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Posts posted by Tepoo

  1. Hey guys, could anybody tell me how i can get multiple grf diff working on a client, where these phrases are not included in the exe?

    before the diffs appeared i worked with hexcodes, and on euro they worked fine. but the exe of fro (new euro) doesnt own this line of hexstrings.

    im abit confused. how can i add it to the exe when i dont find the entry point?

    i am even dont find the phrase data.ini on this exe :-(

    i hope someone can help me.



  2. Hey Guys,

    is it possible to use the translations of items and skillz and so on for the official kRO server?

    back in days i used a read data folder first hack and it worked fine. but now since this lua system and so on im abit confused.

    could someone help me out with a some tips how to get it working?



  3. i am working the athena, ragnarok online and other things since more then 9years. i know how to hex.

    but in this time i learned that one person is not able to create a good solution for a problem.

    it need more then one person to make the project perfect.

    i know how to aquire the needed infos for packet_db and the rest i also try to figure out.

    but there are people out there who could help alote in understanding therse proecesses, but they try to make money with it.

    and in my eyes thats not good. those things kill community slowly.

  4. More and More i have to see that communitys like this are getting hardly outdated because of the fact that people have enough skill to update new things, hex clients or translate stuff, want money for there work.

    people offering clients uptodate for 30$+ but stable releases for the open community which are supported are from 2011. There are also stuff for clients like 2012-04-xx but they are not supported oficialy like i read in forum.

    i dont know if i missunderstand the situation, but it seems that the same is happening with this community, what happened to other community like asb/ps3 and so on.

    i hope i am wrong with that, but if this is true, that would be realy sad....

    Just my mention about the situation.

  5. if your able to figure the packet_db.txt out yourself you can upgrade yourself.

    atm im working on a packet_db for the 2012-02-14 ragexe. but i dont know how long it will take. maybe forever xD

  6. Ich hab dein Post reportet. Solche unkonstruktiven Posts sind hier fehl am Platz.

    Wenn man wie er vorhat einen Pserver aufzusetzen in diesem Massstab, MUSS man gewisse Dinge selbst lernen.

    Jeder von uns hier hat klein angefangen und jeder hier hat dadurch gelernt.

    Und der letzte satz von dir ist einfach nur Schwachsinn, die Customsprites von Servern, haben nichts mit Athena zutun. denn sie werden nicht in den Server eingebunden sondern in die Clients.

    Verkneif dir solche Posts sonst wirst du hier nicht lange freude haben.

  7. hey guys,

    i collected from some spots the packet_db entrys for the 2011-11-22aRagexeRE. but some of the entrys seems to be wrong.

    i want to collect in this thread the correct packets for this exe.

    if you have some of them write here :-)

    packet_ver: 28

    i hope we can get fast the complete packet_db entry for this.



  8. Das Hauptproblem was ich bei dieser Anfrage sehe ist das ihr sehr viel erwartet.

    wenn euch jemand bei all diesen Dingen hilft. werdet ihr nur schwer in der Lage sein später selbst Fehler zu beheben.

    Ich habe auf Anhieb zu 8 von diesen Dingen bei google nach 5minuten suchen einen Treffer gehabt. Zwar auf english aber ich denke wenn ihr wirklich ernsthaft an die Thematik Server rangehen wollt, solltet ihr euch auch damit befassen.

    Ich empfehle euch erstmal selbst zu versuchen die ganze Sache ins rolle zu bringen ohne fremde Hilfe. Denn so ist der Lerneffekt wesentlich höhr.

    Das mit dem Customs solltet ihr euch übrigens überlegen ob das ne gute Idee ist, ich kenne pServer Betreiber die sehr aggresive gegen Customdiebe vorgehen.

    versucht jetzt einfach mal nen Server aufzusetzen mit den Infos die Ihr unter google findet, ansonsten schreibt ne PM.

    Dann nehm ich mir mal Zeit.



  9. Hey Guys,

    the base classnaming in mmo.h is JOB_<JOBNAME>[_T]

    on the actual version of @job the syntax for changing to a trans third class is @job id or @job <jobname>[ (trans)] i changed that to @job <jobname>[_T]

    that it fits to the informations placed in mmo.h.

