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Everything posted by gekigengar

  1. I notice there is one problem though, that I cannot get "Current HP" of the monster looking at the constants.. or did I overlook something..?
  2. How do I check if the NPC triggered by OnNPCKillevent: is an MVP or not?. The main Idea is this If (Npc isMVP/Boss()) { @score += 100; // A score variable that is recorded in the MVP Arena initiated from another label. give item mithril coin // an item that I created to identify how much MVP player has killed, and can be exchanged for certain items. } or does an OnBossKillevent exist? (Or an OnMVPKillevent)?
  3. Option 1 is not universal, and probably is not what I wanted. I would take option 2. The Idea is, I would like a chance to stun MVPs on each attack instances, when MVP has 50% hp or lower. (2 second stun, based on missing HP %. (stun boss at (100 - ((100 - (remaining hp/maxhp) *100)))) / 10 percentage.) (I am trying to create an OnPCAttack based on this http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=205005) and probably, is trying to get even closer to my main idea. (My MVP Battle system is finished except for this feature.., It is a lot different than normal RO, and this feature is absolutely needed.)
  4. I am trying to make bowling bash to stun enemies for 2 seconds on contact with walls after the enemy is knocked back, but I have no Idea how to condition this "IsContactWall?" or so. how do I do this conditioning..?
  5. I wanted to add buffs to certain monsters that kills a player from OnPCdeath event (Was that the event name..?), How do I do that? like for example, blessing for 30 minutes or so. I don't think sc_start has a target ID to assign doesn't it?. sc_start <Player/monster ID> <Buff Name> <Duration> It would be nice if this were the case.., or is there a specific function ready for this..?
  6. I am trying to create a custom OnPCAttack event, which gets the Attacked monster's ID when a player does physical strikes. How do I do this..? I saw something similar on eAthena, http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=205005 But that is when the NPC attacks the Player. Which part of the source should I add this? npc_event_doall("OnEventName"); pc_setglobalreg(sd,"var name =o",var from source which you want to import); How do I do On PC Attack? And can I actually attach Temporary NPC variable to monsters with script?
  7. If it isn't GM Mixer, so you are still around afterall within the Ragnarok Online PS community. What happened to MixerRO? or the other servers that you created. Are you still hosting one?

  8. So that function is triggered by the client?? and is never called by any other trigger in the src..? Oh god, it seems like my initial planning to implement this for all job will never work ;_;. My hope and dreams crumbles.
  9. 2012-04-10a client here. I cannot seem to make this work, sprite beyond 30 are headless. Diffed with enable 64k hairstyles.
  10. So those prayers are client sided? So people could actually use random lines to chant if they edited the msgstringtable? In which line of the source does this refers to? (Line number, and file name) And probably, I would like to try changing the effects of the chant, where should I look this up? Like instead of every 10%, I would like to make it every 5% or so. I am also trying to give them additional effects, so I need the source location, Thanks for clarifying things up!
  11. I wanted to edit the super novice's chant. But I can't find the files to do so. In case you did not know, Its this thing I am referring to. http://wiki.essence-ro.com/index.php?title=Super_Novice_Battle_Chant In which part of rathena is it on? Db? Src? Which file?.
  12. It seems like what I have been missing is the last line of the code! prontera mapflag loadevent Thanks Everyone! Its working fine now!
  13. I coded this myself with some help from the support forum, and now Its working well. Fixed everything, Now it is working as intended. Thanks anyways guys for helping!
  14. I am sure that is not the case, There is no custom town on my side, I tested on Prontera and Payon here is the line of code OnPCLoadMapEvent: if ( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3),mf_town,0 ) ){ sc_end SC_EXPBOOST; sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST; @valor = 0; @bonus = 0; @valorlvl = 0; sc_end SC_EXPBOOST; sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST; } //Debug Message message strcharinfo(0), "Valor End " + @valor + "/ " + .maxvalor[@valorlvl] + ", " + @bonus + ", " + @valorlvl + "."; end;
  15. Thank you very much! This is very helpful!. This opens up millions of possibilities for me Somehow this fails to work
  16. Thanks again, you really helped up! may I ask why did you use !@bonus? What does that mean in this line? if( !@bonus ) I apologize as I am far too green in matters of programming. But I do learn fast from mistakes and curiosity, which makes up for experience.
