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  1. Tyrfing's post in how i can add command log in my sql was marked as the answer   
    You have to decide: do you want to log your GM commands and cash to a text file or to your SQL database?
    If you want to log to a Text File
    1. First, disable SQL logs (conf\log_athena.conf, line 40)
    // Use MySQL Logs? [SQL Version Only] (Note 1) sql_logs: no 2. Uncomment the first lines, comment the last ones. (conf\log_athena.conf, line 141)
    // Logging files/tables // Following settings specify where to log to. If 'sql_logs' is // enabled, SQL tables are assumed, otherwise flat files. log_gm_db: log/atcommandlog.log log_branch_db: log/branchlog.log log_chat_db: log/chatlog.log log_mvpdrop_db: log/mvplog.log log_npc_db: log/npclog.log log_pick_db: log/picklog.log log_zeny_db: log/zenylog.log log_cash_db: log/cashlog.log log_feeding_db: log/feedinglog.log //log_gm_db: atcommandlog //log_branch_db: branchlog //log_chat_db: chatlog //log_mvpdrop_db: mvplog //log_npc_db: npclog //log_pick_db: picklog //log_zeny_db: zenylog //log_cash_db: cashlog //log_feeding_db: feedinglog If you want to log to a SQL database
    1. First, enable SQL logs (conf\log_athena.conf, line 40)
    // Use MySQL Logs? [SQL Version Only] (Note 1) sql_logs: yes 2. Comment the first lines, uncomment the last ones. (conf\log_athena.conf, line 141)
    // Logging files/tables // Following settings specify where to log to. If 'sql_logs' is // enabled, SQL tables are assumed, otherwise flat files. // log_gm_db: log/atcommandlog.log // log_branch_db: log/branchlog.log // log_chat_db: log/chatlog.log // log_mvpdrop_db: log/mvplog.log // log_npc_db: log/npclog.log // log_pick_db: log/picklog.log // log_zeny_db: log/zenylog.log // log_cash_db: log/cashlog.log // log_feeding_db: log/feedinglog.log log_gm_db: atcommandlog log_branch_db: branchlog log_chat_db: chatlog log_mvpdrop_db: mvplog log_npc_db: npclog log_pick_db: picklog log_zeny_db: zenylog log_cash_db: cashlog log_feeding_db: feedinglog  
  2. Tyrfing's post in Paid warper npc was marked as the answer   
    Ok, you seem to be using an rAthena revision that does not support `clear` as an NPC command.
    Try this adapted version.
    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ___________ _____.__ // \__ ___/__.__.________/ ____\__| ____ ____ // | | < | |\_ __ \ __\| |/ \ / ___\ // | | \___ | | | \/| | | | | \/ /_/ > // |____| / ____| |__| |__| |__|___| /\___ / // \/ Scripts \//_____/ // //===================================================== // Name: Paid Warper // // Description: // At a cost of items, a player will be warped to a map, // and he may retrieve 1/3 of them by talking to the NPC. // // Customizations: // .currency: set to the Item ID you would like the NPC // to trade for the warps. // // .cost: Amount of .currency item to give for each city. // .equip: Equipment ID to be wearing when claiming items. //===================================================== /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - script Paid Warper 56,{ function WarpTo; function ClaimCurrency; set .npc_name$, "Paid Warper"; set .currency, 619; setarray .warpable_cities$[0], "Prontera", "Payon", "Morocc"; setarray .cost[0], 3, 3, 3; setarray .equip[0], 2293, 2294, 2295; if (!.initialized) { // Sets .warps$ to the valid warps according to the map the NPC is in for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.warpable_cities$); .@i++) { set .warps$, .warps$ + (strtolower(.warpable_cities$[.@i]) == strnpcinfo(4) ? "" : .warpable_cities$[.@i]); if (.@i + 1 != getarraysize(.warpable_cities$)) set .warps$, .warps$ + ":"; } set .initialized, 1; } Begin: mes "[^00cc00"+ .npc_name$ +"^000000]"; mes "Hello, " + strcharinfo(0) + "!"; next; switch (select("Warp:Claim:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[^00cc00"+ .npc_name$ +"^000000]"; mes "Where would you like to warp to?"; WarpTo(select(.warps$)); case 2: mes "[^00cc00"+ .npc_name$ +"^000000]"; mes "You have accumulated so far:"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.warpable_cities$); .@i++) { mes .warpable_cities$[.@i] + ": " + warp_accumulator[.@i] + " " + getitemname(.currency); } mes "Which would you like to claim?"; next; ClaimCurrency(select(implode(.warpable_cities$, ":"))); } end; function WarpTo { set .