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Posts posted by rayleigh

  1. On 11/7/2022 at 9:53 AM, PsyOps said:

    If I am no mistaken, these do not have rebirth classes. Only Transcendent classes require rebirth.


    try going for set BaseLevel,50; after they achieve it

    Hello. Need help on this. My character level is still at max 500/250,
    I want it to go back at 250/250.

    Help anyone? 


    On 12/8/2022 at 10:27 AM, rayleigh said:

    Hello. Need help on this. My character level is still at max 500/250,
    I want it to go back at 250/250.

    Help anyone? 

    This is my main NPC
    Its still going to max level b500/j250.

    I want them to go back to b250/j250 and the same job after they rebirth. 


    On 12/9/2022 at 6:00 PM, rayleigh said:

    This is my main NPC
    Its still going to max level b500/j250.

    I want them to go back to b250/j250 and the same job after they rebirth. 

    I did it ... removing // at the start of BaseLevel. 
    Thank you @PsyOps.
    But I got new problem. The reward is given every rebirth. I want it to be given only on the first rebirth and no reward for the next rebirths. 

    Thank you again sir @PsyOps

  2. On 1/30/2020 at 7:43 PM, HaARiZz said:

    What is the web server that you used? Apache? nginx? 

    To solve your problem on the issue of index.php files not being served as the default file (aka the DirectoryIndex).



    To fix the issue with Apache web server, you will need to tell it that “index.php” files should be treated the same as “index.html” files. A quick fix is to create a .htaccess file with the following line:

    #The DirectoryIndex is index.php
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

    However, using .htaccess files should be avoided if you happen to have access to Apache configuration files. A better approach is to modify the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file and add index.php after DirectoryIndex as per below:

    #Find "DirectoryIndex" add "index.php" before index.html
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

    In the config snippet above, we tell Apache that index.php is the DirectoryIndex. We also specify that index.html should be used as the DirectoryIndex if a index.php file is not present inside the current directory.

    After this, restart the Apache web server in order for your changes to be recognized. Do this by typing this:

    sudo systemctl restart httpd



    If you are using PHP-FPM with nginx as the web server, then you will need to make sure that your sites-available configuration file has something similar to the following:

    location / {
        index index.php index.html index.htm;
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

    You only need to pay attention to the second line, as the rest of the configuration settings may be slightly different than what you are currently using. In the configuration snippet above, we have told our nginx web server that the index is “index.php”, “index.html” or “index.htm” – in that order of preference.

    After this, restart the nginx web server in order for your changes to be recognized. Do this by typing this:

    sudo systemctl restart nginx


    Sorry for bumping this one. Im using apache2 but i cant find where to put the directoryindex. 

  3. Explanation:

    There are two clients:

    Client 1 : 2021-11-17 not made by me. Not showing emblems in game. I dont have nemo profile for the patches it has. But as far as i know this client doesnt have :http fix emblem patch on nemo. And doesnt have other custom external settings beside the default ones inside service_korea and service_usa.


    Client 2: 2020-04-01. This is the one i made. Showing eblem in game. Include http fix emblem patch on nemo. Also reading default service_korea. 


    I ran both clients for the same server. So meaning web server is ok. And the problem is not on the server side. 2021-11-17 client doesnt support http fix emblem patch on nemo coz its already built in i think (coz some guys i asked.  They made it work using the same client and emblem is showing even without that nemo patch)

    Btw i also ran the client using the same grf for both. (grf not made by me too)

    My question is: is there some other external settings that client 1 might be reading inside my grf? (Coz i cant find one) is there thing or keywords i should look for? Why client1 is not showing emblem ingame and client2 show. 


    Please help. Its been weeks since i started solving this. 

  4. On 11/7/2022 at 9:53 AM, PsyOps said:

    If I am no mistaken, these do not have rebirth classes. Only Transcendent classes require rebirth.


    try going for set BaseLevel,50; after they achieve it

    what if sir i want expanded class can reborn too. sorry i mean reborn not rebirth. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Chaos92 said:

    That pull request already merged.

