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Everything posted by Stilhart

  1. do you mean I need to download just the newest r-athena.sln or re-download the WHOLE r-athena file and re-modify all the files therin? Please say it isn't the former. Pleasepleaseplease say it isn't the former
  2. trying the changes to the longin ip, the char ip, and the others provided no solutions. I use shin's diff patcher for mine, will that still be useable if I change it to 2013-08-07- also, where can I find 2013-08-07? Lastly: will it need data v1, 2, or 3? I really am quite new to all of this
  3. Yes i'm testing in my computer and i changed all ips to now i got error reject from server (3) and still writing closed connection from on sql screen :/ this saved password and entered password where are they i couldnt find It's referring to your character login. It's just saying you entered the password "123455678" for the account "exi1992" which was wrong. It's not your issue I'm having the same issue with my private local server, I just noticed this thread after making mine even though I used the site search beforehand xD
  4. All the info in char_athena.conf was correct. I double checked but they'd functioned fine before too so I didn't think that was it :x here though: Char_athena conf ( I have edited some of the feature options in it as well: starting zenny, del. delay, enable pincode, and force pincode.): // Athena Character configuration file. // Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//" // Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves // only as information/reference. // Server Communication username and password. userid: username passwd: password // Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces. // NOTE: Do not use spaces or any of these characters which are not allowed in // Windows filenames \/:*?"<>| // ... or else guild emblems won't work client-side! server_name: StilhartRO // Wisp name for server: used to send wisp from server to players (between 4 to 23 characters) wisp_server_name: Server // Login Server IP // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip: // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 // Character Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. //char_ip: // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 //Time-stamp format which will be printed before all messages. //Can at most be 20 characters long. //Common formats: // %I:%M:%S %p (hour:minute:second 12 hour, AM/PM format) // %H:%M:%S (hour:minute:second, 24 hour format) // %d/%b/%Y (day/Month/year) //For full format information, consult the strftime() manual. //timestamp_format: [%d/%b %H:%M] //If redirected output contains escape sequences (color codes) stdout_with_ansisequence: no //Makes server output more silent by ommitting certain types of messages: //1: Hide Information messages //2: Hide Status messages //4: Hide Notice Messages //8: Hide Warning Messages //16: Hide Error and SQL Error messages. //32: Hide Debug Messages //Example: "console_silent: 7" Hides information, status and notice messages (1+2+4) console_silent: 0 // Console Commands // Allow for console commands to be used on/off // This prevents usage of >& log.file console: off // Type of server. // No functional side effects at the moment. // Displayed next to the server name in the client. // 0=normal, 1=maintenance, 2=over 18, 3=paying, 4=P2P char_maintenance: 0 // Enable or disable creation of new characters. // Now it is actually supported [Kevin] char_new: 1 // Display (New) in the server list. char_new_display: 0 // Maximum users able to connect to the server. // Set to 0 to disable users to log-in. (-1 means unlimited) max_connect_user: -1 // Group ID that is allowed to bypass the server limit of users. // Default: -1 = nobody (there are no groups with ID < 0) // See: conf/groups.conf gm_allow_group: 99 // How often should the server save all files? (In seconds) // Note: Applies to all data files on TXT servers. // On SQL servers, it applies to guilds (character save interval is defined on the map config) autosave_time: 60 // Display information on the console whenever characters/guilds/parties/pets are loaded/saved? save_log: yes // Starting point for new characters // Format: <map_name>,<x>,<y> start_point: new_1-1,53,111 // Starting items for new characters // Max number of items is MAX_STARTITEM in char.c (default 32) // Format: <id>,<amount>,<position>:<id>,<amount>,<position>:... // To auto-equip an item, include the position where it will be equipped; otherwise, use zero. start_items: 1201,1,2:2301,1,16 // Starting zeny for new characters start_zeny: 1000000000 // Size for the fame-lists fame_list_alchemist: 10 fame_list_blacksmith: 10 fame_list_taekwon: 10 // Guild earned exp modifier. // Adjusts taxed exp before adding it to the guild's exp. For example, if set // to 200, the guild receives double the player's taxed exp. guild_exp_rate: 100 // Name used for unknown characters unknown_char_name: Unknown // To log the character server? log_char: 1 // Allow or not identical name for characters but with a different case (upper/lower): // example: Test-test-TEST-TesT; Value: 0 not allowed (default), 1 allowed