,atoi( @whispervar1$ ); set .@amount,atoi( @whispervar2$ ); if( getitemname( .@itemid ) == "null" || .@amount < 1 ){ dispbottom "Enter valid item id and amount."; } set .@self_id,getcharid(3); query_sql( "SELECT COUNT(`account_id`) FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ", .@total ); while( .@count < .@total ){ query_sql( "SELECT `account_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ORDER BY `account_id` LIMIT 128 OFFSET "+.@offset, .@aid,.@name$ ); set .@i,0; set .@size,getarraysize( .@aid ); while( .@i < .@size ){ if( .@aid[.@i] != .@self_id ){ if( .@type$ != "" ){ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,.@name$[.@i] ); if( .@map$ == .@type$ ){ getitem .@itemid,.@amount,.@aid[.@i]; set .@gave,.@gave + 1; } }else{ getitem .@itemid,.@amount,.@aid[.@i]; set .@gave,.@gave + 1; } } set .@count,.@count + 1; set .@i,.@i + 1; } set .@offset,.@offset + .@size; deletearray .@aid,.@size; deletearray .@name$,.@size; } dispbottom "Gave "+.@amount+" x "+getitemname( .@itemid )+" to "+.@gave+" Player(s)."; } end; } and i have a problem, i usually use this when players are between 100-300 online, but when players get higher than 500 this script give rewards to players and players won't get anything, or when i reward players fore example white potions and blue potions, players will get only white potions or only blue. so thats my problem, any help ?
  4. hello i want to reward the players that in the x map every 15 minutes any help ?
  5. hello i would like to request a happy hour event that do the following: 1-Announce that the happy hour event will start after x minutes 2-after x minutes the happy hour starts, and the exp rate increase to number i choose 3- the script calls an npc that moves the players to a map that is full of monsters 4- when the hour ends the npc will be kicked and the players will return to thier save point 5- when the event is running the players which in the monsters map will get a prize every x minutes so the script will go like this: an announcement to all players says: Happy hour: happy hour event will start after 10 minutes after 10 minutes Happy Hour: Happy hour event has begun, Exp now x5 and drop rate x5, come talk to Happy hour manager to warp to the monsters map in this moment Happy hour manager "npc" will be called in prontera and people can talk to him and warp to the map the npc has 2 maps, 1 for high lvls and 2 for low ones, after the event starts, the players who in that map will get prize every x minutes after 50 minutes an announcement says Happy hour: happy hour event will end after 10 minutes after 10 minutes the happy hour will end and the players will be kicked from that maps and the npc will be kicked and the exp and drop rates will return to its normal state.
  6. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>uae</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>English</display> <desc>None</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>30</version> <langtype>45</langtype> <aid> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> <admin>2000003</admin> <admin>2000004</admin> <admin>2000005</admin> <admin>2000007</admin> <admin>2000770</admin> <admin>2000767</admin> <admin>2000813</admin> </aid> </connection> <connection> <display>Arabic</display> <desc>None</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>30</version> <langtype>45</langtype> <aid> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> <admin>2000003</admin> <admin>2000004</admin> <admin>2000005</admin> <admin>2000007</admin> <admin>2000770</admin> <admin>2000767</admin> <admin>2000813</admin> </aid> </connection> </clientinfo> alot of my players are arabs thats why i want langtype 19 im currently using 10-04-2012 ragexe and its supporting langtype 19 any help ?
  7. hello rathena i tried to make my langtype 19 on client 07-08-2013 ragexe but it didn't work is there anyway to make this work ?
  8. if my client diffed to be read data first where i have to look for translating ?
  9. hello i was trying to translate skills in luafiles514 but when i make my changes and rebuild grf nothing happen i even tried to delete the files that in this dir [skillinfoz] but i didn't get any error is there any where else i have to translate from ?
  10. clientinfo must be 30 as same as packet_db
  11. Hello I was wondering if someone could make a system that has 2 npc folders one for english and the other for german, and the players can choose the language from an npc like when player choose english, the server read's english folder and the same with german
  12. hello rathena i want an npc that gives a random puzzle from 50 different puzzles or something like that, so the npc will be like that: 1- gives random puzzles. 2- the one who take a puzzle can't talk to the npc anymore, or the npc says that he already talked to it. 3- the prize can be set easily and it can be more than one prize. 4- each puzzle has 4 options to pick. so i will set the puzzle, all you have to do is make the first one and i'll follow.