    Download latest rathena https://github.com/rathena/rathena and its already merged inside so no need to pull it anymore.

    Yes Im running the latest rathena

    using 2021-11-17 client.

    already run the sql query and have the databases.

    I also change the details on my GRF which is in the ExternalSettings_kr

    but still cant show emblems on guilds. 
    what is the problem?

  6. Hello. Im using this rebirth npc.


    aretnorp,210,218,6	script	Rebirth NPC	811,{
    function deleteItem;		// Deletes Required Items
    function CheckItemNeed;		// Shows the Required Items
    function getItemReward;		// Gives the Reward
    	mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    	mes strcharinfo(0)+", How may I help you?";
    	switch( select( "^777777~ Ranking:~ Rebirth:~ Information:~ Reset Stat:~ Cancel"+((getgmlevel()>=.GMLevel)?":~ Reset Ranking":"")+"^000000" ) ) {
    		case 1:
    			mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    			mes "Rankings:";
    			query_sql "SELECT `name`,`rebirth_no`,`master_rebirth` FROM `rebirth_system` ORDER BY `master_rebirth` DESC, `rebirth_no` DESC LIMIT "+.list,@name$,@rebirth_no,@master_rebirth;
    			if(getarraysize(@name$)==0){mes "^F20808 No Records Found ^000000"; close;}
    			mes "Format:";
    			mes "^0814F2[Character Name]^000000 - ^B308F2[Rebirths]^000000 - ^B303F2[Master_Rebirth]^000000";
    			for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(@name$); .@i++){
    				mes (.@i+1) +".) ^0814F2["+ @name$[.@i] +"]^000000 - ^B308F2["+ @rebirth_no[.@i] +"]^000000 - ^B303F2["+ @master_rebirth[.@i] +"]^000000";
    			deletearray @name$[0],.list; deletearray @rebirth_no[0],.list; deletearray @master_rebirth[0],.list;
    		case 2:
    			mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    			if (.MasterRebirth>0 && rebirth_no >= .MasterRebirth){
    				mes "You can Do Master Rebirth too.";
    				mes "Master rebirth allows you to earn some more powerful items.";
    				mes "On doing Master Rebirth, you will lose "+ .MasterRebirth +" Rebirths";
    				if (.MaxRebirth[1]){ mes "You can do "+ .MaxRebirth[1] +" Master Rebirths Only"; }
    				@rebirth_type = select("Do Standard Rebirth:Do Master Rebirth");
    				mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    				@rebirth_type = 1;
    			if ((@rebirth_type==1 && .MaxRebirth[0] > 0 && rebirth_no >= .MaxRebirth[0]) || (@rebirth_type==2 && .MaxRebirth[1] > 0 && master_rebirth >= .MaxRebirth[1]) ){
    				mes "You have Reached the Maximum Number of "+ ( (@rebirth_type==2)?"Master":"" ) +" Rebirths("+ ( (@rebirth_type==2)?master_rebirth:rebirth_no ) +")";
    			.@eac = eaclass();
    			.@can_rebirth = false;
    			for (.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.add_jobs); .@i++){
    				if (Class==.add_jobs[.@i]){
    					.@can_rebirth = true;
    			if (!.@can_rebirth){
    				.@can_rebirth = true;
    				setarray .@jobcheck[0],EAJL_2,EAJL_2_1,EAJL_2_2,EAJL_UPPER,EAJL_BABY,EAJL_THIRD;
    				for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@jobcheck); .@i++)
    					if ((.job_rebirth&.@jobcheck[.@i])){
    						if (!(.@eac&.@jobcheck[.@i])){
    							if ((.@i == 1 || .@i == 2) && .@pass == true)
    							.@can_rebirth = false;
    						if (.@i == 0)
    							.@pass = true;
    			if( BaseLevel < 500 || JobLevel < 120 ) {
    				mes "You must be Max BaselLevel/Joblevel to Rebirth.";
    			}else if( !.@can_rebirth ){
    				if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_BABY)
    					.@job$ = "Baby ";
    				if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_THIRD)
    					.@job$ = .@job$+"Third";
