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Everything posted by typhusftw

  1. It's not letting my client connect to the server. All of my ips are set correctly and there aren't any errors when I run the servers to prevent me from connecting. And the ip in my clientinfo is correct too and I have all the correct ports are forwarded. One night I could get into the server, didn't change any files before I went to bed, next morning I can't connect. Honestly no other way to explain it. It might be "vague" to you guys but there's no other way to explain it. The servers are running fine, my client just won't connect to them anymore for some reason. The map, char, and login server have my WAN ip and everything was running fine. I open my client, type in my password, wait fifteen seconds and it says "Failed to Connect to Server." I was just wondering if anyone has any idea what it could be that's making it so I can't connect anymore. Thanks!
  2. I'm using 2011-03-15a client and have all the ips set up correctly and it's not letting me connect to my server anymore? I used it last night and I could connect perfectly fine and I didn't edit any files but when I tried to get on this morning when I went to login it tells me "Failed to Connect to Server" and nothing shows up in my login server about me trying to connect. I even disabled my antivirus and nothing seems to help at all. Just won't let me connect for some reason :/ Any thoughts on the subject would help! I checked lots of other "can't connect to my server" threads and nothing seemed to help
  3. Yeah I selected that when I diffed my client. I'll look for the luas after I fix this connection problem again. For some reason every time I turn my computer off for the night and try to login again, it won't let me. I type in the password to my account, it then takes thirty seconds for it to say "Failed to connect to server" I literally didn't change anything from before I turned my computer off to when I get on the next day and I just can't connect to it again. It doesn't even show me trying to login on the login server
  4. I did the skillinfo folder and the other ones related to the skills and it hasn't changed them. I guess I'll do the rest and see if that helps
  5. ahh okay gotcha! It's gonna take some time but it'll be worth it in the end
  6. Got the connection fixed again, was something simple that I missed lol. But I can't compile all of the luas into lubs with luac5.1.4 :/ I'll drop something into it and it will be just a luac.out And even if I edit them with notepad++ and change it to .lub it doesn't seem to fix my skill tree that way either
  7. Sorry it's taking so long to respond, been really sick lately. But I will look for the exe. Not sure how I fixed the connection but it's doing it again lol. I'll figure it out again. But I've run into a new problem. Whenever someone makes an account, they always have a GM sprite no matter if they change their job or not. I made it so all new people that make an account are group 0 but I can't figure out where to go to make them have normal sprites if they aren't a GM
  8. Now I have run into a new problem and I cant get into my server now -__- It just keeps saying failed to login. At first I had to reactivate Visual Studio 2010 and now I just can't connect at all. I zipped up my folder that was working perfectly fine so I could try and work on it while keeping a working version. And now my working version can't even connect to the server D: My server is running fine and it doesn't say there is an error or anything. It's pissing me off that this happened cause I haven't even changed anything for it to stop connecting Okay, so I got the connection error fixed. -__- But I couldn't use your download thing for some reason and change it to exe, so I used Notepad++ to change them to lubs. But did you do that to everything in the data folder or just the skillinfoz and skillinfo folders? That's pretty much all I need is for the skills to be translated. I have tried so much and can't get this to work D:
  9. How do I change luas into lubs? I read a lot of people mentioning that but I couldn't figure out how. I'll have to rediff my client and check some stuff again to make sure I didn't check or uncheck anything I shouldn't have lol. But as far as I know everything else has been fine. Oh and I downloaded the translated buttons and extracted them where they told me to and it's still not working? :/
  10. Thanks kyrato I'll check out the download for the buttons! And I'll try that tab thing out. But I downloaded the data folder from that link before and it gave me a iter_gettable error and none of my text would show up in my chat box and thats why I downloaded the lubs from the first link I posted :/ I guess they were missing files for the skill tree? There has to be a way to translate the skill tree. I've literally looked everywhere and nothing has helped and it ended up giving me more errors lol
  11. I've searched for multiple hours a day and couldn't find anything that helped so sorry if it annoys anyone if I'm posting about this. I'm running 2011-03-15aRagexeRE with the lub files from http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lubs/Lub%20Files%205.0.2/ since I read I have to have the lubs from those dates or stuff wouldn't run right. Everything else is working fine besides me needing a new setup that isn't translated either. It's the blue ghost one? O: And entering the four security digits when you login, some of the buttons also aren't translated :/
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