name_ignoring_case: no // Manage possible letters/symbol in the name of charater. Control character (0x00-0x1f) are never accepted. Possible values are: // NOTE: Applies to character, party and guild names. // 0: no restriction (default) // 1: only letters/symbols in 'char_name_letters' option. // 2: Letters/symbols in 'char_name_letters' option are forbidden. All others are possibles. char_name_option: 1 // Set the letters/symbols that you want use with the 'char_name_option' option. // Note: Don't add spaces unless you mean to add 'space' to the list. char_name_letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 // How many Characters are allowed per Account ? (0 = disabled) // You can not exceed the limit of MAX_CHARS slots, defined in mmo.h // Doing that, chars_per_account will be default to MAX_CHARS. chars_per_account: 0 // Restrict character deletion by BaseLevel // 0: no restriction (players can delete characters of any level) // -X: you can't delete chars with BaseLevel <= X // Y: you can't delete chars with BaseLevel >= Y // e.g. char_del_level: 80 (players can't delete characters with 80+ BaseLevel) char_del_level: 0 // Amount of time in seconds by which the character deletion is delayed. // Default: 86400 (24 hours) // NOTE: Requires client 2010-08-03aragexeRE or newer. char_del_delay: 10 // What folder the DB files are in (item_db.txt, etc.) db_path: db //=================================== // Pincode system //=================================== // NOTE: Requires client 2011-03-09aragexeRE or newer. // A window is opened before you can select your character and you will have to enter a pincode by using only your mouse. // Default: yes pincode_enabled: no // How often does a user have to change his pincode? // 0: never (default) // X: every X days pincode_changetime: 0 // How often can a user enter the wrong pincode? // Default: 3 (client maximum) pincode_maxtry: 3 // Are users forced to use a pincode when the system is enabled? // Default: yes pincode_force: no //=================================== // Addon system //=================================== // Character moving // NOTE: Requires client 2011-09-28aragexeRE or newer. // Allows users to move their characters between slots. // Default: yes char_move_enabled: yes // Allow users to move a character to a used slot? // If enabled the characters are exchanged. // Default: yes char_movetoused: yes // Allow users to move characters as often as they like? char_moves_unlimited: no import: conf/import/char_conf.txt Login_athena.conf (never edited): // Athena Login Server configuration file. // Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]> // Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//" // Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves // only as information/reference. // The login server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 //Time-stamp format which will be printed before all messages. //Can at most be 20 characters long. //Common formats: // %I:%M:%S %p (hour:minute:second 12 hour, AM/PM format) // %H:%M:%S (hour:minute:second, 24 hour format) // %d/%b/%Y (day/Month/year) //For full format information, consult the strftime() manual. //timestamp_format: [%d/%b %H:%M] //If redirected output contains escape sequences (color codes) stdout_with_ansisequence: no //Makes server output more silent by omitting certain types of messages: //1: Hide Information messages //2: Hide Status messages //4: Hide Notice Messages //8: Hide Warning Messages //16: Hide Error and SQL Error messages. //32: Hide Debug Messages //Example: "console_silent: 7" Hides information, status and notice messages (1+2+4) console_silent: 0 // Console Commands // Allow for console commands to be used on/off // This prevents usage of >& log.file console: off // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server? new_account: yes //If new_account is enabled, minimum length to userid and passwords should be 4? //Must be 'Yes' unless your client uses both 'Disable 4 LetterUserID/Password' Diffs new_acc_length_limit: yes // Account registration flood protection system // allowed_regs is the number of registrations allowed in time_allowed (in seconds) allowed_regs: 1 time_allowed: 10 // Log Filename. All operations received by the server are logged in this file. login_log_filename: log/login.log // To log the login server? // NOTE: The login-sql server needs the login logs to enable dynamic pass failure bans. log_login: yes // Indicate how to display date in logs, to players, etc. date_format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S // Required account group id to connect to server. // -1: disabled // 0 or more: group id group_id_to_connect: -1 // Minimum account group id required to connect to server. // Will not function if group_id_to_connect config is enabled. // -1: disabled // 0 or more: group id min_group_id_to_connect: -1 // Starting additional sec from now for the limited time at creation of account // -1: new account are created with UNlimited time (default value) // 0 or more: new accounts was created by addition of the value (in sec) to the actual time (to set first limited time) start_limited_time: -1 // Check The clientversion set in the clientinfo ? check_client_version: no // What version we would allow to connect? (if the options above is enabled..) client_version_to_connect: 20 // Store passwords as MD5 hashes instead of plaintext ? // NOTE: Will not work with clients that use <passwordencrypt> use_MD5_passwords: no // Ipban features (SQL only) ipban.enable: yes //ipban.sql.db_hostname: //ipban.sql.db_port: 3306 //ipban.sql.db_username: ragnarok //ipban.sql.db_password: ragnarok //ipban.sql.db_database: ragnarok //ipban.sql.codepage: //ipban.sql.ipban_table: ipbanlist // Dynamic password failure ipban system ipban.dynamic_pass_failure_ban: yes ipban.