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Posts posted by BavariaN

  1. Please help me .. Ive use two clients, 2014-04-10aRagexeRE and 2014-04-10aRagexe, because my friend told me that is better to use a pre-renewal than renewwal specially if im planning for a trans job server . 

    My problem is on 2014-04-10aRagexe has a cashshop. i want to remove it same with my 2014-04-10aRagexeRE. But how ..
    Please Help .. Thank you very much ! More power rAthena! 








    Please Help ! 

    Where can i find these three files? 





    Thank You very much

    what client are you using?






    is in your data folder



    but for newer client try to open system/iteminfo.lub



    here's the sample component that i found on my system/iteminfo.lua

    [607] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Yggdrasil Berry",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "À̱׵å¶ó½Ç¿­¸Å",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life.",
    			"^000088Fully restores HP and SP^000000.",
    			"Weight: ^77777730^000000"
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Yggdrasil Berry",
    		identifiedResourceName = "À̱׵å¶ó½Ç¿­¸Å",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life.",
    			"^000088Fully restores HP and SP^000000.",
    			"Weight: ^77777730^000000"
    		slotCount = 0,
    		ClassNum = 0

    and on my system/iteminfo.lub  this codes are in files ^_^ .. which i cannot understand . what is this for ^_^ ..


    LuaQ  -   @d:/patch/output_for_ro1/System/itemInfo.lua           6ø 
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    TNX !

  3. 15. Now let’s recompile your server, open Server\trunk\ right-click ‘rAthena-10.sln’ open with Microsoft Visual c++


    16. Change the ‘debug’ into ‘release’ like the picture below.


    17. Block (select) char-server.sql, login-server.sql, map-server.sql, mapcache and then right click and choose ‘build selection’ like in the picture below:





    OMG i stuck with this step .. regarding to my visual basic .. i try to open rAthena-10sln im my microsoft visual basic .. where do found  "debug" into Release?
    Im using Visual basic standard edition ..

    what Visual basic edition did u use guyz? 
    Thank you , i need all your response . ^_^ 


  4. is this normal or not ? THank u for ur assistance .. :D more power!




    This is for step 6

    6. Create new folder and name it ‘Data Folder Translation'

    right-click on ‘Data Folder Translation’ folder and choose ‘SVN checkout…’
    Fill this link https://subversion.a...de-translation/ in “url of repository” and click ok,

    this will download your 'data translation folder' from latest revision.  After complete click ok.

  5. Another Guide: Link



    Sir i have read ur tutorial but its for 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe right ?

    What if i use  2013-08-07Ragexe.exe it will be a new process ?  /hmm  

    Thank u  /help

    and after downloading all the file i extract all in KRO or each file in separate folder?

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