    				else if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_2_1 || .job_rebirth&EAJL_2_2)
    					.@job$ = .@job$+"Second";
    				else if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER)
    					.@job$ = .@job$+"1-1";
    				mes "You need to be "+ ((.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER)?"Trans":"") +" "+ .@job$ +" Job";
    			mes "Items need :";
    			mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    		case 3:
    			mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    				case 1:
    				case 2:
    					mes "Your BaseLevel,JobLevel"+ ((.reset_opt==1)?",Skills,StatPoints And Status":" And SkillPoints") +" will be Reset.";
    				case 3:	
    				case 4:				
    					mes "You will be Changed to "+ ((.reset_opt==3)?"Base":"Job") +"Level 1 with JobLevel and Skills/Status Unaffected";
    			if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_BABY)
    				.@job$ = "Baby ";
    			if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_THIRD)
    				.@job$ = .@job$+"Third";
    			else if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_2_1 || .job_rebirth&EAJL_2_2)
    				.@job$ = .@job$+"Second";
    			else if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER)
    				.@job$ = .@job$+"1-1";
    			mes "You Should be "+ ((.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER)?"Trans":"") +" "+ .@job$ +" Job to be able to Rebirth.";
    			if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER)
    				.@trans = 1;
    			if (.StatusN){ mes "You Get "+ .StatusN +" Extra Status point for every Rebirth"; }
    			if (.ResetJob==2 || (.ResetJob==1 && !.@trans) || .@can_rebirth){ mes "You will become Novice Upon rebirth"; }
    			else if ((.ResetJob==1 && .@trans) || (.ResetJob==3)){ mes "You will become High Novice Upon rebirth"; }
    			else{ mes "Your Job will not change upon rebirth"; }
    			mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    			mes "For Rebirth, you may need some items.";
    			if (.MasterRebirth > 0){
    				mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    				mes "Upon Reaching "+ .MasterRebirth +" Rebirths, you can do Master Rebirth";
    				if (.MaxRebirth[1]){ mes "You can do "+ .MaxRebirth[1] +" Master Rebirths Only"; }
    				if (.StatusM){ mes "You Get "+ ((.StatusM)-(.StatusN * .MasterRebirth)) +" Extra Status point than Normal Rebirth for every Master Rebirth"; }
    				mes "Master Rebirth Allows you to earn some powerful items.";
    				mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    				mes "For Master Rebirth, you may need some items.";
    		case 4:
    			mes "[Reset Stats]";
    			mes "Reset Stats: "+ .ResetStat +"z";
    			mes "Continue?";
    			if (select("~ Yes, Reset Stat", "No, I don't want to reset") == 2)
    			mes "[Reset Stats]";
    			if (Zeny < .ResetStat) {
    				mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny.";
    			Zeny -= .ResetStat;
    			StatusPoint = StatusPoint + (.StatusM * master_rebirth) + (.StatusN * rebirth_no);
    			mes "There you go!";
    		case 5:
    			mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    			mes "Bye.";
    		case 6:
    			mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    			mes "Are you sure you want to reset Ranking?";
    			mes "Once done, Action cannot be reverted.";
    			if (select("Yes, Reset the Ranking:No, Let me think again.")==2){
    				mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    				mes "Thank you for using my service.";
    			query_sql "TRUNCATE TABLE `rebirth_system`";
    			query_sql "DELETE FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='rebirth_no' OR `key`='master_rebirth'";
    			query_sql "SELECT `account_id` from `char` where `online`=1", .@account_id;
