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  1. Mau's post in Update Failed Thor Patcher was marked as the answer   
    Solved... thanks by the way
  2. Mau's post in Shop Duplicate HELP was marked as the answer   
    // Settings : // - Only required to edit the ShopSetting() Function // Notes : You may also add / remove Menu ( If any ) // - Shop Currency can be either ItemID or Variable Name, but must write within Quotation Marks ( "" ) // Ex. of Variable. -> Zeny , #CASHPOINTS , #KAFRAPOINTS , CustomVariable , #CustomVariable // - ERROR Message are used to show Invalid Settings in your NPC. // Leave this alone... - shop Emistry_Shop -1,512:100 prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ function ShopSettings; function ValidateCost; function CurrencyInfo; function ClearData; function ValueConvert; function ErrorNotice; mes "Each Shop from the Menu may purchase using ^FF0000Different Currency^000000."; mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; mes "So,Which shop you would like to look at it"; next; // Menu Selection select("Shop 1","Shop 2","Shop 3"); ClearData(); ShopSettings( @menu ); npcshopitem "Emistry_Shop",512,100; npcshopdelitem "Emistry_Shop",512; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set .@i,.@i+1) npcshopadditem "Emistry_Shop",@ItemLists[.@i],@ItemCost[.@i]; mes "Okay...wait awhile"; mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; CurrencyInfo( @Currency$ ); mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; callshop "Emistry_Shop",1; npcshopattach "Emistry_Shop"; end; function ShopSettings { switch( getarg(0) ){ Case 1: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7179"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],6153,7227; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],100,1; break; Case 2: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"7227"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],2306,2302,2303,2304,2305,2301; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],2,2,3,4,5,6; break; Case 3: // Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ] set @Currency$,"#CASHPOINTS"; // Item ID Lists setarray @ItemLists[0],2306,2302,2303,2304,2305,2301; // Item Price setarray @ItemCost[0],20,22,34,445,52,641; break; // Case 4,5,6.....etc... default: ErrorNotice( "Invalid Menu Selection for Menu "+@menu+"." ); close; } if( @Currency$ == "" ) ErrorNotice( "Invalid Currency Setting in Menu "+@menu+" ." ); if( getarraysize( @ItemCost ) != getarraysize( @ItemLists ) || getarraysize( @ItemLists ) != getarraysize( @ItemCost ) ) ErrorNotice( "Missing or Extra Value of Item or Cost Settings in Menu "+@menu+" ." ); return; } function ErrorNotice { mes "^FF0000ERROR^000000 - "+getarg(0); mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; mes "Inform this Message to ^0000FFGame Staffs^000000 immediately !"; close; } function CurrencyInfo { if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){ mes "Item Currency : ^FF0000"+getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000"; mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) )+"^000000"; }else if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) == "null" ){ mes "Variable Currency : ^FF0000"+getarg(0)+"^000000"; mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( getd( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000"; } return; } function ValidateCost { if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){ if( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1; }else{ if( getd( getarg(0) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1; } return 0; } function ClearData { set @Currency$,""; set @TotalCost,0; deletearray @bought_nameid[0],getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); deletearray @bought_quantity[0],getarraysize( @bought_quantity ); deletearray @ItemLists[0],getarraysize( @ItemLists ); deletearray @ItemCost[0],getarraysize( @ItemCost ); return; } function ValueConvert { set .@num, atoi(""+getarg(0)); if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0); set .@l, getstrlen(""+.@num); for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$; if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$; } return .@num$; } OnBuyItem: ShopSettings( @menu ); for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1) for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set @j,@j+1) if( @ItemLists[@j] == @bought_nameid[@i] ) set @TotalCost,@TotalCost + ( @ItemCost[@j] * @bought_quantity[@i] ); mes "^FF0000 BILLING LIST^000000"; mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; for( set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1 ) mes "^FF0000"+@bought_quantity[@i]+" x ^0000FF"+getitemname( @bought_nameid[@i] )+"^000000"; mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) mes "Total Cost : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" x "+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+"^000000"; else if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) == "null" ){ mes "Total Cost : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" "+@Currency$+"^000000"; } mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000"; if( ValidateCost( @Currency$,@TotalCost ) ){ if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) mes "[ ^FF0000X^000000 ] Insufficient ^0000FF"+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+"^000000"; else{ mes "[ ^FF0000X^000000 ] Insufficient ^0000FF"+@Currency$+"^000000"; } }else{ if( select( "^0000FFPurchase^000000:Cancel" ) == 1 ){ if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" ) delitem atoi( @Currency$ ),@TotalCost; else{ set getd( @Currency$ ),getd( @Currency$ ) - @TotalCost; } for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1) getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i]; message strcharinfo(0),"Purchased "+getarraysize( @bought_nameid )+" Items."; mes "Thank you for shopping."; } } ClearData(); close; } prontera,your,coor,dinates duplicate(Sample) Sample#1 757, prontera,your,coor,dinates duplicate(Sample) Sample#2 757, prontera,your,coor,dinates duplicate(Sample) Sample#3 757, prontera,your,coor,dinates duplicate(Sample) Sample#4 757, prontera,your,coor,dinates duplicate(Sample) Sample#5 757, in line 173 changes your coordinates!
    this is how you do it
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