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Posts posted by rmon008

  1. what if i just want the normal cards , and removing mini boss and mvp cards? what to remove in the script?

    prontera,155,177,5    script    Card Seller    100,{
        mes "Welcome to card seller ... meh lazy to say";
        .@s = select( .alphabet_menu$ ) -1;
        callshop "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@s], 1;
        freeloop 1;
        .@total = query_sql("select distinct left( name_japanese, 1 ) as aaa from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where ~mode & 32 and type = 6 group by name_japanese order by aaa", .alphabet$ );
        for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@total; .@i++ ) {
            .alphabet_menu$ = .alphabet_menu$ + .alphabet$[.@i] +" Cards:";
            .@nb = query_sql( "select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where ~mode & 32 and type = 6 and left( name_japanese, 1 ) = '"+ .alphabet$[.@i] +"' group by name_japanese order by name_japanese limit 128", .@id );
            npcshopdelitem "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@i], 501;
            for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@nb; .@j++ )
                npcshopadditem "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@i], .@id[.@j], 1000000;
        freeloop 0;
    -    shop    card_mob#A    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#B    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#C    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#D    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#E    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#F    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#G    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#H    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#I    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#J    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#K    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#L    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#M    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#N    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#O    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#P    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#Q    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#R    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#S    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#T    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#U    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#V    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#W    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#X    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#Y    -1,501:1000
    -    shop    card_mob#Z    -1,501:1000


    i tried to use that script but i got this error trying to open any category on it



  2. -	script	News	-1,{
    set .Time,2;		// Announce every x Minute.
    setarray .News$[0],	// Random Message to be Announced
    		"News : Server has been changed from 3rd job renewal to Trans only Pre-Renewal Setting.",
    		"News : Please remove all your Unknown item( Apple ). Giving you 2days to delete the apple's or else your account will be deleted.",
    		"News : Please check the server info for the changes in rates and info's of OurOwn. ",
    		"News : Please Report Any Bugs Immediately.";
    while( 1 ){
    	announce .News$[ rand( getarraysize( .News$ ) ) ],0;
    	sleep ( .Time * 900000 );

    that is the code i want to announce it every 2 minutes

    but its not announcing ,


    that's why im curious about this sleep ( .Time * 900000 );

  3. about the support ticket,

    i have problem browsing the following :


    - i cannot view the ticket i made


    - [for gm account ] deparment list not showing


    - when i try to search the number of ticket the normal account send to a deparment nothing is showing



    * seeing [1]  unread ticket but i cant find it in gm account(department that i made before the normal account submitted a ticket



  4. Which palettes are these? your own or did you download them?

    Because this happens when the palettes have not been converted to ro palettes.


    Try to open one of these palettes with spr conview and see if they still look like this.

    got it working now sir thanks .....

  5. after they kill some poring....change their savepoint too when you warp them.

    *savepoint "<map name>",<x>,<y>;
    *save "<map name>",<x>,<y>;
    These commands save where the invoking character will return to upon clicking
    "Return to Save Point", after death and in some other cases. The two versions are 
    equivalent. They ignore any and all mapflags, and can make a character respawn where
    no teleportation is otherwise possible.
        savepoint "place",350,75;


    but how it will check if the character is 1st time log in ?

  6. after creating a new character how to warp it automatically to one warp once logged in


    because i don't want any character for that map to be their savepoint




    create character

    after character select if first time login it will warp automatically to poring map and after they kill some porings they can go back to there savepoint so they save point will still be


    // Start point, Map name followed by coordinates (x,y)
    start_point: prontera,151,179


    Thanks in advance

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