  13. Hello Forgive me if the problems that im willing to post here is old or outdated, but in fact im facing it on the latest version of Rathena. My first problem, Pneuma Pneuma behaves strangely, when someone stand in Pneuma and an archer use arrow shower the person who is standing in Pneuma knocked back, i guess this is a problem in the skill, so i want your help to fix this. The second is Bowling Bash The well-known problem of Bowling Bash "gutter lines" is my major problem, all the players of my server is complaining from this problem, so i want your help to fix this. The third one is Sonic Blow When an Assassin sonic blow a Priest for example, the Priest will see the Assassin standing so far away like 5 cells or higher, and Sometimes can't even see him, just Sonic Blow from nowhere O_o. So this is my problems i hope you guys to help me as fast as you can because im losing my players.
  14. Hello i was developing a donation system that we can use more that paypal method the problem is i can't locate kafra points in the database of the server where all accounts and stuff there so where i can find kafra points database .
  15. what i meant is being a swordman without intering the quest of the swordman and i figure out how by using callfunc "Job_Change",Job_Swordman; thanks for your reply anyway
  16. So yeah , i want to disable the 1st class quests so when you talk to the npc for example Swordman mes "[Swordman]"; mes "Welcome to the"; mes "Swordman Association!"; next; mes "[Swordman]"; mes "So..."; mes "What business"; mes "brings you to us?"; next; switch(select("Job Change:About Swordman.:About the Job requirements.:Cancel.")) when you choose job change it turns you immediately to a swordman so thats it
  17. worked !! thanks for your time sir
  18. thank you for your help sir worked perfectly for me , but about kafra functions , is there another way to translate this file ? because it'll be messy and hard to handle with when i do it in that way , im not an expert you know
  19. Hello , this is my first topic :> I've searched for a NPC that ask you to choose your language English,Spanish etc I only found this : English , German prontera,146,174,4 script Translator#tr01::Translator 727,{ mes "[Translator]"; mes " * Please choose a language"; mes " * Bitte wähle eine Sprache"; next; menu "English",-,"German",L_Ger; set #language,0; next; mes "[Translator]"; mes "Thank you."; mes "Have fun on " + $server_Name$ + "."; close; L_Ger: set #language,1; next; mes "[Translator]"; mes "Danke."; mes "Viel Spaß auf " + $server_Name$ + "."; close; } and for the NPCs : English , German if (#language == 1) { mes "Wo möchten sie hin?"; } else { mes "Where do you want to go?"; } and its work perfectly for me but the thing is , I couldn't figure out how to translate the NPC's options : switch(select("Yes:Quit")) and kafra functions (functions_kafras.txt) //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Kafra Functions //===== By: ================================================== //= rAthena Dev Team //= Darlskies, Darkchild, Syrus22, Lupus, kobra_k88 (2.0) //= L0ne_W0lf //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 6.8 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= These functions handle save, storage, cart rental, teleport, //= and Free Teleport/Warp/Rent Cart options for all Kafra NPCs. //= //= Kafra's will need a lot of work. The Welcome Message argument //= may become obsolete, as most kafras have a slightly differing //= Welcome message. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.1 Now using functions v2.1 Added Cart Rent for Classes: Whitesmith, Professor. //= Replaced checkoption(x) into checkcart(0) [Lupus] v2.1b Added Fix Kafra Pass Func [Kobra_k88] //= 2.2 Final fix of the Kafra Pass Exploit! [Lupus] a -Izlude[4] fix //= 2.2a Minor changes to function calls. Using agruments. Added Guild options. [kobra_k88] //= 2.2b This version uses arrays for the teleport option. Rearranged next statements to make menu transitions smoother. [kobra_k88] //= 2.3 Removed SAVE from Niflheim. [Lupus] //= 2.3 removed "fix" by HawkMoon RTFM and check supernovice.txt . There's a SPECIAL Kafra which gives CARTS to SN for a special proce. [Lupus] //= 2.4 Added Baby Class Support (Baby Novice check) Removed annoying storage feature where u had to close dialog window to be able to use your storage [Lupus] //= 2.5 Added Louyang official Kafra, fixes some Kafras, not letting you to Save your position [Lupus] //= 2.6 Reverted Dungeons Kafras (they should offer only Storage). Added temp Ayothaya Kafra //= 2.7 Added correct Ayothaya, Louyang & Amatsu Kafras. [Lupus] //= 2.8 Fixed Amatsu Storage problems [Lupus] 2.9 Fixed spelling mistakes. [Nexon] //= 3.0 Added special "not working teleport menu" for Einbroch Kafras [Lupus] //= 3.1 Removed callfunc Is_####_Class in favor of baseClass [Silentdragon] //= 3.2 Fixed an exploit [Lupus] //= 4.0 Added Kafra storage password protection. [Lupus] //= to block Kafra Password, read comments at 350 line //= 5.0 Fixed the close2;....close; end; lines. Who let them slip away? =/ [erKURITA] //= Also, the kafra upon warp was giving back the zeny. Removed. [erKURITA] //= 5.1 Optimized a little, added no tele/save arg's [Evera] //= 5.1a Temporary? Added F_ClearGarbage to clear unused/outdated variables [Lupus] //= 5.2 By default commented out custom Guilds Kafra's "Guild Storage". [Lupus] //= 5.3 uncommented Guild Storage. Confirmed kRO feature. [Lupus] //= 5.4 added -Guide option (Kafra shows you nearest Guide) Work in progress. //= Need all coords for all guides.. and somehow pass their coords to kafra. //= Removed universal Kafra Pass, added 3 new Kafra Tickets [Lupus] //= 5.4b temporary moved "-Guide" from the 1st menu punct [Lupus] //= 5.5 Added proper Niflheim welcome message. [L0ne_W0lf] //= Cleaned up the menus a bit. Got rid of the proceeding "-" prefix. //= 5.5b Missed a preceeding hyphen, which was screwing up teleporting. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 5.6 Further dialog updates, added dynamic costs for cart and storage use. [L0ne_W0lf] //= Updated some functions to handle Guild Kafras the way they should. //= 5.6a Corrected a few wrong names in the teleport function. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 5.7 Correced end message no longer displaying, and the duplicate names [L0ne_W0lf] //= Thanks to Barron-Monster for pointing out the issues. //= 5.8 Fixed another double name being shown when "saving" [L0ne_W0lf] //= 5.9 Fixed the Kafra Welcome message for guilds. Thanks Barron-Monster. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 6.0 Closed Kafra Password exploit in Cool Event Corp. Storages until we got a client/packet based password support. //= Added 2 args into F_SetKafCode to fit it in Cool Evnt Co. NPC [Lupus] //= 6.1 Added menu for Turbo Track Kafra Staff. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 6.2 Updated/Fixed warp cords. [Kisuka] //= 6.3 #kafra_code is now stored as is. [brianluau] //= 6.4 Removed unofficial Guide function. [Daegaladh] //= 6.5 Optimized. [Joseph] //= 6.6 Added Warp Points / View Points Function. [Joseph] //= 6.7 Added Rune Knight Kafra. [Euphy] //= 6.8 Updated some functions and added VIP features. [Euphy] //============================================================ //=== Main Function ======================================================== //= arg(0): Used to determine which welcome message to show. //= arg(1): Used to determine which menu to display. //= arg(2): Used to determine if the info menu is shown in F_KafInfo. //= arg(3): Cost to use Storage //= arg(4): Cost to Rent a Pushcart //========================================================================== function script F_Kafra { callfunc "F_ClearGarbage"; // Clear outdated, unused variables // Display Kafra Welcome Message switch(getarg(0)){ default: case 0: // Default message (obsolete) mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Welcome to the"; mes "Kafra Corporation."; mes "The Kafra services"; mes "are always on your side."; mes "How may I assist you?"; break; case 1: // Niflheim specific message mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "^666666W-weeeelc-c-come"; mes "to th-the K-kaaafrrrra"; mes "C-coorpoor-r-ratioooonn...^000000"; break; case 2: // Guild Castle Kafra message set @GID,getcharid(2); mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Welcome. ^ff0000" + GetGuildName(@GID) + "^000000 Member."; mes "The Kafra Coporation will stay with you wherever you go."; break; case 3: // Amatsu specific message (obsolete) mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "So, have you come from a faraway land to study our culture, or are you just sightseeing?"; mes "In either case, why not stay awhile?"; mes "The air is eternally heavy with the"; mes "scent of pleasant wildflowers."; break; case 4: // Louyang and Ayothaya specific message (obsolete) mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "With our many Kafra"; mes "service locations, you're never"; mes "far from home."; break; case 5: // NPC has it's own welcome message. (Display nothing) break; } next; while (1) { deletearray @K_Menu0$[0],getarraysize(@K_Menu0$); if (getarg(0) == 2) { // Guild Kafra Menu override (free Teleport, free Storage, Free Cart) setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Use Guild Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Use Teleport Service","Cancel"; } else { switch(getarg(1)){ // Save and Storage only case 1: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Cancel"; break; // Storage only case 2: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Cancel"; break; // No Teleport (Common) case 3: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // Case 4 is Einbroch no tele message. // No save, or teleport. (Common) case 5: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // Storage and Check Other Information only. case 6: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // Save, Storage, and Pushcart only (Kafra Warehouse) case 7: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Cancel"; break; // Save, Storage, Other Check information. (Turbo track) case 8: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // No Save (Rune Knight) case 9: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Use Teleport Service","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // Storage, Save, and Pushcart (Dewata, reorder of case 7) case 10: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Save","Rent a Pushcart","Cancel"; break; // Default message (obsolete) default: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Use Teleport Service","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; } } set .@menu$,""; for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(@K_Menu0$); set .@i, .@i + 1) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + @K_Menu0$[.@i] + ":"; set .@j, select (.@menu$) - 1; if (@K_Menu0$[.@j] == "Save") { return; } else if (@K_Menu0$[.@j] == "Use Storage") { // Do not charge for Guild Storage if(getarg(0) == 2) callfunc "F_KafStor",2,0,0; else callfunc "F_KafStor",0,getarg(3),getarg(0); next; } else if (@K_Menu0$[.@j] == "Use Teleport Service") { // Display Einbroch "No Teleport Service" notice. if(getarg(1) != 4) callfunc "F_KafTele",getarg(0); else { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Because of the ^FF0000Limited"; mes "Transport Agreement^000000, the"; mes "Kafra Corporation cannot"; mes "provide Teleport Services"; mes "in the Schwaltzvalt Republic."; next; mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "We ask that you please"; mes "use the Airship Service"; mes "instead. Thank you for your"; mes "understanding and cooperation."; } next; } else if (@K_Menu0$[.@j] == "Rent a Pushcart") { if(callfunc("F_KafCart",getarg(0),getarg(4)) == 1) next; } else if (@K_Menu0$[.@j] == "Check Other Information") { callfunc "F_KafInfo",getarg(2); next; } else if (@K_Menu0$[.@j] == "Cancel"){ callfunc "F_KafEnd",getarg(0),0; end; } else if (@K_Menu0$[.@j] == "Use Guild Storage") { callfunc "F_KafStor",1,0; next; } } } //=================================================== // Storage Function //=================================================== function script F_KafStor { // Unable to access Guild Storage (Busy) if(getarg(0) == 1){ if(guildopenstorage()){ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm sorry but another guild member is using the guild storage"; mes "right now. Please wait until that person is finished."; close2; cutin "", 255; end; } cutin "", 255; close; } // Unable to access Normal Storage (Insufficient Basic Skills) if(basicskillcheck() && getskilllv("NV_BASIC") < 6){ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; // Niflheim Specific Message if (getarg(2) == 1) { mes "^666666S-s-ssoooorry,"; mes "y-you're a-a-aaaa"; mes "Nooviiice... N-neeeds"; mes "B-basic sssskill l-level 6...^000000"; return; } mes "I'm sorry, but you"; mes "need the Novice's"; mes "Basic Skill Level 6 to"; mes "use the Storage Service."; return; } // Accessing Normal Storage (Skipped if accessing Storage from Guild castle) if(getarg(0) != 2){ // Consume "Free Ticket for Kafra Storage" if available. if(countitem(7059)) delitem 7059,1; else { if(Zeny<getarg(1)){ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; // Niflheim Specific Message if (getarg(2) == 1) { percentheal -50,-50; mes "^666666Zeeeeeny..."; mes "M-more z-zeny...!"; mes "N-neeed 150... zeny..."; mes "Ergh! T-taking bl-blood~!