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  1. nasagnilac's post in Need guide in adding sql files for pvp ladder was marked as the answer   
    SQL]: DB error - Table 'nostalgic_main.pvpladder' doesn't exist It means that the table pvpladder is not available on your database.
  2. nasagnilac's post in How to fix attendance? was marked as the answer   
    Already fixed it. the item is not added in the itemdb that cause the error.
  3. nasagnilac's post in 2018-06-21 Client No Scroll UP/DOWN was marked as the answer   
    Nope I dont use CDClient.dll of nemo. I used the kRO dll.

    Update: Fixed now and I just used the Nemo/Input/CDClient.dll. Thank you for your help.
  4. nasagnilac's post in 2018-06-20eRagexe Cant Connect was marked as the answer   
    There is no problem in the port. I can login in 20151104 client but there is a connection with the port.
    But when trying to connect the new client, just Disconnected from server.
    I added the client info the grf.

    I tried to change clientinfo.xml using nemo Load custom Clientinfo file but look like there is a problem. Nemo cant replace the whole name
    I just want to add that I also tried to hex the sclientinfo.xm that I added using nemo to sclientinfo.xml. Now I receive this 

    I already fixed the issue using 2018-06-20cRagexe and without changing the clientinfo.xml to sclientinfo.xml
    Solved.. I didnt event change clientinfo.xml to sclientinfo.xml.
  5. nasagnilac's post in Achievement System Unknown Text was marked as the answer   
    I just put it to "Next Level" 
    Thanks for the idea @sader1992.
  6. nasagnilac's post in What is the rAthena Compiler? was marked as the answer   
    Issue was solved by installing the right app in VS2017
  7. nasagnilac's post in About NPC Broadcaster i use... was marked as the answer   
    prontera,187,209,3 script Broadcaster#1::BC 894,{ if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()){ mes .header$; mes "War of Emperium is ongoing!"; close; } mes .header$; mes "Hi, I'm the Broadcaster"; mes "I can Broadcast a message for you"; next; mes .header$; mes "It costs ^ff0000"+.broadcastfee+"^000000 zeny."; next; mes .header$; mes "Would you like to Broadcast?"; next; switch (select("Yes","Nevermind")){ case 1: if(gettimetick(2) - #Broadcast < (60 * 3)) { // 3mins delay set .@i, (priest+(10 * 1)) - gettimetick(2); if (.@i > 3600) set .@j$, (.@i/3600)+" hour"+(((.@i/3600) == 1)?"":"s"); else if (.@i > 60) set .@j$, (.@i/60)+" minute"+(((.@i/60) == 1)?"":"s"); else set .@j$, (.@i)+" second"+((.@i == 1)?"":"s"); mes .header$; mes "You have to wait "+.@j$+" before taking another broadcast."; close; } mes .header$; mes "Please input your message."; next; input .@broadcast$; if(Zeny < 1000000) goto nozeny; set Zeny,zeny - .broadcastfee; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+": "+.@broadcast$+"",0,0x5AFF00; set #Broadcast, gettimetick(2); close; case 2: mes .header$; mes "Suit yourself"; close; } nozeny: mes .header$; mes "Im sorry but you don't have enough zeny"; mes "Come back again you have ^ff0000"+.broadcastfee+"^000000 zeny"; close; OnInit: set .header$,"[^0000ffBroadcaster^000000]"; set .broadcastfee, 1000000; end; } splendide,194,182,3 duplicate(BC) Broadcaster#2 894  
    I just cleaned your script and do some re-edit. Try this one.
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