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Posts posted by Veiler

  1. sorry Skorm but its not that i need :S i need a npc who fusion 2 hat (fusion hat 1 equiped by hat 2 to take the style of hat 2 in hat 1 and hat 1 preserve his effect) and i want the fusion style will be permanant

    its possible to make this script ?

    omg! this script is too much xDDD

    I hope you have few items for this combiner npc, because it will consume some body's eyes xDDD


    anyways i made this as an example for you. And I think you need a script like this:


    --If you really want to continue adding a similar script.. well you should read and understand NPC commands. xD

    Let me know if you don't understand the script so I can guide you ^___^

    prontera,156,182,5	script	test_npc	859,{
    mes "Do you need to combine some items?";
    switch(select("YES PLEASE!:Maybe Later")){
    	case 1: {
    	switch(select("White Potion:")){
    		case 1: { 
    			if (countitem(505) > 0)	{
    				if (countitem(502) > 0) {
    				mes "There you go";
    				delitem 502,1;
    				delitem 505,1;
    				getitem 504,1;
    				}else{ mes "Sorry you don't have the items in your inventory";
    				}else{ mes "Sorry you don't have the items in your inventory";
    	case 2: { mes "Okay see yah";
  2. is there a npc script which is like 'npctalk' ?

    wherein it functions like npctalk but the one that will talk is the character that clicked it..


    prontera,150,150,0 script test 57,{
    chartalk "Hello world!";

    any alternatives with this script will do..

    Thanks in advance!  /no1


    Hello!! ^___^ I just made this for you..

    prontera,160,200,5	script	test_npc	859,{
    	mes "May I Shout Your name?";
    case 1: {
    	atcommand "@kami "+ strcharinfo(0) + ": HELOOOOOOOOOO ALL!!!!";
    	end; }
    " + strcharinfo(0) + " (----> it automatically says the player's name ^___^)
    I put it on "codes" box so it won't be messy xD...
  3. Can I request an SRC modification that makes the player immune from monsters whenever the player talks to an NPC.

    Thanks in advanced.


    Hi :) i think you can do this on your NPC script



    prontera,200,200,4	script	ShoutNPC	859,{
    	mes "Hello";
    	atcommand "@monsterignore";<---to enable the command while talking
    	mes "do you need help?";
    	switch(select("Yes Please.:No thanks. I'm Okay")){
    case 1: {
    	mes "Okay I'm Warping you";
    	atcommand "@monsterignore";<---to end the command whenever you're finished
    	end; }
    case 2: {
    	mes "Okay see you later!";
    	atcommand "@monsterignore";<---to end the command whenever you're finished
    	close; }


    okay i just tried it on my test server and it worked :)

    • Upvote 1
  4. As stated above I've notice this, my clients always crash if lets say GM 1 is at prontera, then GM 2 logs in, If gm 2 login location is visible to GM 1, GM 2 client will crash repeatedly until GM 1 gets out of the vicinity. @go @warp has no problem just login.

    Any way to fix this? Long story short GMs cant login into a place with another GM there.


    Hi :) I think GM 2 has sprite problem, as you said " 'till GM 1 gets out nearby from GM 2 ".

    So i suggest that GM 1 make a trouble shootings like:

    1. if GM 1 is wearing a certain headgear he should wear it off, after that GM 1 warps to GM 2 and check if the crash still persists...

    2. or Maybe GM 2 is using a custom GM sprite :)

    3. GM 1 change his hairstyle to default also his dress pallet


    -If one of these steps made GM2 stopped his client from crashing, then the problem is sprite ^__^


    Goodluck! ^___^

  5. Hello rAthena... need help on how to fix this :(

    please help thank you.. T___T



    login-server_sql.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Bentot\Desktop\rAthena NEW\vcproj-10\..\login-server_sql.exe

    mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated manifest to the resource of file "..\login-server_sql.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.



    I also red this one T___T...



    • Upvote 1



    Hello rAthena i would like to ask how to fix this one?



    Disable Ragexe filename check

    Ahhh! There Thanks!! >.<'' M-my eyes are too blunt.. missed read xD

    a 1k Thank you!

    By the way you don't need loki launcher to run 20130807aragexe.exe client


    On my client it gives me a mini error box without any written inside, when I don't use Loki launcher..

    Anyways i preffer launching it with loki ^___^

    -Thanks again themon :D





    Thank you :) im gonna read this after i get my eye glasses xD



    Awe... Unfotunately I noticed that the webhosting doesn't host mysql database :/


    yes its normal .. xD thats why you will set the ip add and user and pass of your sql on fluxCP .. and you need to allow to connect it from the sql..... - sorry for my bad english :D



    Yeah.. I red about it, But I only use free web hosting [x10hosting] for testing purpose.. :(

    -Don't worry about bad english i'm half filippino also.. xD



    maybe try this guide..


    it works for me when im having a connection problem with flux cp to sql




    Okay :) a thousand thank you, Im going to read these guides ^__^

    Maybe would you share me other free web hosting site? For testing purposes only.. you know~ XD

    Thankie Thanks!