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval: 5 ipban.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit: 7 ipban.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration: 5 // Interval (in seconds) to clean up expired IP bans. 0 = disabled. default = 60. // NOTE: Even if this is disabled, expired IP bans will be cleaned up on login server start/stop. // Players will still be able to login if an ipban entry exists but the expiration time has already passed. ipban_cleanup_interval: 60 // Interval (in minutes) to execute a DNS/IP update. Disabled by default. // Enable it if your server uses a dynamic IP which changes with time. //ip_sync_interval: 10 // DNS Blacklist Blocking // If enabled, each incoming connection will be tested against the blacklists // on the specified dnsbl_servers (comma-separated list) use_dnsbl: no dnsbl_servers: bl.blocklist.de, socks.dnsbl.sorbs.net // Here are some free DNS Blacklist Services: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_DNS_blacklists //============================================================================== // dnsbl_servers Description // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // bl.blocklist.de IP-Addresses who attack other servers/honeypots over SSH, FTP, IMAP, etc. // ircbl.ahbl.org AHBL (open proxies, compromised machines, comment spammers) // safe.dnsbl.sorbs.net All zones in dnsbl.sorbs.net except "recent" and "escalations" // sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org Spamhaus blacklist (spammers, open proxies) // socks.dnsbl.sorbs.net Open SOCKS proxy servers // tor.ahbl.org Current tor relay and exit nodes // Which account engine to use. // 'auto' selects the first engine available (txt, sql, then others) // (defaults to auto) account.engine: auto // Account data storage configuration // SQL //account.sql.db_hostname: //account.sql.db_port: 3306 //account.sql.db_username: ragnarok //account.sql.db_password: ragnarok //account.sql.db_database: ragnarok //account.sql.codepage: //account.sql.case_sensitive: no //account.sql.account_db: login //account.sql.accreg_db: global_reg_value // Client MD5 hash check // If turned on, the login server will check if the client's hash matches // the value below, and will not connect tampered clients. // Note: see doc\md5_hashcheck.txt for more details. client_hash_check: off // Client MD5 hashes // A player can login with a client hash at or below the account group_id. // Format: group_id, hash client_hash: 0, 113e195e6c051bb1cfb12a644bb084c5 client_hash: 99, cb1ea78023d337c38e8ba5124e2338ae import: conf/inter_athena.conf import: conf/import/login_conf.txt map_athena.conf (necessary editing done): //-------------------------------------------------------------- //rAthena Map-Server Configuration File //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//" // Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves // only as information/reference. //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration Info //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.) userid: username passwd: password // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip: // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 // Map Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. map_ip: // Map Server Port map_port: 5121 //Time-stamp format which will be printed before all messages. //Can at most be 20 characters long. //Common formats: // %I:%M:%S %p (hour:minute:second 12 hour, AM/PM format) // %H:%M:%S (hour:minute:second, 24 hour format) // %d/%b/%Y (day/Month/year) //For full format information, consult the strftime() manual. //timestamp_format: [%d/%b %H:%M] //If redirected output contains escape sequences (color codes) stdout_with_ansisequence: no //Makes server log selected message types to a file in the /log/ folder //1: Log Warning Messages //2: Log Error and SQL Error messages. //4: Log Debug Messages //Example: "console_msg_log: 7" logs all 3 kinds //Messages logged by this overrides console_silent setting console_msg_log: 0 //Makes server output more silent by omitting certain types of messages: //1: Hide Information messages //2: Hide Status messages //4: Hide Notice Messages //8: Hide Warning Messages //16: Hide Error and SQL Error messages. //32: Hide Debug Messages //Example: "console_silent: 7" Hides information, status and notice messages (1+2+4) console_silent: 0 //Where should all database data be read from? db_path: db // Enable the @guildspy and @partyspy at commands? // Note that enabling them decreases packet sending performance. enable_spy: no // Read map data from GATs and RSWs in GRF files or a data directory // as referenced by grf-files.txt rather than from the mapcache? use_grf: no // Console Commands // Allow for console commands to be used on/off // This prevents usage of >& log.file console: off // Database autosave time // All characters are saved on this time in seconds (example: // autosave of 60 secs with 60 characters online -> one char is saved every // second) autosave_time: 300 // Min database save intervals (in ms) // Prevent saving characters faster than at this rate (prevents char-server // save-load getting too high as character-count increases) minsave_time: 100 // Apart from the autosave_time, players will also get saved when involved // in the following (add as needed): // 1: after every successful trade // 2: after every vending transaction // 4: after closing storage/guild storage. // 8: After hatching/returning to egg a pet. // 16: After successfully sending a mail with attachment // 32: After successfully submitting an item for auction // 64: After successfully get/delete/complete a quest // NOTE: These settings decrease the chance of dupes/lost items when there's a // server crash at the expense of increasing the map/char server lag. If your // server rarely crashes, but experiences interserver lag, you may want to set // these off. save_settings: 127 // Message of the day file, when a character logs on, this message is displayed. motd_txt: conf/motd.txt // When @help or @h is typed when you are a gm, this is displayed for helping new gms understand gm commands. help_txt: conf/help.txt help2_txt: conf/help2.txt charhelp_txt: conf/charhelp.txt // Maps: import: conf/maps_athena.conf import: conf/import/map_conf.txt inter_athena.conf: // Athena InterServer configuration. // Contains settings shared/used by more than 1 server. // Options for both versions // Log Inter Connections, etc.? log_inter: 1 // Inter Log Filename inter_log_filename: log/inter.log // Level range for sharing within a party party_share_level: 15 // SQL version options only // You can specify the codepage to use in your mySQL tables here. // (Note that this feature requires MySQL 4.1+) //default_codepage: // For IPs, ideally under linux, you want to use localhost instead of // Under windows, you want to use If you see a message like // "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)" // and you have localhost, switch it to // Global SQL settings // overridden by local settings when the hostname is defined there // (currently only the login-server reads/obeys these settings) sql.db_hostname: sql.db_port: 3306 sql.db_username: root sql.db_password: [removed <3] sql.db_database: rathena sql.codepage: // MySQL Character SQL server char_server_ip: char_server_port: 3306 char_server_id: root char_server_pw: [removed <3] char_server_db: rathena // MySQL Map SQL Server map_server_ip: map_server_port: 3306 map_server_id: root map_server_pw: [removed <3] map_server_db: rathena // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: root log_db_pw: [removed <3] log_db_db: logs log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog // MySQL Reconnect Settings // - mysql_reconnect_type: // 1: When MySQL disconnects during runtime, the server tries to reconnect // mysql_reconnect_count times and shuts down if unsuccessful. // 2: When mysql disconnects during runtime, it tries to reconnect indefinitely. mysql_reconnect_type: 2 mysql_reconnect_count: 1 // DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BEYOND THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW YOUR DATABASE DAMN WELL // this is meant for people who KNOW their stuff, and for some reason want to change their // database layout. [CLOWNISIUS] // ALL MySQL Database Table names // Char Database Tables char_db: char hotkey_db: hotkey scdata_db: sc_data cart_db: cart_inventory inventory_db: inventory charlog_db: charlog storage_db: storage reg_db: global_reg_value skill_db: skill interlog_db: interlog memo_db: memo guild_db: guild guild_alliance_db: guild_alliance guild_castle_db: guild_castle guild_expulsion_db: guild_expulsion guild_member_db: guild_member guild_skill_db: guild_skill guild_position_db: guild_position guild_storage_db: guild_storage party_db: party pet_db: pet friend_db: friends mail_db: mail auction_db: auction quest_db: quest homunculus_db: homunculus skill_homunculus_db: skill_homunculus mercenary_db: mercenary mercenary_owner_db: mercenary_owner elemental_db: elemental ragsrvinfo_db: ragsrvinfo // Map Database Tables item_db_db: item_db item_db_re_db: item_db_re item_db2_db: item_db2 item_cash_db_db: item_cash_db item_cash_db2_db: item_cash_db2 mob_db_db: mob_db mob_db2_db: mob_db2 mob_skill_db_db: mob_skill_db mob_skill_db2_db: mob_skill_db2 mapreg_db: mapreg // Use SQL item_db, mob_db and mob_skill_db for the map server? (yes/no) use_sql_db: no import: conf/import/inter_conf.txt the servers: bump I found a similar thread in the forum, it notes that the issue may be that the packetver (I use 20111303) may need a different version # in clientinfo.xml (mine is set to 26) I don't think this is the issue since these were my settings back when the server was working fine but worth noting I thought.