    			for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.@account_id); .@i++){
    				if (attachrid(.@account_id[.@i])){
    					if (rebirth_no){ rebirth_no = 0; }
    					if (master_rebirth){ master_rebirth = 0; }
    			deletearray .@account_id[0],getarraysize(.@account_id);
    			mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    			mes "Ranker Reset.";
    	if (@rebirth_type==1){rebirth_no += 1;}
    	else{master_rebirth += 1; rebirth_no = rebirth_no - .MasterRebirth; }
    		case 1: 
    			if (!Upper){
    				jobchange Job_Novice; break;
    		case 3: jobchange Job_Novice_High; break;
    		case 2: jobchange Job_Novice; break;
    		default: break;
    	//set BaseLevel,200;
    	if (.reset_ss&1){resetstatus;}
    	if (.reset_ss&2){resetskill;}
    	query_sql "INSERT INTO `rebirth_system` (`char_id`,`name`,`rebirth_no`,`master_rebirth`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',"+rebirth_no+","+master_rebirth+") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `rebirth_no`="+rebirth_no+", `master_rebirth`="+master_rebirth+" ";
    	if (.StatusN || .StatusM){
    		StatusPoint = StatusPoint + (.StatusM * master_rebirth) + (.StatusN * rebirth_no);
    	mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000";
    	mes "You have taken Rebirth.";
    	if (@rebirth_type==1){
    		announce "[ Rebirth system ] : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" rebirth for the "+ rebirth_no +" time !", 0;
    		announce "[ Rebirth system ] : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has done Master rebirth for "+ master_rebirth +" time !", 0;
    function deleteItem {
    	for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 3 ){
    		if ( !( getarg(0)&(.item_req[.@i+2]) ) ){continue;}
    		delitem .item_req[.@i], ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ]*(rebirth_no+1) );
    function CheckItemNeed {
    	if ( Weight > 200000 ) {
    		mes "You must reduce your weight to 2000 to do Rebirth.";
    	.@error = 0;
    	for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 3 ){
    		if ( !( getarg(0)&(.item_req[.@i+2]) ) ){continue;}
    		if ( countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) < .item_req[ .@i+1 ]*(rebirth_no+1) ) {
    			mes "You Require [^ff0000"+countitem( .item_req[.@i] )+" / "+ .item_req[.@i+1]*(rebirth_no+1) +"^000000] ^112FD9"+getitemname( .item_req[.@i] )+"^000000";
    			.@error = 1;
    			mes "You Require [^00ff00"+countitem( .item_req[.@i] )+" / "+ .item_req[.@i+1]*(rebirth_no+1) +"^000000] ^112FD9"+getitemname( .item_req[.@i] )+"^000000";
    	if (.@error && !getarg(1,0)){close;}
    function getItemReward {
    	for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_reward; .@i += 4 ){
    		if ( !( getarg(0)&( .reward[.@i+3] ) ) ) {continue;}
    		if (rand(1,10000) <= .reward[.@i+2]){
    			mes "You Got "+.reward[.@i+1]+" "+getitemname(.reward[.@i])+" ";
    			getitem .reward[.@i], .reward[ .@i+1 ];
    //if( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_MVPEXP ) ){
    	// if( getcharid(1) ){
    	// 	getpartymember getcharid(1),2;
    	// 	.@Name$ = $@partymembername$[ rand( $@partymembercount ) ];
    	// }else{
    	// 	.@Name$ = strcharinfo(0);
    	// }
    	//for (set .@a,0; .@a < getarraysize(.mvp_reward); set .@a, .@a+3){
    	//	if(rand(0,99) < .mvp_reward[.@a+2]){
    	//		getitem .mvp_reward[.@a], .mvp_reward[.@a+1];
    	//	}
    	// announce "[ "+( getcharid(1) ? "Party":"Player" )+" ] "+.@Name$+" has killed "+getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_NAME )+" at "+strcharinfo(3),0;
    	waitingroom "Rebirth NPC",0,"",0;
