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Everything posted by admstyow

  1. ood morning, folks When you add play money This Giving someone this error CAN help - me ? Follows the NPC below
  2. This NPC was to teleport only players in the main castle of Prontera , more if the players have no guild he teleports also someone knows how to do it tranporta only mebros the guild main castle of Prontera? prontera,150,150,5 script Guild Point 729,{ //------- NAME NPC ------------------------- set @name$,"[^ff0000 Guild Point ^000000]"; //------------------------------------------ //------- SET WARP CASTLES ----------------- set .@GID, getcastledata("prtg_cas01",1); set .@GID2, getcastledata("prtg_cas04",1); //------------------------------------------ mes @name$; mes "Olá "+strcharinfo(0)+", tudo certo?"; mes "Para onde você quer ser levado?"; next; switch(select("- Guild Point:- Guild Point Baby:- Cancelar")) { case 1: mes @name$; mes "Deixe-me checar se você pertence a guild dona do castelo"; mes "Krienhild antes de te levar para lá..."; next; if (getcharid(2) == getcastledata("prtg_cas01",1)) { mes @name$; mes "Tudo certinho "+strcharinfo(0)+", irei te"; mes "teleportar agora..."; sleep2 1000; warp "quiz_02",249,375; dispbottom "[Guild Point]: Bem Vindo(a) ao Point da Guild " + getguildname(.@GID) + "."; close2; } else { mes @name$; mes "Lamento, somente os membros do clã"; mes "^ff0000" + getguildname(.@GID) + "^000000."; mes "Tem direito de acessar a sala do clã. "; next; mes @name$; mes "Se você deseja ter acesso a sala,"; mes "conquiste ^ff0000Krienhild^000000 e faça seu nome ser lembrado!"; close; } case 2: if(Upper!=2) goto NOBABY; mes @name$; mes "Deixe-me checar se você pertence a guild dona do castelo"; mes "Skoegul antes de te levar para lá..."; next; if (getcharid(2) == getcastledata("prtg_cas04",1)) { mes @name$; mes "Tudo certinho "+strcharinfo(0)+", irei te"; mes "teleportar agora..."; sleep2 1000; warp "quiz_02",147,381; dispbottom "[Guild Point]: Bem Vindo(a) ao Point da Guild Baby "+getguildname(.@GID2)+"."; close2; } else { mes @name$; mes "Lamento, somente os membros do clã"; mes "^ff0000" + getguildname(.@GID2) + "^000000."; mes "Tem direito de acessar a sala do clã. "; next; mes @name$; mes "Se você deseja ter acesso a sala,"; mes "conquiste ^ff0000Skoegul^000000 e faça seu nome ser lembrado!"; close; } NOBABY: mes @name$; mes "Desculpe mas eu estou encarregada de ajudar somente jogadores baby !"; close; case 3: close; } }
  3. Good would like to know how do I neither player nor the monster exceed the limit map as is happening in the picture
  4. I am with this map and would like to know if you have to activate the so pvp mode inside the arena without being in general
  5. not using rAthena, using cronus emulator
  6. Well folks I have for Article THAT bend to do so exp player que IT THIS petrifying player Quote
  7. Is showing that when running hexed
  8. error when I start the server: scripy_add_str:
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