  5. Okay, so, the issue is summed up by my thread title. I run the sql batch file and everything loads perfectly fine and the server connects. UNFORTUNATELY the moment it accepts my username ([status]: connection of the account 'mule' accepted.) it then says [info]: Closed connection from ''. So after I log into the account if I wait a few seconds it'll just "failed to connect to server"- plus if i try to load a character it'll hold on the loading screen 'til it fails to connect to server. I went in and performed a check on my sql log files with no found error but still went ahead and repaired them with no issues. Now what is exceptionally odd is I didn't actually DO anything that could cause this (immediately?) because my server ran completely fine last time I played. I've been busy since and this is my first time logging in for about a week. I haven't touched any files during my down time between logs so I'm a tad flummoxed. I've checked similar issues in the rAthena forum to no avail. Same result with searching google. I'm pretty new to all this business so do tell me if you need specific info on this or that to help help, haha. If you could help I'd be super grateful! bump The last file I edited in rAthena was the "groups.conf" if that helps narrow things down. I'm perusing the file now to see if I can find any herps or derps.
  6. One error, seven-thousand files.

  7. One error seven-thousand files.

  8. Done. that makes sense. aaand I've also edited the level cap, drop rate, and exp rate in the game without messing it up Yaaaay Now I have to try to enable /warp commands, wish me luck >:3
  9. UPDATE: I clicked the "Start" button for the mysql option in XAMPP and it gave me an odd mesage, plus I tried to get some info that'd be close to what you were looking for [if the client attempt to access the server was even registering. So here are some screen caps I took. Aaaaand After running the XAMPP on admin a green check mark was in the tick box. Unfortunately it had the same error comments, not that I even know what this program does I found the right file [login-server_sql] but when I open it the window closes immediately. That's clearly a good sign, right? Right, of course it is, haha. I opened runserver-sql.bat which I assume contained the program, though its title was logserve-sql.bat [which is ironically close to the abbreviated name you gave originally xD] I'll try connecting with this file open and see what happens OKAY! I got it :3 Apparently the game will only be able to access the server if I run the "runsererver-sql.bat" file. This seems a bit wierd to me though since should the whole point of mysqml be that it hosts the server and doesn't need to open these files? Either way I AM SO HAPPY! Is there anything I can do to help repay you for all your help :>?