    • Upvote 1


    Thank you :) im gonna read this after i get my eye glasses xD



    Awe... Unfotunately I noticed that the webhosting doesn't host mysql database :/


    yes its normal .. xD thats why you will set the ip add and user and pass of your sql on fluxCP .. and you need to allow to connect it from the sql..... - sorry for my bad english :D



    Yeah.. I red about it, But I only use free web hosting [x10hosting] for testing purpose.. :(

    -Don't worry about bad english i'm half filippino also.. xD

    • Upvote 1
  9. Hello rAthena.
    Today is my 5th trial on making flux cp and.. failed >.< anyone please help me on these errors..

    i also did the user previlages >.<


    Error: PDOException

    Message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'apsisrox_root'@'vox.x10hosting.com' (using password: YES)

    File: /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php:81

    File Line Function/Method /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php 81 PDO::__construct() /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php 94 Flux_Connection::connect() /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php 159 Flux_Connection::getConnection() /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/modules/install/index.php 17 Flux_Connection::getStatement() /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Template.php 337 include() /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php 168 Flux_Template::render() /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/index.php 169 Flux_Dispatcher::dispatch() Exception Trace As String#0 /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(81): PDO->__construct(*hidden*)
    #1 /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(94): Flux_Connection->connect(Object(Flux_Config))
    #2 /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(159): Flux_Connection->getConnection()
    #3 /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/modules/install/index.php(17): Flux_Connection->getStatement('SELECT VERSION(...')
    #4 /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Template.php(337): include('/home/apsisrox/...')
    #5 /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php(168): Flux_Template->render()
    #6 /home/apsisrox/public_html/cp/index.php(169): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)
    #7 {main}


    • Upvote 1
  10. Hamachi doesn't give an IP, but a virtual IP that just exist in Hamachi networks.


    As said, Hamachi just gives a virtual IP.


    Using a hamachi isn't recommended to set up an RO server.


    here's what you should do:



    char_ip: your wan IP / no-ip address




    map_ip: your WAN IP / no-ip address



    for the pages thing, redirect (forward) port 80 to your computer that is running the HTTP server.



    Hamachi doesn't give an IP, but a virtual IP that just exist in Hamachi networks.



    yeap..but if you are going to run it  as a test server well.. I recomend to do this..

    Anyways, since i only use an Internet router USB dongle.. so I use remobo to tunnel my friends to my server and associated with noip, because my internet router usb dongle doesn't support port forwarding and pptp.


    and it is working XD


    i already did that, i use the no-ip.org and it cannot connect at all. I also change the char_ip(map_athena.conf) and login_ip(char_athena.conf) to my LAN IP( I also change the map_ip(map_athena.conf) and char_ip(char_athena.conf) to my WAN ip or the no-ip.org.

    Hello gelo.. You may try these steps.

    -Open No-ip Program -> File -> Preferences (And there will be a window that pops out).

    -Under Network Adapter -> Change "Windows Default" and Click your router's name. (Ex: D-Link etc-etc)

    -Now after changing your network adapter, Click "Detect my IP using remote methods".

    -Now, after that Close the window, And Click "Refresh Now" button.

    Note: Your IP must be dynamic. How to verify it? Then here are the other steps.

    -Login to your Router, and look at your WAN ip. Now Compare your Router's WAN IP to your NO-IP's IP client, If those IP are the same then congrats! If not then let me know, there's still another method to make your friend connect to your server :)

    EDIT: I put some screenies on comparing IPs from the Router and NO-IP client.



    (These steps are based on my experience)


    Thanks for helping veiler, I already try it but still having the same problem.



    Then the solution is to use Remobo client and tunneling it to no-ip client.

    Guides are here:

    -Register and Download Remobo-(Click me-Tell to your friend to register and download this one too- 

    -Install and Un-Check the following: "Proxy browsing with firefox" and "Remote Desktop with VNC"

    -After step 1 and 2 login your registered account in your remobo client and add your friend's username.

    Now No-IP client side:

    (Since you have no-ip client installed)

    -Open your No-IP

    -Click Prefferences tab

    -Change your network adapter to "Windows default" -> and Click "Use the IP of my local network adapter."

    -now config your char, map and subnet.conf like this:



    char_ip: noip.com

    map_ip: noip.com


    login_ip: noip.com

    char_ip: noip.com




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