  17. This is my script draft. OnInit: @score = 0; @bonus = 0; Onnpckill: @bonus = (moblevel - playerlevel); if (@bonus < 1) { @bonus = 1; } @score += (1 + (Moblevel/2) + @bonus); OnLogOut: @score = 0 How do I obtain moblevel and playerlevel?
  18. I wanted a certain variable to be set to 0 when player enters town. OnInit: @killcount = 0; OnNpcKill: @killcount += 1; if (@killcount > 150) { @killcount = 0; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,60000,10; } OnEnterMap???: (What should I do to detect this?) if (mapflag? = town) { (Is this even right?) @killcount = 0; sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST; }
  19. If the server close, does the "Number of days" still reset? I want them to still prevail even after the server is closed down.
  20. Is there a way to check if the player has a "Blessing" buff or not?. if (<Status here>) { mes "So you successfully came with the buff on!"; mes "You are truly a blessed person.."; mes "here is your rewards!"; etc etc...... }
  21. This is a script I got from the scripting forum. - script login_reward -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: .@pow = 1 << 10; .@todays = gettime(8); if ( login_reward % .@pow == .@todays ) end; .@count += .reward_day;// reward of the day login_reward = ( login_reward &~ ( login_reward % .@pow ) ) + .@todays + .@pow;// update day and count day +1 ; day/count day/check week/check month if ( login_reward != .@todays + .@pow ) {// login_reward was not empty .@count_day = ( login_reward >> 10 ) % .@pow; .@cond_ofthemonth = ( ( login_reward >> 30 ) % .@pow ) != ( .@count_day / 31 ); if ( ( ( login_reward >> 20 ) % .@pow ) != ( .@count_day / 7 ) ) { .@count += .reward_week; login_reward = login_reward + pow( 2,20 ); .@weekly_message$ = ( .@cond_ofthemonth ? ", " : " and " ) + .reward_week +" Red Envelopes for being online a week"; } if ( .@cond_ofthemonth ) { .@count += .reward_month; login_reward = login_reward + pow( 2,30 ); .@montly_message$ = " and " + .reward_month +" Red Envelopes for being online a month"; } } getitem 12134, .@count; dispbottom "Here your daily reward ! You got "+ .reward_day +" Red Envelopes"+ .@weekly_message$ + .@montly_message$ +"."; end; OnInit: .reward_day = 1;// reward of the day : amount of Red Envelopes .reward_week = 7;// reward of the week : amount of Red Envelopes .reward_month = 32;// reward of the month : amount of Red Envelopes end; } The script gives you red envelope every time you log-in, each weekly/monthly log-in gives you additional item. This however gives the item if you change character. How do you make this account based rather than character based? And I want them to be permanent variable, since the server won't run 24/7, it will have a day of rest, hence, it is not possible to get the weekly reward because the variable is temporary.
  22. nvm, I found the mistake, Thanks for viewing anyways. In C, (1/100) results 0. No wonder it fails to work. Thanks for not trying to help guys!. For those who encounters the same prolem, Put ((float)1/100)
  23. I decided to change the ragnarok online formula, so i created an excel file to balance the growth as close as possible to the original. But somehow, the values are not as it is in the excel file than in the Ragnarok online.. Status.c These works properly in the excel, but does not work properly in Ragnarok Online.. Why? Can anyone help me solve this? http://www.mediafire.com/?gf4dkfboukm2qp8 Link to Excel File. Can anyone please help me? I am truly desperate, I finally found the perfect formula I will be using, but it does not seem to work, I cannot understand why.. Anyone please..?
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