  10. When I use data V1 it doesn't show the "buf" error so I just jumped back to that. That link you gave me is wherewhere I got my lua files originally :3 I don't remember where I got my .lub files though. I ran a search through my C drive but got no results for the log-serv_sql.exe. Is it a program that needs to be downloaded seperate from MySQL? I'd also like to take a second to really say thanks for continuing to help me xD, I keep drifting off at work remembering killing yoyo's and orcs in the forest. I miss playing RO and I really can't wait to have my own modifiable client! So thank you ver very much for all this help :> By the way. the guide I used had me Download XAMPP but never had me use it. Would that be something useful to helping solve this problem? Plus here is the guide I used [i completed both of the videos]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LTOOEjRtUo PART 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtDRZki3Hpo PART 2
  11. I am checking the firewall settings now, It'll take a second for me to figure out since I've never accessed this part of my computer before, I'll get back to you on whether I figure out how to work it, haha. I made the edits to the XMLS file which is in my data file, then after I changed it I merged the data directory into a single GRF and place it in my client folder with the weediff'd ragnarok client. The changes the the name and balloon worked, so I don't think it is an issue with this file. Another user linked me to that info page, it really helped just not with my particular problem xD I used the rAthena/trunk for the servers I got the client from here [the first DL link 20131101]: http://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro The client xlms was in the data folder I got from here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/ I used data V1... My exe/client date is 20111315 though, is it possible that is the problem? Or is that just going to be my NEXT problem xD I do not select read data first because the guide I used said not to. Which, since the xlms is in the GRF i compile from my data folder is the correct choice, right? Quick follow up question to the firewall thing, I'm looking at the options but I'm not sure which ones need to be ticked/un-ticked to allow my game to access the private server. I added my patched client to the list of programs allowed to run through firewalls and the game still "failed to connect to server" so it looks like that one was a no go :x I'll try Downloading the V. 3 While I wait for your further guidance and see if making a GRF with that will do the trick :>! UPDATE: SO, funny enough I switched from data v.1 to v.3 and replaced the system and AI file with the ones in the data v3 file. This resulted in the [string "buf"] attempt to call global iter_gettable which was what concluded my first attempt to make my server. However this time it pops up and then when I click okay it proceeds to load the game. I assume that means unlike last time the error is a result of needing to run the program as an administrator and not some file issue [As you can see I've had fun with errors before getting to this point, haha. lots of web surfing for answers xD] Anywhoo, I have it set to always run as admin so it shouldn't prove an issue however it never gave the error when I ran it on the data V.1 so if it won't cause issues I figure I'll switch back. Still didn't fix the issue with connecting to the server, haha. So that's two possibile causes ruled out. Unless I actually need data v.2 or v.4 Do I need to run the Ragite and Raglite renewal updaters in my Kro files to fix it maybe :x? Could that be the issue? Or perhaps an issue with my lua files? I really wish I wasn't completely new to all this and had some idea what I was doing
  12. Okay, I don't fully get what I'd need to change to fix the problem if it is a result of this file. Here's it's original state <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <connection> <display>Ragnarok</display> <balloon>Balloon</balloon> <desc>description</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>26</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb>flux.domain.com</registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loadingscreen01.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo> I don't see anything that should cause errors since the port and address are right. Is changing the <display> what I need to do? If so do I have to name it the same as my .GRF, my patched RO.exe, or localhost? If the problem is somewhere else in this file could you point it out for me? I'm sorry for being ignorant on the subject My main issue is every time I try to log-in the game says "Failed to connect to server". I thought it may have been an issue with not seeing the right server but that file proves it is set to Like I said before the server itself runs fine so I figure it has to be an issue with either my settings somewhere in the MySQL program, something in the data files, or in the RO client files somewhere. The problem is I just... I just don't have the foggiest what or where D;
  13. I Made sure to google my query AND search the rAthena forum for a solution [plus i searched the rms forums and didn't find a similar topic. I've got all my port forwarding settings on my router right but When I open the client it says 'select service' with only the option "ragnarok" which isn't the name of any modified files related to my server OR client :x . When I hover over the "ragnarok" option in service select it says "The balloon"? If that clue helps at all Dx The server itself is completely setup and running. I've used runserver-sql.bat and it has no warnings or errors. The problem is that when I run ragnarok it doesn't even list it as an option. Did I miss changing some info somewhere to not cause it to divert it's target server host?
  14. I just finished the first and second Sharpienero video guides to setup an offline private RO server and everything went of without a hitch until i opened the program . Once I do so it it looks like this: It plays the BGM but I can't resize it to see if everything is functioning correctly. I'm not sure what the issue is :< Help? I'm using 2011-03-15 client w/ the 2011-03-16 lub files [translated] The RO file I'm using is Full_kRO-Renewal_201131101 If any of that helps. I really don't have the foggiest what I'm doing, just decided yesterday "I want my own offline RO server!" Dx This is where I got my RO client http://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro That's about all I can think to give as far as viable sources of the error. Sorry D: Going to try http://forum.ratemyserver.net/ro-client-support/problems-with-the-size-of-the-window/ guide tomorrow. If it doesn't work I'll re-inquire. Problem resolved.
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