    * Changes a character's calass
    //FIXME: redundancy, potentially wrong code, should use job_name() or similar instead of hardcoding the table [ultramage]
    int job = 0, upper = 0;
    nullpo_retr(-1, sd);
    if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%d %d", &job, &upper) < 1)
     int i, found = 0;
     const struct { char name[24]; int id; } jobs[] = {
      { "novice",  0 },
      { "swordsman", 1 },
      { "mage",  2 },
      { "archer",  3 },
      { "acolyte", 4 },
      { "merchant", 5 },
      { "thief",  6 },
      { "knight",  7 },
      { "priest",  8 },
      { "priestess", 8 },
      { "wizard",  9 },
      { "blacksmith", 10 },
      { "hunter",  11 },
      { "assassin", 12 },
      { "crusader", 14 },
      { "monk",  15 },
      { "sage",  16 },
      { "rogue",  17 },
      { "alchemist", 18 },
      { "bard",  19 },
      { "dancer",  20 },
      { "super novice", 23 },
      { "supernovice", 23 },
      { "gunslinger", 24 },
      { "gunner", 24 },
      { "ninja", 25 },
      { "high novice", 4001 },
      { "swordsman high", 4002 },
      { "mage high",  4003 },
      { "archer high", 4004 },
      { "acolyte high", 4005 },
      { "merchant high", 4006 },
      { "thief high",  4007 },
      { "lord knight", 4008 },
      { "high priest", 4009 },
      { "high priestess", 4009 },
      { "high wizard", 4010 },
      { "whitesmith",  4011 },
      { "sniper",  4012 },
      { "assassin cross", 4013 },
      { "paladin", 4015 },
      { "champion", 4016 },
      { "professor", 4017 },
      { "stalker", 4018 },
      { "creator", 4019 },
      { "clown",  4020 },
      { "gypsy",  4021 },
      { "baby novice", 4023 },
      { "baby swordsman", 4024 },
      { "baby mage",  4025 },
      { "baby archer", 4026 },
      { "baby acolyte", 4027 },
      { "baby merchant", 4028 },
      { "baby thief",  4029 },
      { "baby knight", 4030 },
      { "baby priest", 4031 },
      { "baby priestess", 4031 },
      { "baby wizard", 4032 },
      { "baby blacksmith",4033 },
      { "baby hunter", 4034 },
      { "baby assassin", 4035 },
      { "baby crusader", 4037 },
      { "baby monk",  4038 },
      { "baby sage",  4039 },
      { "baby rogue",  4040 },
      { "baby alchemist", 4041 },
      { "baby bard",  4042 },
      { "baby dancer", 4043 },
      { "super baby",  4045 },
      { "taekwon",  4046 },
      { "taekwon boy", 4046 },
      { "taekwon girl", 4046 },
      { "star gladiator", 4047 },
      { "soul linker", 4049 },
      { "rune knight", 4054 },
      { "warlock",  4055 },
      { "ranger",   4056 },
      { "arch bishop", 4057 },
      { "mechanic",  4058 },
      { "guillotine",  4059 },
      { "rune knight_t", 4060 },
      { "warlock_t",  4061 },
      { "ranger_t",  4062 },
      { "arch bishop_t", 4063 },
      { "mechanic_t",  4064 },
      { "guillotine_t", 4065 },
      { "royal guard", 4066 },
      { "sorcerer",  4067 },
      { "minstrel",  4068 },
      { "wanderer",  4069 },
      { "sura",   4070 },
      { "genetic",  4071 },
      { "shadow chaser", 4072 },
      { "royal guard_t", 4073 },
      { "sorcerer_t",  4074 },
      { "minstrel_t",  4075 },
      { "wanderer_t",  4076 },
      { "sura_t",   4077 },
      { "genetic_t",  4078 },
      { "shadow chaser_t", 4079 },
     for (i=0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(jobs); i++) {
      if (strncmpi(message, jobs[i].name, 16) == 0) {
    job = jobs[i].id;
    upper = 0;
    found = 1;
     if (!found) {
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter job ID (usage: @job/@jobchange ).");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- Novice / 1st Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "   0 Novice			1 Swordman		  2 Mage			  3 Archer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "   4 Acolyte		   5 Merchant		  6 Thief");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- 2nd Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "   7 Knight			8 Priest			9 Wizard		   10 Blacksmith");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  11 Hunter		   12 Assassin		 14 Crusader		 15 Monk");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  16 Sage			 17 Rogue			18 Alchemist		19 Bard");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  20 Dancer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- High Novice / High 1st Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4001 Novice High	4002 Swordman High  4003 Mage High	  4004 Archer High");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4005 Acolyte High   4006 Merchant High  4007 Thief High");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- Transcendent 2nd Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4008 Lord Knight	4009 High Priest	4010 High Wizard	4011 Whitesmith");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4012 Sniper		 4013 Assassin Cross 4015 Paladin		