^000000"; return; } // Standard Message mes "I'm sorry, but you don't"; mes "have enough zeny to use"; mes "the Storage Service. Our"; mes "Storage access fee is "+getarg(1)+" zeny."; return; } set Zeny, Zeny-getarg(1); set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (getarg(1)/5); } } // Surpress the "End" message if in guild castle. if (getarg(0) != 2) { // Niflheim specific Message if (getarg(2) == 1) { percentheal 0,-10; mes "[Kafra Employee]"; for (set .@i, 0; .@i < 5; set .@i, .@i + 1) mes "^666666Thank you.. for... using...^000000"; } // Normal message else { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Here, let me open"; mes "your Storage for you."; mes "Thank you for using"; mes "the Kafra Service."; } } callfunc("F_CheckKafCode"); //check your storage password, if set close2; openstorage; cutin "", 255; end; } //=================================================== // Teleport Function //=================================================== function script F_KafTele { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Please choose"; mes "your destination."; next; set .@menu$, ""; for (set .@i, 0; .@i <= 6; set .@i, .@i + 1) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + @wrpC$[.@i] + ":"; set .@j, select (.@menu$) - 1; if (@wrpC$[.@j] == "Cancel") return; // Consume "Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation" if available. // Do not consume if in Guild castle if(countitem(7060) > 0 && getarg(0) != 2) delitem 7060,1; else { if (Zeny<@wrpP[.@j]){ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm sorry, but you don't have"; mes "enough zeny for the Teleport"; mes "Service. The fee to teleport"; mes "to "+@wrpD$[.@j]+" is "+@wrpP[.@j]+" zeny."; close2; cutin "", 255; end; } set Zeny, Zeny - @wrpP[.@j]; set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + (@wrpP[.@j]/16); } cutin "", 255; if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Al De Baran") warp "aldebaran",168,112; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Alberta") warp "alberta", 117, 56; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Comodo") warp "comodo", 209, 143; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Comodo Pharos Beacon") warp "cmd_fild07", 127, 134; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Geffen") warp "geffen", 120, 39; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Izlude") { if (checkre(0)) warp "izlude", 128, 98; else warp "izlude", 91, 105; } else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Juno") warp "yuno", 158, 125; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Mjolnir Dead Pit") warp "mjolnir_02", 99, 351; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Morroc") warp "morocc", 156, 46; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Orc Dungeon") warp "gef_fild10", 52, 326; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Payon") warp "payon", 161, 58; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Prontera") warp "prontera", 116, 72; else if (@wrpD$[.@j] == "Umbala") warp "umbala", 100, 154; end; } //=================================================== // Cart Function //=================================================== function script F_KafCart { // Ensure that the class wanting to rent a pushcart is a merchant if(BaseClass != Job_Merchant){ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm sorry, but the"; mes "Pushcart rental service"; if (checkre(0)) mes "is only available to Merchant classes."; else { mes "is only available to Merchants,"; mes "Blacksmiths, Master Smiths,"; mes "Alchemists and Biochemists."; } return 1; } // Make sure the invoking character does not have a cart already else if(checkcart() == 1){ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "You already have"; mes "a Pushcart equipped."; mes "Unfortunately, we can't"; mes "rent more than one to"; mes "each customer at a time."; return 1; } // Check if the player has the Pushcart skill else if(getskilllv("MC_PUSHCART") == 0) { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "You can only rent a cart after learning the \"Push Cart\" skill."; return 1; } // Consume "Free Ticket for the Cart Service" if available. // Do not consume if in Guild castle. if(countitem(7061) > 0 && getarg(0) != 2) delitem 7061,1; else { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "The Pushcart rental"; mes "fee is "+getarg(1)+" zeny. Would"; mes "you like to rent a Pushcart?"; next; if (select("Rent a Pushcart.:Cancel") == 2) return 0; if(Zeny<getarg(1)){ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm sorry, but you"; mes "don't have enough"; mes "zeny to pay the Pushcart"; mes "rental fee of "+getarg(1)+" zeny."; return 1; } set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(1); set RESRVPTS, RESRVPTS + 48; } setcart; return 1; } //=================================================== // Special Reserve Points Function //=================================================== function script F_KafInfo { // Uncomment next line to block Kafra Storage Protection // set .