    	//MVP Kill Reward List <item[0], number of item[0], chance[0], item[1], number of item[1], chance[1], ...>
    	setarray .mvp_reward[0], 60001,1,50,60002,1,100;
    	// item required <item ID>, <number> , <1=NormalRebirth,2=MasterRebirth,3=ForBorthRebirths>
    	setarray .item_req, 60001, 1, 1;
    	.size_item = getarraysize( .item_req );
    	// rewards <item ID>, <quantity>,<chance(10000=100%)>,<1=NormalRebirth,2=MasterRebirth,3=PriceForBothRebirths>
        // recalculates the chance and gives the next reward if chance is met.
    	setarray .reward,80078,1,10000,1;
    		.size_reward = getarraysize( .reward );	//Do not Change This
    	.list = 10;		//Show Top x in Ranking
    		EAJL_2_1: 2-1 Class
    		EAJL_2_2: 2-2 Class
    		EAJL_2: All Second Class
    		EAJL_UPPER: All Trans Class
    		EAJL_BABY: All Baby Class
    		EAJL_THIRD: All Third Class
    		Full List:
    			EAJL_2_1|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 2-1 Class
    			EAJL_2_2|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 2-2 Class
    			EAJL_2|EAJL_UPPER: Trans Second Class
    			EAJL_BABY|EAJL_2: All Second Baby Class
    			(Same for 2_1/2_2/Upper as mentioned above)
    			EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_1: 3-1 Class
    			EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_2: 3-2 Class
    			EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_1|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 3-1 Class
    			EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_2|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 3-2 Class
    			EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 3rd Class
    			EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_1|EAJL_UPPER|EAJL_BABY: Baby Trans 3-1 Class
    			... You can have any Combination of classes ...
    	.job_rebirth = EAJL_2|EAJL_UPPER;							
    	setarray .add_jobs[0],Job_Rebellion,Job_Gunslinger,				// Additional Jobs, who can rebirth
    	.ResetStat = 1000000000;									// Zeny needed for Resetting Stat
    	.reset_opt = 1;										// (1=Reset Base and JobLevel to 1(0 skill points and all stats to 1),2=Reset Base and JobLevel to 1(SkillPoint=0, While Skills and stats are not affected),3=Reset BaseLevel to 1, 4=Reset Job Level to 1)
    	.reset_ss = 3;										// (1=Reset Status, 2=Reset Skills, 3 = Reset Status and Skills).
    	setarray .MaxRebirth[0],100,1;						// Maximum Number of Normal Rebirth/Master Rebirth.(0=Unlimited) 
    	.ResetJob = 0;										// 0=Don't Change Job, Just Reset Level,1=Reset Job to Novice/Novice_High depending upon the job, 2=Force Reset to Novice, 3=Force Reset to Novice_High
    	.MasterRebirth = 0;								// Number of rebirths require to do Master Rebirth. (0 to disable)
    	.StatusN = 600;										// Status Point to Give at Every Normal Rebirth.
    	.StatusM = (.StatusN * .MasterRebirth) + 600;		// Status Point to Give at Every Master Rebirth. (Don't Change initial part)
    	.GMLevel = 99;										// Minimum GM Level to Reset the Ranking.
    	query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rebirth_system` (  `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NULL',  `rebirth_no` mediumint(6) NOT NULL default '0',  `master_rebirth` mediumint(6)  NOT NULL default '0',  PRIMARY KEY  (`char_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM";
    	dispbottom "REBIRTH COUNTS: " + rebirth_no;
    	dispbottom "+ 10% MaxHP Per Rebirth";
    	dispbottom "+ 225 Max Weight Per Rebirth";
    	dispbottom "+ 10M Break HP Limit Per Rebirth";
    	dispbottom "+ 1 All Stats when Rebirth is 101";
    	dispbottom "10M Max Damage when Rebirth 150";
    	dispbottom "15M Max Damage when Rebirth 180";
    	dispbottom "20M Max Damage when Rebirth 200";

