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Everything posted by Bert

  1. Where do I change the max password character limit? The default is set at 8 characters, or else we won't be able to create an account. Thank you very much in advance
  2. I had found out that we can add announcements from SQL, so not being able to use the built in CMS shouldn't be a problem. I had tested, I can comment on the announcement, the comment system works fine. Problem is, it isn't showing at our main page. here's the announcement http://www.revived-r...ion=page&post=1 While the main page is http://www.revived-r...in&action=index The above is how it should've been shown at the main page, with up to 5 announcements visible. Below is the code for that part <?php /*mySQL connection to retrieve data from 'post' table*/ mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to select database"); $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cp_posts ORDER BY ID DESC"); $num=mysql_numrows($result); if($num>7){$num=7;} $ctr=0; while($ctr<$num) { $id=mysql_result($result,$ctr,"ID"); $author=mysql_result($result,$ctr,"post_author"); $title=mysql_result($result,$ctr,"post_title"); $content=mysql_result($result,$ctr,"post_content"); $timestamp=mysql_result($result,$ctr,"post_date"); $type=mysql_result($result,$ctr,"post_type"); $comment=mysql_result($result,$ctr,"comment_count"); //color coding for text if($type == "news") $color = "#d29665"; else if($type =="event") $color = "#9fc9ce"; else if($type =="update") $color = "#b2cfa0"; /* Following code used to display a specific post. $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cp_posts WHERE ID='$post'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $author=$row["post_author"]; $title=$row["post_title"]; $content=$row["post_content"]; $timestamp=$row["post_date"]; $type=$row["post_type"]; $comment=$row["comment_count"]; } mysql_close(); */ ?> Is there something wrong with the codes?
  3. My designer ran away right after everything was done, then here I am asking for guides
  4. Hi there. It is a custom design for my flux CP. Are there any possible solutions to make it compatible with RA? I wouldn't want to put the design into a waste.
  5. As the title stated, I'm currently using a theme which is incompatible with rAthena. What happens is from the default theme, there would be admin menus to be accessed, but in that theme, there isn't any admin menu even when I had already set admin privilege at SQL. Plus, items can't be added to the itemshop using that theme, but it is OK with the default theme. Is there a way to solve this or converting it to be compatible of rAthena? I believe it's due to the GM group settings of rAthena. Any ways of help are sincerely appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  6. I would like to ask, are there any existing themes for SGCP? Or is anyone able to code, design more modify SGCP for me? We can discuss about the returns Either PM me or reply here, as it's kinda urgent. Thank you very much rA!
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