@block, 1; setarray .@m$, "Check Special Reserve Points.","Storage Password Service","Kafra Employee Locations","Cancel"; if (getarg(0) == 2) deletearray .@m$[1],2; // Port Malaya, Rune Knight else if (.@block) deletearray .@m$[1],1; while (1) { set .@j, select(implode(.@m$,":")) - 1; if (.@m$[.@j] == "Check Special Reserve Points.") { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Let's see..."; mes strcharinfo(0) + "..."; mes "Ah, you have a total of"; mes RESRVPTS+ " Special Reserve Points."; next; mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "You can exchange your"; mes "Special Reserve Points for"; mes "rewards at the Kafra Main Office in Al De Baran. Please use our"; mes "convenient services to see the benefits of our rewards program."; next; if(getarg(0) == 1) return; } else if (.@m$[.@j] == "Kafra Employee Locations") { for (set .@i, 0; .@i <= 3; set .@i, .@i + 1) viewpoint 1,@viewpX[.@i],@viewpY[.@i],(.@i+1),0xFF00FF; next; for (set .@i, 0; .@i <= 3; set .@i, .@i + 1) viewpoint 2,@viewpX[.@i],@viewpY[.@i],(.@i+1),0xFF00FF; } else if (.@m$[.@j] == "Storage Password Service") { callfunc("F_SetKafCode","[Kafra Employee]","Kafra Services"); } else { return; } } } // === End Function ================================================== // arg(0): used to determine what message to display. // arg(1): used to determine if save message is displayed. // arg(2): used to display the name of the area you're saving in. //=================================================================== function script F_KafEnd { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; if(getarg(1)==1) { // Save mes "Your Respawn Point"; mes "has been saved here"; mes getarg(2)+"."; mes "Thank you for using"; mes "the Kafra Services."; } else if(getarg(0)==0 || getarg(0)==5) { // Generic End mes "We, here at Kafra Corporation,"; mes "are always endeavoring to provide you with the best services. We hope that we meet your adventuring needs and standards of excellence."; } else if(getarg(0)==1) { // Niflheim End percentheal 0,- 25; mes "^666666Kaffffra n-never"; mes "diiiiiiiiiiiiiies. On..."; mes "On y-yooour siiiiide~^000000"; } close2; cutin "", 255; end; } //=================================================== // Check Storage Password Function //=================================================== function script F_CheckKafCode { if(!#kafra_code) return; mes "Enter your storage password:"; set @code_,0; input @code_; if(@code_ != #kafra_code) { dispbottom "Wrong storage password."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } set @kafcode_try,0; set @code_,0; return; } // === Set / Change / Clear Storage Password Function === // getarg(0): NPC Name // getarg(1): Company Name //======================================================= function script F_SetKafCode { mes getarg(0); if(#kafra_code) { mes "Your storage is protected with a password. What would you do now?"; next; switch (select("Change old password -> 5000z:Remove storage password -> 1000z:Cancel")) { case 1: mes getarg(0); mes "At first, please enter your ^0000FFold password^000000."; set @code,callfunc("F_EntKafCode"); if(!@code || @code != #kafra_code) { mes "Wrong password. You can't set a new password."; emotion e_hmm; break; } next; callsub S_SET,getarg(0),getarg(1); break; case 2: mes getarg(0); mes "Please, enter your password before its removal."; set @code,callfunc("F_EntKafCode"); if(!@code) { mes "The password hasn't been removed."; emotion e_hmm; break; } next; mes getarg(0); if(Zeny < 1000) { mes "You don't have enough zeny."; emotion e_cash; break; } set Zeny,Zeny-1000; if(@code == #kafra_code) { set #kafra_code,0; mes "You've successfully cleared your storage password."; mes "Thank you for using "+getarg(1)+"."; emotion e_thx; } else { mes "Wrong password. We won't return your 1000z."; mes "Please, next time enter correct password."; emotion e_sry; } break; case 3: break; } } else { mes getarg(1)+" proudly presents you a new service:"; mes "Additional storage protection with a password."; next; switch (select("Set new password -> 5000z:Cancel")) { case 1: callsub S_SET,getarg(0),getarg(1); break; case 2: break; } } close2; cutin "",255; end; S_SET: mes getarg(0); mes "Now enter your ^FF0000new password^000000 to protect your storage from thieves."; set @code,callfunc("F_EntKafCode"); if(!