    How can I make it also working for expanded class . Example. Gunslinger,ninja,soul linker.

    And also. When a character reset I want them to go back to a certain level. Level 50 maybe.

    TIA guys. 

  7. I have my hourly points which is this. 


    -	script	hourlypoints	-1,{
    //--Start of the Script
    attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+"";
    //Check if Vending (normal or @at)
    if(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1) {
        dispbottom "The hourly points event stopped because you were vending / chatting. Please relog if you wish to start again.";
    set @minute, @minute + 1;
    //Check for 1 Minute
    if(@minute == 60){
        set @minute,0;
        getitem 7711,1;
        dispbottom "You received 1 "+getitemname( 7711 )+" by staying ingame for 1 hour";
        set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1;
    //Check for 12 hours consecutive
        if(@consecutive_hour == 6) {
        set @consecutive_hour,0;
        getitem 7711,6;
        dispbottom "You received 6 "+getitemname( 7711 )+" by staying ingame for consecutive of 6 hour";

    why is it not working on the novice grounds new_1-1. 

    I want to enable it to work on that map. Help anyone? 

  8. The setting of my server is mvp and mini boss card disabled so I put "//" on the start of the id in the item_db of all boss cards and mini boss cards.

    But my map server is keep on telling . "item does not exist in item_db. Using dummy data" warning. 

    Is there a way to get rid of this error since I will not implement anymore the said "Id's" of boss and mini boss cards?

    Thanks in advance for those who will help. 

  9. The case would be this sir. If I try a different client myself and my players is still using the old client. If they get the error. They will make me error too even though I'm using a new client. The thing is. When someone got error. Everybody on the server get gravity error too. 

  10. We do have customs ofcourse. Custom items and custom different styles from stylist. I bought my server from ponyvps. They said that the error is not from their default set up. We triend it and it's true. I added some npc. Then the error occur. I tried to disable then the npc that i added but the error is still there. I have no idea what's hapenning. 

    I can't read the .dmp file too.

    Here is one of the .dmp file.


  11. This is really getting on my nerve. I tried all the solution around disabling all the npc's but nothing happen.

    Even me and my players are just sitting. The error always occur. All of the players get that error and we all required to exit the client. Gravity error with no message. There's no error on my map char and login server. Please help anyone? T_T.. It is really frustrating. 

    Can someone help me with this?


  12. This is my script


    prontera,164,173,3	script	Freebies	790,{
    waitingroom "Freebies",0;
    	if(#sorry == 1) goto L_1;
    	mes "You will receive Some Present as a reward for joining the server";
    	mes "We're gladly thankful for your support in the future too.";
    	if(checkweight(2504,1) == 0 ) goto L_OverWeight;
    //	rentitem 2357,259200; //armorvalk
    //	rentitem 2421,259200; //shoes valk
    //	rentitem 2524,259200; //valkmantue
    //	rentitem 2115,259200; //shield valk
    //	rentitem 2630,259200; //briss
    //	rentitem 4142,259200; //dopelganger
    //	rentitem 4302,259200; //tao-gunka
    //	rentitem 4047,259200; //ghost-ring
    //	rentitem 4198,259200; //maya-p
    //	rentitem 4146,259200; //maya
    //	rentitem 4131,259200; //moonlight c
    //	rentitem 4147,259200; //baphomet
    //	getitem2 14533,10,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;	// (Custom Items
    	getitem 19507,1; //sun costume
    	getitem 671,1; //Gold coin
    	getitem 2421,1; //shoes valk card
    	getitem 2357,1; //armor valk card
    	getitem 2115,1; //shield valk card
    //	getitem 4147,1; //baphomet card
    //	getitem2 12210,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;	// (Custom Items
    //	getitem2 12214,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;	// (Custom Items
    	emotion e_thx;
    	set #sorry,1;
    	mes "Sorry, you are over weight";
    	emotion e_omg;
    	mes "You had already received before the gift.";
    	emotion e_bzz;

    Map server is saying error.

    [Error]: chat_createnpcchat: npc 'Freebies' already has a chatroom, cannot create new one!


    Can anyone help me with this?

    Thanks in advance. 

  13. How can read .dmp file create by gravity crash inside my RO folder. 

    I have no error while i'm playing. When when doing alt tab. Example. I'm doing facebook a couple of minutes then going back to my ragna there's already gravity error showing.