@city, getarg(0) - 1; mes "To warp to " + .warpable_cities$[.@city] + ", you need to provide "+ .cost[.@city] +" "+ getitemname(.currency) + "."; mes "Is that okay?"; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { if (countitem(.currency) < .cost[.@city]) { next; mes "[^00cc00"+ .npc_name$ +"^000000]"; mes "I am sorry, you need " + .cost[.@city] + " " + getitemname(.currency) + " to warp, but you only have " + countitem(.currency) + "."; next; goto Begin; } delitem .currency,.cost[.@city]; warp_accumulator[.@city]++; atcommand "@go " + .warpable_cities$[.@city]; next; } next; goto Begin; return; } function ClaimCurrency { set .@city, getarg(0) - 1; set .@necessary_equip, .equip[.@city]; if (warp_accumulator[.@city] == 0) { mes "[^00cc00"+ .npc_name$ +"^000000]"; mes "You don't have any "+ getitemname(.currency) +"s to retrieve."; next; } else if(isequipped(.@necessary_equip)) { mes "[^00cc00"+ .npc_name$ +"^000000]"; mes "Here you are!"; getitem .currency,warp_accumulator[.@city]; warp_accumulator[.@city] = 0; next; } else { mes "[^00cc00"+ .npc_name$ +"^000000]"; mes "I'm sorry, you need to be wearing " + getitemname(.@necessary_equip) + " to retrieve your items."; next; } goto Begin; return; } } prontera,163,184,4 duplicate(Paid Warper) Paid Warper#prt 56 payon,177,104,4 duplicate(Paid Warper) Paid Warper#pay 56 morocc,152,97,4 duplicate(Paid Warper) Paid Warper#moc 56  
  3. Tyrfing's post in Hello where is the base weapon aspd file was marked as the answer   
    // Base ASPD for each weapon on each job
    db/re/job_db1.txt (Renewal)
    db/pre-re/job_db1.txt (Pre-Renewal)
    // Bonus stats for each job
  4. Tyrfing's post in help for change language Thor patcher was marked as the answer   
    Find your Language ID on this page. For example, the Language ID for Brazil is 0x0416. Copy it. Go to Google, and paste "0x0416 in decimal" (without quotes, replace my code for yours). Google will display the result in the calculator: 1046. Go your Thor Patcher folder, and open the Configuration folder. Open the Languages folder. Create a new file, with your language name in plain English (for example: Portuguese.ini). Open the LanguageMap.ini file. Add a new line: lid1046='Portuguese.ini' Change the lid number to match with the one you got from Google. Change the file name to match yours. Copy and paste the contents of Default.ini inside the file you created (In this case, Portuguese.ini). Translate each line to your own language. Open Thor.exe (it must be in the same directory as the config.ini, the LanguageMap.ini and the Languages folder).
  5. Tyrfing's post in Mystery Client Errors was marked as the answer   
    Greetings GaugePower,
    It looks like your emulator was compiled with a PACKETVER different to that of the client you're using.
    By default, rAthena is as of now compiling with PACKETVER 20150411. This is defined in src/config/packets.h, but it may be overriden by another define in src/custom/defines_pre.h.
    So, first open src/custom/defines_pre.h and check whether there's any line in the format:
    #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD If so, then this is the PACKETVER you compiled your emulator with, so either change it to match with your client version, or use another client with this version.
    However, if there is no such line, then the PACKETVER is that defined in src/config/packets.h (20150411). If you decide to use another client, please do not edit src/config/packets.h. Instead, add the define in src/custom/defines_pre.h. Then, recompile.
    If you provide more information on what client you are using NEMO with, that may be of help.
  6. Tyrfing's post in error in compiling... help! was marked as the answer   
    Try to explicitly cast the third arguments to the ranked_update enumeration in both calls to ranked_update_rank, as such:
    On line 218:
    ranked_update_rank(sd,0,static_cast<ranked_update>(type-1),RANK_P_OTHERS); On line 244:
    ranked_update_rank(sd,points,static_cast<ranked_update>(type),RANK_P_OTHERS); And recompile. You might face other issues with this code, since it was probably written for VC++ 6.0, which is a legacy version of a C++ compiler.
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