@code) { mes "The password hasn't been changed."; emotion e_hmm; return; } next; mes getarg(0); if(Zeny < 5000) { mes "You don't have enough zeny."; emotion e_cash; return; } set Zeny,Zeny-5000; set #kafra_code,@code; mes "You've protected your storage with a secret password."; mes "Thank you for using "+getarg(1)+"."; emotion e_thx; return; } //=================================================== // Basic Password Validation Function //=================================================== function script F_EntKafCode { mes "Enter a number 1000~10000000:"; set @code_,0; set @kafcode_try,@kafcode_try+1; if(@kafcode_try>10) { set @kafcode_try,0; logmes "Hack: Tried to fit storage password."; } if(input(@code_) == 1) { mes "You can't use such big password."; return 0; } if(@code_<1000) { mes "You shouldn't use such short password."; return 0; } return @code_; } //=================================================== // Warp Points / View Points Function //=================================================== function script F_KafSet { cleararray @wrpC$[0],"",getarraysize(@wrpC$); cleararray @wrpD$[0],"",getarraysize(@wrpD$); cleararray @wrpP$[0],"",getarraysize(@wrpP$); cleararray @viewpX[0],"",getarraysize(@viewpX); cleararray @viewpY[0],"",getarraysize(@viewpY); if (strnpcinfo(4) == "prontera") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Izlude", "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Orc Dungeon", "Alberta"; setarray @wrpP[0], 600, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1700, 1800; setarray @viewpX[0], 151, 29, 282, 152; setarray @viewpY[0], 29, 207, 200, 326; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "alberta") { setarray @wrpP[0], 1200, 1800, 1800; setarray @wrpD$[0], "Payon", "Morroc", "Prontera"; setarray @viewpX[0], 28, 113, 0, 0; setarray @viewpY[0], 229, 60, 0, 0; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "aldebaran") { setarray @wrpP[0], 1200, 1200, 1800, 1700; setarray @wrpD$[0], "Geffen", "Juno" , "Izlude", "Mjolnir Dead Pit"; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "comodo" ) { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Morroc", "Comodo Pharos Beacon", "Umbala"; setarray @wrpP[0], 1800, 1200, 1800; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "cmd_fild07") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Comodo", "Morroc"; setarray @wrpP[0], 1200, 1200; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "geffen") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Prontera", "Al De Baran", "Orc Dungeon", "Mjolnir Dead Pit"; setarray @wrpP[0], 1200, 1200, 1700, 1700; setarray @viewpX[0], 120, 203; setarray @viewpY[0], 62, 123; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "izlude") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Al De Baran"; setarray @wrpP[0], 1200, 1200, 1200, 1800; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "morocc") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Prontera", "Payon", "Alberta", "Comodo", "Comodo Pharos Beacon"; setarray @wrpP[0], 1200, 1200, 1800, 1800, 1200; setarray @viewpX[0], 156, 163, 28, 292; setarray @viewpY[0], 97, 260, 167, 211; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "umbala") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Comodo"; setarray @wrpP[0], 1800; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "payon") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Prontera", "Alberta", "Morroc"; setarray @wrpP[0], 1200, 1200, 1200; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "yuno") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Al De Baran"; setarray @wrpP[0], 1200; setarray @viewpX[0], 328, 278, 153, 0; setarray @viewpY[0], 108, 221, 187, 0; } else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "job3_rune01") { setarray @wrpD$[0], "Izlude", "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Alberta"; setarray @wrpP[0], 600, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1800; } // VIP pricing varies across the regional servers; this is most practical. if (getserverdef(VAR_VIP_SCRIPT) && !vip_status(1)) { for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(@wrpD$); set .@i, .@i + 1) setd "@wrpP["+.@i+"]",getd("@wrpP["+.@i+"]") * 2; } for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(@wrpD$); set .@i, .@i + 1) setd "@wrpC$["+.@i+"]",getd("@wrpD$["+.@i+"]")+" -> "+getd("@wrpP["+.@i+"]")+" z"; setd "@wrpC$["+getarraysize(@wrpC$)+"]","Cancel"; return; } so all i want is an examples or a new way to make 2 languages in my server and i'll be thankful .
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