    It is leaving .dmp file on my RO folder and i can't use ROseta or Hex2str to view it. Can anyone help me on finding whats the cost of the error or how can i read the .dmp file?

    Thanks in advance. I appreciate it. 

  14. I tried this and it's really awesome

    prontera,155,181,5	script	Sample	757,{
    mes "I am Party Match Manager.";
    mes "Party Leader may create a PVP Match here.";
    switch( select( ( .Created )?"Join Game[ ^FF0000"+.No+"vs"+.No+"^000000 ]":"Create Game",
    				( ( getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel || getcharid(0) == getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) ) && .Created )?"^FF0000Remove Game^000000":"" )){
    Case 1:
    	switch( .Created ){
    		Case 0:
    			getpartymember getcharid(1),1;
    			if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){
    				mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here.";
    				mes "How many Players for each Party Team ?";
    				mes "Min = 1    Max = "+$@partymembercount;
    				mes "Because you only have "+$@partymembercount+" member right now.";
    				input .No,1,$@partymembercount;
    				announce "[ "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Party Match ] created by "+strcharinfo(0)+", you may register to join.",0;
    				set .Team[0],getcharid(1);
    				set .Created,1;
    		Case 1:
    			if( !.Team[1] && getcharid(1) == .Team[0] ){
    				mes "Please wait for ^FF0000Team 2^000000 to Register.";
    				if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){
    					mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here.";
    				getpartymember getcharid(1),1;
    				if( $@partymembercount < .No ){
    					mes "You didnt have enough of "+.No+" Member for the Game.";
    					mes "You only have "+$@partymembercount+" Member.";
    					mes "Confirm Registration ?";
    					if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ){
    						set .Team[1],getcharid(1);
    						set .Created,2;
    						setarray .Members[0],.No,.No;
    						for( set .@party,0; .@party < 2; set .@party,.@party + 1 ){
    							getpartymember .Team[.@party],1;
    							for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 )
    								warpchar .Map$,0,0,$@partymembercid[.@i];
    		Case 2:
    			mes "^FF0000The Game is in Progress.^000000";
    			mes "[ A "+.No+" vs "+.No+" Game ]";
    			mes "Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[0] )+"^000000 vs Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[1] )+"^000000 .";
    Case 2:
    		mes "Done, Match will be terminated right away.";
    		mapannounce .Map$,"Match has been Cancelled by a GM.",0;
    		deletearray .Team[0],getarraysize( .Team );
    		deletearray .Members[0],getarraysize( .Members );
    		if( .Winner ){
    			getpartymember .Winner,2;
    			for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){
    				getitem 512,100,$@partymemberaid[.@i];
    				getitem 607,1,$@partymemberaid[.@i];
    		set .Winner,0;
    		sleep2 2000;
    		set .Created,0;
    		mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,181;
    if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ && .Created ){
    	for( set .@i,0; .@i < 2; set .@i,.@i + 1 )	
    		if( getcharid(1) == .Team[.@i] )
    			set .Members[.@i],.Members[.@i] - 1;
    	if( .Members[0] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[1];
    	else if( .Members[1] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[0];
    	if( .Winner ){
    		mapannounce .Map$,"Team "+getpartyname( .Winner )+" Win the "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Game.",0;
    		donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReset";
    		warp "prontera",155,181;
    set .GMLevel,80;
    set .Map$,"guild_vs4";

    Credits to the owner Emistry.

    When warping party members they are warped on different coordinates.

    Can I request when warping all of party members it is on the same spot. I mean.

    Party A - Same spot | Party B - Same spot

    Both of them are on the farthest side of each other. In which I will assign the coordinates. 

    And if possible there is a countdown before the war is already started and the party members can only move on a specific areas which can they performed their buffs.

    Like this on the video. On the start of the video where there is barrier.




    Thanks for those who will help. 

  15. I found out that my errors are because of the clothe colors before on my server.


    It is because i updated my grf file and make it a clean one.


    Where can i download the grfs with complete colors of every job specially for kagerou/oboro. Because that is why im getting errors. 

    Help any one.

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