4016 Champion");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4017 Professor	  4018 Stalker		4019 Creator		4020 Clown");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4021 Gypsy");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- 3rd Class (Regular to 3rd) -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4054 Rune Knight	4055 Warlock		4056 Ranger		 4057 Arch Bishop");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4058 Mechanic	   4059 Guillotine Cross 4066 Royal Guard  4067 Sorcerer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4068 Minstrel	   4069 Wanderer	   4070 Sura		   4071 Genetic");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4072 Shadow Chaser");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- 3rd Class (Transcendent to 3rd) -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4060 Rune Knight_T	4061 Warlock_T	4062 Ranger_T");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, " 4063 Arch Bishop_T	4064 Mechanic_T	4065 Guillotine Cross_T");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4073 Royal Guard_T	4074 Sorcerer_T	4075 Minstrel_T");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4076 Wanderer_T	4077 Sura_T	4078 Genetic_T	4079 Shadow Chaser_T");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- Expanded Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  23 Super Novice	 24 Gunslinger	   25 Ninja			26 Xmas");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  27 Summer		 4046 Taekwon		4047 Star Gladiator 4049 Soul Linker");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4050 Gangsi		 4051 Death Knight   4052 Dark Collector");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "---- 1st And 2nd Baby Class ----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4023 Baby Novice	4024 Baby Swordsman 4025 Baby Mage	  4026 Baby Archer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4027 Baby Acolyte   4028 Baby Merchant  4029 Baby Thief	 4030 Baby Knight");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4031 Baby Priest	4032 Baby Wizard	4033 Baby Blacksmith 4034 Baby Hunter");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4035 Baby Assassin  4037 Baby Crusader  4038 Baby Monk	  4039 Baby Sage");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4040 Baby Rogue	 4041 Baby Alchemist 4042 Baby Bard	  4043 Baby Dancer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4045 Super Baby");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "---- 3rd Baby Class ----");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4096 Baby Rune Knight	4097 Baby Warlock		4098 Baby Ranger");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4099 Baby Arch Bishop	4100 Baby Mechanic	   4101 Baby Guillotine Cross");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4102 Baby Royal Guard	4103 Baby Sorcerer	   4104 Baby Minstrel");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4105 Baby Wanderer	   4106 Baby Sura		   4107 Baby Genetic");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4108 Baby Shadow Chaser");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "---- Mounts, Modes, And Others ----");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "  13 Knight (Peco)	21 Crusader (Peco)  22 Wedding		  26 Christmas");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "  27 Summer 4014 Lord Knight (Peco) 4022 Paladin (Peco)  4036 Baby Knight (Peco)");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4044 Baby Crusader (Peco) 4048 Star Gladiator (Union) 4080 Rune Knight (Dragon)");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4081 Rune Knight Trans (Dragon) 4082 Royal Guard (Gryphon)");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4083 Royal Guard Trans (Gryphon) 4084 Ranger (Warg) 4085 Ranger Trans (Warg)");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4086 Mechanic (Mado) 4087 Mechanic Trans (Mado)");
      return -1;
    if (job == 13 || job == 21 || job == 22 || job == 26 || job == 27
     || job == 4014 || job == 4022 || job == 4036 || job == 4044 || job == 4048
    ) // Deny direct transformation into dummy jobs
     return 0;
    if (pcdb_checkid(job))
     if (pc_jobchange(sd, job, upper) == 0)
      clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(12)); // Your job has been changed.
     else {
      clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(155)); // You are unable to change your job.
      return -1;
    } else {
     clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter job ID (usage: @job/@jobchange ).");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- Novice / 1st Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "   0 Novice			1 Swordman		  2 Mage			  3 Archer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "   4 Acolyte		   5 Merchant		  6 Thief");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- 2nd Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "   7 Knight			8 Priest			9 Wizard		   10 Blacksmith");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  11 Hunter		   12 Assassin		 14 Crusader		 15 Monk");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  16 Sage			 17 Rogue			18 Alchemist		19 Bard");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  20 Dancer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- High Novice / High 1st Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4001 Novice High	4002 Swordman High  4003 Mage High	  4004 Archer High");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4005 Acolyte High   4006 Merchant High  4007 Thief High");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- Transcendent 2nd Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4008 Lord Knight	4009 High Priest	4010 High Wizard	4011 Whitesmith");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4012 Sniper		 4013 Assassin Cross 4015 Paladin		4016 Champion");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4017 Professor	  4018 Stalker		4019 Creator		4020 Clown");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4021 Gypsy");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- 3rd Class (Regular to 3rd) -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4054 Rune Knight	4055 Warlock		4056 Ranger		 4057 Arch Bishop");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4058 Mechanic	   4059 Guillotine Cross 4066 Royal Guard  4067 Sorcerer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4068 Minstrel	   4069 Wanderer	   4070 Sura		   4071 Genetic");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4072 Shadow Chaser");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- 3rd Class (Transcendent to 3rd) -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4060 Rune Knight_T	4061 Warlock_T	4062 Ranger_T");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, " 4063 Arch Bishop_T	4064 Mechanic_T	4065 Guillotine Cross_T");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4073 Royal Guard_T	4074 Sorcerer_T	4075 Minstrel_T");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4076 Wanderer_T	4077 Sura_T	4078 Genetic_T	4079 Shadow Chaser_T");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "----- Expanded Class -----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  23 Super Novice	 24 Gunslinger	   25 Ninja			26 Xmas");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "  27 Summer		 4046 Taekwon		4047 Star Gladiator 4049 Soul Linker");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4050 Gangsi		 4051 Death Knight   4052 Dark Collector");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "---- 1st And 2nd Baby Class ----");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4023 Baby Novice	4024 Baby Swordsman 4025 Baby Mage	  4026 Baby Archer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4027 Baby Acolyte   4028 Baby Merchant  4029 Baby Thief	 4030 Baby Knight");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4031 Baby Priest	4032 Baby Wizard	4033 Baby Blacksmith 4034 Baby Hunter");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4035 Baby Assassin  4037 Baby Crusader  4038 Baby Monk	  4039 Baby Sage");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4040 Baby Rogue	 4041 Baby Alchemist 4042 Baby Bard	  4043 Baby Dancer");
      clif_displaymessage(fd, "4045 Super Baby");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "---- 3rd Baby Class ----");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4096 Baby Rune Knight	4097 Baby Warlock		4098 Baby Ranger");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4099 Baby Arch Bishop	4100 Baby Mechanic	   4101 Baby Guillotine Cross");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4102 Baby Royal Guard	4103 Baby Sorcerer	   4104 Baby Minstrel");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4105 Baby Wanderer	   4106 Baby Sura		   4107 Baby Genetic");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4108 Baby Shadow Chaser");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "---- Mounts, Modes, And Others ----");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "  13 Knight (Peco)	21 Crusader (Peco)  22 Wedding		  26 Christmas");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "  27 Summer 4014 Lord Knight (Peco) 4022 Paladin (Peco)  4036 Baby Knight (Peco)");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4044 Baby Crusader (Peco) 4048 Star Gladiator (Union) 4080 Rune Knight (Dragon)");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4081 Rune Knight Trans (Dragon) 4082 Royal Guard (Gryphon)");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4083 Royal Guard Trans (Gryphon) 4084 Ranger (Warg) 4085 Ranger Trans (Warg)");
      //clif_displaymessage(fd, "4086 Mechanic (Mado) 4087 Mechanic Trans (Mado)");
     return -1;
    return 0;



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